Thursday 24th September 2015


Roger Ellis, Ann Myatt, Wendy Edwards, Margaret Stevens, Eunice Ward, Diane Lucking, Leanne Thomasson, Ann Walsh, Claire Taylor


John Brown, Andy Burns, Hazel Thomasson, Jackie Telford, Ann Sowman, Jan Gregson, Dr Steve Morgan


Roger welcomed everyone to the meeting, confirming that all had received last meeting’s minutes and declared them a true record of the meeting. Roger welcomed Claire Taylor who has joined the group.

Practice updates

Ann Walsh informed the group that Hazel and Ann (Myatt) had represented the group at PPG week at Woodlands Nursery, where questionnaires were handed out to members of the public, the results for the Heath Lane Surgery are as follows:

35 questionnaires were filled in for Earl Shilton.

18 patients were satisfied.

17 patients were not happy with the practice, writing comments such as ‘seats were not comfortable in waiting areas, long waiting times for a named doctor, unhappy telling receptionist medical details when at the front of the queue, no faith in the doctors, receptionists not helpful, not happy with triage system’. Ann was concerned over the comments but the group said that it was a very small number of patients that had completed a form and did not see a need for undue concern.

Staffing changes Dr Eynon, Salaried GP, has now become a permanent member of the practice. Dr Daya is a GP Registrar who is with the practice until early December. Laura Cameron, one of the practice nurses has had a baby daughter.

Flu Season 2015-16 the dates for this year’s flu inoculation days are September 26th and October 17th .Ann asked that all volunteers arrive at 8am; Ruth will delegate what everyone has to do on September 26th; Ann will be there on the 17th October to do the same. Eunice asked if the uptake for the inoculations had been good, Ann said the first Saturday is full.

Renal Dialysis – plans for offering this pilot service at the practice are progressing-some members of the group viewed the new room which is nearing completion.

PPG Patient information leaflet.

Hazel was hoping to get a draft leaflet ready before the meeting; however, due to work commitments this had not been possible. Leanne said that she was going to sit down with Hazel at a later date to try and help her with it.

Practice Newsletter

Ann said there would be strong practice support if a member of the PPG would be willing to take on generating a patient newsletter. The practice would be able to print it. It was agreed that Claire would get hold of newsletters from other practices and bring them to the meeting, it could then be discussed what we require. Claire will also enquire about printing a piece in ‘The Flyer’. Leanne thought it would be a good idea to have a practice newsletter and would be prepared to help with this, saying that a lot of the paper work on the notice boards could go into the newsletter.

PPG Awareness Week within the practice.

Ann referred back to the last minutes, adding that the practice would be willing to let the group have a stand for a week. Roger will contact Alan Plumpton for all details and sort a date out.

H & B Medical Alliance Update

Hazel usually represents the group at this meeting. Ann reported that all was going well and Beverley Falls, the new federation manager, was doing a good job.

Walking for Health

Roger said that the walking group still averaged 30 people most weeks. This will now be taken off the agenda unless there is anything important to report.


CCG Practice Appraisal- Roger will represent the group at this meeting with Dr Priestman and Ann.

Management of Complaints -following the email asking not to bring patient’s complaints to the meeting because it made it hard to elicit sufficient details to be able to investigate and respond fully, Wendy asked if patients were ringing in with complaints as she had asked complainants to do this. Ann said she was receiving the odd complaint via the telephone. No PPG forms had been filled in recently. Ann said she will always speak to patients if she is free about any issue they wish to raise.

West Leicester AGM this takes place on 30th September, the subject is ‘Future Challenges to NHS’.PPG members are welcome to attend

PPG Networking Meetings- the dates for the next two meetings are 4th November 2015 & 11th February 2016 commencing at 12 30pm at the NSPCC meeting venue in Leicester. When asked what took place at the meetings Roger said there is usually a speaker then the remaining time is spent networking.

Hinckley Health Care This meeting takes place at Hinckley Golf Club on 5th October 12 noon to 3. 30pm & repeated 6. 30pm to 9. 30pm, the subject is Plans for Hinckley Health Care. Again anyone is welcome to register and attend

Notice Boards Ann asked if the notice boards could be updated. Margaret, Claire & Wendy will do them on Thursday 1st October at 10am.

Dates of meetings for 2015-2016.

Thursday 26th November @7pm


Thursday 28th January @7pm,

Thursday 31st March@ 7pm,

Thursday 26th May @7pm,

Thursday 28th July @ 7pm AGM.