Application for or Renewal of Associate Institute Membership

Application Date:

Application for:

Associate MembershipRenewal of Associate Membership

Institute Name:
Year Established:




Postal Code:





Early Childhood Contact Person





Office Contact Person




Send this cover page and the self-study, electronically, to: Holly Koteen-Soule, WECAN Teacher Education Coordinator, at .

The Self-Study will be reviewed by your Site Visitor(s) and by the WECAN Teacher Education Committee, which will make a decision regarding your application.

WECAN Associate Member Institute Self-Study

Initial Questions

  1. Write a brief history of your institute. How did it begin and what have been the most formative events in its biography?
  2. What would you characterize as the unique qualities and contributions of your institute?

A)Purpose, Goals and Philosophy
(Section A of WECAN Institute Shared Principles)

  1. Growth and Development
  2. Please attach a copy of your institute’s mission statement.
  3. How do you envision the development of your program(s) over the next 3 years?
  4. Commitment to the ideals and practices of Waldorf teacher education and anthroposophy
  5. Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your program(s), work with students, and promotional materials (website, brochures, etc.).
  6. Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your faculty study and ongoing professional development within your Institute or training program.
  7. Overview
  8. Identify strengths of this section of the program.
  9. Identify challenges of this section of the program.
  10. Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.

B)The Educational Program, Faculty and Students
(Section B of WECAN Institute Shared Principles)

  1. Your Educational Program
  2. Describe how your institute is working with the WECANShared Principles for Institutes in relation to the educational program and faculty (Section B).
  3. List all teacher education programs you offer. For each, include a list of courses, contact hours, schedules and course outlines, including the names of the faculty members who teach each course.
  4. Do students participate in courses with early childhood or class teacher students or others? Please describe.
  5. Who is responsible for program development of the training course?
  6. Please describe your institutional relationships – are you part of a larger institute or entity?
  7. Describe the activities that your early childhood faculty members have undertaken as a part of their ongoing professional development.
  8. Faculty preparation and professional development
  9. List the names of faculty, including the following:
  10. The course(s) they teach
  11. Their Waldorf teacher education (institute, course of study and year of completion)
  12. Other higher education (college, course of study, degree, year)
  13. Other professional training and education
  14. Relevant experience
  15. Please list the names and schools/programs of faculty mentors who work with your students.
  16. Describe your expectations for the mentoring, evaluation and ongoing development of your teacher education faculty.
  17. Student admissions, assessment and graduation information
  18. What are your admission requirements?
  19. Do your students come primarily from your school, immediate area, region, throughout North America, or from around the world?
  20. How do you assess the work of your students? How do your students evaluate and review their experience in your training course?
  21. What kind of certificate or credential do you offer to the graduates of your courses? Is this certificate recognized by a state, provincial or other governmental agency?
  22. What percentage of your graduates from the last group or cohort of your training is now working in an AWSNA or WECAN school or institute?
  23. Overview
  24. Identify strengths of this section of the program.
  25. Identify challenges of this section of the program.
  26. Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.

C)Institute Governance, Administration, Finance & Law
(Section C of WECAN Institute Shared Principles)

  1. Governance, finances, facilities and administration
  2. Please describe how you are working with the WECAN Institute Shared Principles in relation to governance, finances, and administration (Section C)
  3. Who carries responsibility for decision-making in the following areas: program development, enrollment, hiring, finances and budget, legal matters?
  4. What is your current enrollment by program? Total institutional enrollment? Is enrollment healthy? What would be your ideal enrollment?
  5. Do you have sufficient financial resources to support your program(s), faculty and facilities? Please attach a copy of your current budget.
  6. Describe your facilities. Where do your classes take place? Are the facilities adequate?
  7. Does your program have sufficient administrative resources to support your program(s)? Please attach a list of staff positions and names.
  8. What are your tuition fees? What kinds of tuition assistance are available to your students?
  9. Do you have an institute succession plan?
  10. Include a 3-year budget projection.
  11. Overview
  12. Identify strengths of this section of the program.
  13. Identify challenges of this section of the program.
  14. Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.

D)Community of the Institute
(Sections B, C, and D of WECAN Institute Shared Principles)

  1. Collegial and community relations, and relations with the wider movement
  2. How do you work to cultivate community?
  3. Characterize the relations between faculty and staff, board, student body and larger community.
  4. What are the most positive aspects of relations among faculty? How do you deal with conflicts or grievances?
  5. How are you cultivating relationships with schools and institutes outside your institute (mentoring, practicums, observations, and teaching courses in your program, etc.)?
  6. Please describe how you are collaborating with other AWSNA and WECAN members and the activities of both Associations.
  7. How are your early childhood faculty members involved in the broader Waldorf Early Childhood movement in the region, in North America or internationally?
  8. Overview
  9. Identify strengths of this section of the program.
  10. Identify challenges of this section of the program.
  11. Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for

implementing those goals.

Summary Questions:

  1. Overview
  2. Identify overall strengths of the program.
  3. Identify overall challenges of the program.
  4. Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
  5. List all of the participants in this self-study process and how they have each contributed?

Final Question For Associate Institutes applying for Renewal of Membership

How have you worked with the recommendations of the previous site visitor?

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