Minutes of a Meeting of Sapcote Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Thursday 2 November 2017 in the Pavilion at Sapcote Playing Fields.

Present: Mrs A Davies (Chairman),

Mrs Robinson-Smith, Mrs Rogers Mrs Brannan and Mrs Twitchett

Messrs Hewson, Howell, Taylor and Towers

Also Present Mr M Guntrip, Clerk to the Council

169/17 Apologies for Absence

Mr E White CC., Mrs S Scott DC.

170/17 Declarations of Interest

Mrs Davies declared an interest arising out the employment of her daughter in the cemetery.

Mrs Rogers declared an interest arising out of her membership of the Sapcote Recreation Ground Management Committee for whom she is treasurer and as a member of the Sapcote Good Neighbour Scheme where she is also treasurer. Mr Taylor declared an interest in Granitethorpe quarry as a prospective purchaser. Mrs Brannan declared an interest arising out her membership of the Sapcote Bloom Group. Mr Howell declared an interest as a trustee of Sapcote Community library.

171/17 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 October 2017

Resolved that, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 5 October 2017, a copy of which had been circulated to each member, be accepted as a true record of the proceedings.

172/17 Public Participation

No members of the public were present

173/17 Information Update

It was noted that the scout bonfire would not be taking place this year as last year’s venue, Nuttingore farm, was not available and a suitable alternative site could not be found. The Clerk advised that misinformation was being spread about the future of Nuttingore farm in Stanton Lane and London Leys farm in Sharnford Road which suggested that the County Council was selling these farms to developers. The County Council had confirmed to the Clerk that this was not the case and there were no plans to dispose of any farms in Sapcote or the surrounding area. LCC was in the process of re-letting Nuttingore farm. It was suggested that future bonfire events could be held on the Grace Road public open space.

174/17 District Councillors

Mr Hewson advised that 55 nominations had been received for BDC sports awards.

He also briefed the meeting on the working of the Blaby lottery which is due to be launched in January. In addition to benefits to subscribers winning individual prizes, community groups and the Blaby community grant scheme would be the main beneficiaries of the scheme with 60% of takings going to these causes.

Mrs Scott provided a note in her absence advising that consultation on the two weekly bin collections was taking place and substantial feedback had already been received.She also advised that members of the Blaby Youth Council had visited Westminster, including both houses of parliament, and had also met with the local MP, Alberto Costa for a Q and A session.

175/17 County Councillor

Not present

176/17 Correspondence

Cllr Scott: Closure of Greencroft Annexe; Clerk to consider item for S. News.

BDC: Consultation on waste collection changes*

BDC: Hate Awareness event*

LCC: Hinckley Road parking*

WLCFR: First Responders acknowledgement

LCC: Prospectus for growth in Leicestershire*

BDC: Dogs of Blaby Competition*

* Copied to Members

** Circulated to Members

177/17 Stanton Lane Maintenance

It was noted that Stoney Stanton Parish Council was presently talking the farmer whose land is accessed across the footpath with a view to reducing damage to the footpath from delivery vehicles and hedge cutting vehicles. The contract was due to commence on 4 December 2017.

178/17 Grace Road Public Open Space

The Clerk reported that David Wilson Homes (DWH) had agreed to create the carriageway crossing at the second entrance to the POS. The Clerk had marked a 12 foot access point for the access.

The Clerk referred to an email from the County Council that had been circulated to members. LCC had suggested formalising the unofficial entrance created onto the PoS from the bridleway. It was agreed that this would benefit the community providing it did not allow access to horses or motorbikes. Clerk to consult with LCC.

Clerk to investigate the acquisition of rocks to protect the PoS frontage.

It was noted that the Clerk had instructed Thomas Flavell & Son (solicitors) to act for the Parish Council in the transfer of the POS to the Parish Council.

The meeting discussed the investment of the S106 contribution for the maintenance of the POS. The Clerk outlined an option for investment with CCLA Investment Management Ltd. Other options to be investigated to ensure risks were spread to more than one investor.

179/17 Cemetery Refurbishment Works

It was noted that only one contractor had responded to the request for tenders for the cemetery drainage and footpath contract quoting £5,000 plus vat. This work would be held until the completion of the tree work.

180/17 Cemetery Tree Works

Tenders had now been sent to 4 contractors for the cemetery and playing fields tree works.

181/17 Boundary Review

The Clerk circulated three documents: A draft formal response to Blaby District Council; a draft item for publication in the Sapcote News and the PC website; and a draft flyer for distribution to householders in the vicinity of the Jelson development. It was suggested that the flyer should include reference to the fact that, without a boundary change, half of the precept for the site would go to Stoney Stanton Parish Council.

182/17 Christmas Tree Works

It was noted that the trimming of the Ash used as a Christmas tree had been completed at a cost of £250.

Resolved that, the sum of £250 for the trimming of the Ash tree used for the Christmas lights be approved.

183/17 Delegates Reports

It was noted that an inspection of the Parish Council allotments had been carried out and letters were to be issued to tenants who were not meeting their tenancy obligations.

184/17 Planning Matters

Resolved that, the following decisions of the Planning Group be approved

17/1352 Erection of front porch. No objection

(Resubmission of 16/1737)

7 Frewen Drive

185/17 Finance

Resolved that a grant of £225 be awarded

Resolved that the following items of expenditure be approved

Burnt Oak Developments £ 663.00

(Grounds maintenance)

Stoney Stanton PC £ 100.00

(Footpath main


Severn Trent (Church St toilets) £ 101.56

(Cheque amend and re-issue

Sapcote Nursery (Wooden bench) £ 199.00

J Varah (Christmas tree work) £ 250.00

Youth Club (S137 grant) £ 225.00

Christmas Tree Committee grant £ 500.00

(Paid through Sapcote Bloom Ctte)

186/17 Items for the Next Agenda

Under this item the Chairman reminded members of the Remembrance Day event on Sunday 12 November 2017.



