July 8, 2014 FY14


JULY 8, 2014 - 5:00 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Board Secretary, Ms. Raelene Catterson.

Notification of the meeting was given in accordance with the requirement of the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Ch. 231, P.L. 1975 and sent to The Daily Record and the Star Ledger and the Administrator/Clerk of the Board of the County of Warren.

Those present saluted the flag and observed a moment of silence in honor of those serving in the military.

Ms. Catterson administered the oath of allegiance to Mary Jane Deutsch and Kathi Howell - terms to expire June 30, 2017.

Roll Call

Members Present: Dr. Kevin Brennan, Ms. Mary Jane Deutsch, Mr. Robert Hopeck, Ms. Kathi Howell, Dr. Rosalie Lamonte, Mr. William Spencer

Members Absent: Ms. Kim Reitmeyer

Administration Present: Mr. Joseph E. Flynn, Superintendent; Ms. Raelene Catterson, Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Ms. Catterson opened the nominations for the Office of President of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education.

Mr. Hopek nominated and Ms. Deutsch seconded Mr. Spencer for the Office of President. Mr. Hopek asked to close nominations.

Motion by Mr. Hopek, second by Ms. Deutsch, to elect Mr. Spencer to the office of President of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education.

Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.

Ms. Catterson turned the meeting over to the newly elected President, Mr. William Spencer.

Mr. Spencer opened nominations for the office of Vice-President of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education.

Ms. Deutsch nominated and Dr. Brennan second, Ms. Howell for the Office of Vice-President. Mr. Hopek asked to close nominations.

Motion by Ms. Deutsch, second by Dr. Brennan to elect Ms. Howell to the office of Vice President of the Warren County Special Services School District Board of Education.

Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.


1.  New Jersey School Board Member Code of Ethics – The Board read and discussed the NJSBA Member Code of Ethics

2.  2013-2014 District Calendar

3.  2013-2014 District Organization Chart (Draft)

Motion by Dr. Brennan, second by Ms. Howell, to approve the 2013-2014 District Calendar.

Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion Carried.

Motion by Mr. Hopek, second by Ms. Deutsch, to approve the 2013-2014 District Organization Chart

Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dr. Brennan, second by Ms. Howell for the Board to approve the following items 8 - 34:

8.  RESOLVED, to meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Warren County Department of Education Office, except as noted.

July 30. 2014 @ 5:00 p.m. (Last Wednesday)

August 26, 2014 @ 5:00 p.m. (Last Tuesday)

September 16, 2014

October 21, 2014 @ Pohatcong Twp School

November 18, 2014 @ Hackettstown High School

December 16, 2014 @ 5:00 p.m.

January 20, 2015 @ Franklin Twp School

February 17, 2015 @ Warren Technical School

March 17, 2015 @ Great Meadows Regional Middle School

April 21, 2015

May 19, 2015

June 16, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m.

9.  RESOLVED, to re-appoint Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt & Fader, L.L.C. as Legal Counsel for the 2013-2014 School-year, on an as needed basis, at a rate of $145 per hour.

10.  RESOLVED, to re-appoint Brown & Brown Insurance for the 2014-2015 school-year.

11.  RESOLVED, to appoint Nisivoccia LLP for services in regard to annual audit of the books and records of the Secretary and Treasurer of School Moneys for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014 at a cost of approximately $15,000.

12.  RESOLVED, that The Star Ledger is hereby designated as the official newspaper and the Daily Record as the alternate official newspaper in which shall be published all advertisements and notices required by law to be published on behalf of the Warren County Special Services School Board of Education.

13.  RESOLVED, to re-appoint Integrity Consulting Group broker of record for employee benefits for the 2014-2015 school-year.

14.  RESOLVED, to re-appoint Dr. Victor Rodriquez, M.D. as School Physician for the 2014-2015 school-year with a retainer of $1,325.

15.  RESOLVED, to appoint Ms. Raelene Catterson as Business Administrator/Board Secretary for the 2014-2015 School-year.

16.  RESOLVED, for the renewal of the bond for the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as determined by percentage of gross budget.

17.  RESOLVED, to re-adopt the existing curriculum which supports student achievement of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) in every program for all students in Visual and Performing Arts; Comprehensive Health and Physical Education; Language Arts Literacy; Mathematics; Science; Social Studies; World Languages; Technology; and Career Education and Consumer, Family and Life Skills.

18.  RESOLVED, to continue using PNC Bank as Depository for the 2014-2015 School year for the following accounts: General, Payroll, Payroll Agency, Summer Payroll Account, Student Activity and In-service (County-Wide Professional Development).

19.  RESOLVED, to approve required signatures for accounts as follows:


General (3 signatures) President or Vice President, Superintendent, Board Secretary

Payroll (2 signatures) President and Board Secretary

Summer Payroll (2signatures) President and Board Secretary

Payroll Agency (1 signature) President or Board Secretary

Student Activity (2 signatures) Superintendent or President, Board Secretary

In-service (2 signatures) Superintendent or President, Board Secretary

20.  RESOLVED, to approve the appointment of the following committees:

Business & Finance, Facilities, Transportation – Mr. Hopek, Dr. Brennan

Policy, Personnel, Curriculum – Ms. Deutsch, Ms. Howell, Ms. Reitmeyer

21.  RESOLVED, to appoint the following board members to represent the Board of Education:

State School Board's Assn. Rep. - Ad Hoc

County School Board's Assn. Rep. - Ad Hoc

Liaison, Advisory Committee - Ad Hoc

Legislative Representative - Ad Hoc

22.  RESOLVED, for approval to continue current Board Policies.

23.  RESOLVED, for approval for authorization of Superintendent and Business Administrator to implement the 2014-2015 budget.

24.  RESOLVED, to re-appoint Mr. Joseph Flynn as Affirmative Action Officer (AAO) and 504 Officer.

25.  RESOLVED, to authorize the AAO (Affirmative Action Officer) to conduct yearly equity training for all staff.

26.  RESOLVED, to approve the following individuals to serve on the Affirmative Action Team: Mr. Joseph Flynn, Ms. Jaime O’Grady, and Ms. Diane Kasharian.

27.  RESOLVED, to authorize the Affirmative Action Team to conduct a survey for the development of the 2014-2015 Comprehensive Equity Plan.

28.  RESOLVED, to appoint Ms. Raelene Catterson as Right-To-Know and AHERA Officer.

29.  RESOLVED, to appoint Ms. Raelene Catterson as OPRA (Open Public Records Act) Officer.

30.  RESOLVED, to approve Ms. Raelene Catterson as Purchasing Agent.

31.  RESOLVED, to approve the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the district’s purchasing agent, Raelene M. Catterson, holds a Certificate as a “Qualified Purchasing Agent” issued by the Division of Local Government Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9(b), and

WHEREAS, if the purchasing agent is qualified, the board of education may establish a bid threshold up to $36,000, now therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education designate a bid threshold of $36,000 for the 2014-2015 school year.

32.  RESOLVED, to approve Mr. John Malanga (JDM Group) as a computer technology consultant for the 2014-2015 school year as per the terms outlined in the professional service agreement and attached to these minutes.

33.  RESOLVED, to approve the following Tax Shelter Companies:

AXA Equitable

First Investors

34.  RESOLVED, to approve the following Disability Company: Prudential Insurance Company of America

Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Ms. Deutsch, second by Dr. Brennan for the Board to approve the following items 1-4:

1.  Approval of Check Register(s)

BE IT RESOLVED; that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the School Business Administrator approves the June 30, 2014 bill list in the amount of $214,010.18.

2.  RESOLVED, to approve the following additional personnel needed for the 2014 ESY Program June 30th – July 28th (closed July 4th). Salaries based on the 2013-2014 Certified and Non-Certified Staff Salary Guide. Aide positions are contingent upon the continued contract with the sending district.

Name Position Salary/Hour

Aide Positions:

Christian Semonowitz PA $14.00

Gail Duarte PA $17.11

Patricia Crane Personal Aide @ WHR $19.22

3.  RESOLVED, to approve a hourly rate change for Dawn Craig to $20.00.

4.  RESOLVED, to approve the following paraprofessionals for the 2014-2015 school year with the following designated salaries and positions (salaries based on the 2014-2015 Teacher/Aide Salary Guide), and contingent upon the continued request of services from sending districts in which they are assigned.

2014-2015 Staff / Step / Salary
John Apice – FT Sub / 2 / $18,645.00
Michael Burd – FT Job Coach/Driver / 13 / $25,016.00
Diane Bramel – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Sara Braunstein - PT Aide (23.75 hours) / 2 / $13,322.00
Kimberly Celentano – FT Aide / 2 / $18,645.00
Elizabeth Clark – FT Aide / 1 / $18,539.00
Geraldine Congdon – FT Aide / 8 / $20,608.00
Patricia Crane – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Janet Cunningham – FT Aide (HILLS House) / 1 / $18,539.00
Elizabeth DeHart – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Annick DeMoss – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Georgina Dilts – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Geraldine Donaghy – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Gail Duarte – FT Aide / 10 / $22,271.00
Sharon Fox – FT Aide / 8 / $20,608.00
Jamie Frank – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Robert Hart – FT Aide / 1 / $18,539.00
Juliana Heeres – FT Aide / 3 / $18,750.00
Trish Horzepa – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Margaret Kennedy – FT Aide / 8 / $20,608.00
Kurt Kessler – FT Aide / 3 / $18,750.00
Emily Koeller – FT Aide / 1 / $18,539.00
Barbara Kostelansky – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Richard Marczi – PT Aide (23.75 hours) / 1 / $13,240.00
Martin McKernan – FT Aide / 8 / $20,608.00
Audrey Nelson – FT Aide / 1 / $18,539.00
Grace Norci – FT Aide / 9 / $21,427.00
Melissa Rush - PT Aide (23.75 hours) / 1 / $13,240.00
Nancy Savary – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Janet Sully – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Carolyn Tauriello – FT Aide / 2 / $18,645.00
Alison Taylor – FT Aide / 13 / $25,016.00
Susan Tavarez – FT Aide / 1 / $18,539.00

Roll Call Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.


Ms. Frinzi stated that the ESY program is going well.


Motion by Mr. Hopek, second by Ms. Deutsch to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 p.m.

Vote: 6 – Yes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Raelene M. Catterson

School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

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