NQT Induction Nottingham City

A guide to completing assessment forms

·  The assessment forms should be legible and preferably word- processed.

·  Please ensure that all relevant information is completed fully and accurately on the first two pages of the assessment form. Forms that are received with incomplete or inaccurate information will be returned.

·  If completing assessment forms 2 or 3 please ensure that you include a comment about the target/s set at the end of assessment 1 / 2 so that the panel can see that progress has been made against this /these target/s.

·  Please put a tick or cross in the box to indicate satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress at the head of each standard on the assessment form.

·  All the standards must be met over the course of the induction period. It is not necessary to comment on every aspect of each standard in each assessment but you must ensure that all aspects of each standard have been commented on by the end of the induction period. It is good practice to comment on at least one aspect of each standard at the end of each assessment period.

·  Strengths can be interpreted as anything that the NQT has completed to a satisfactory level.

·  Areas requiring improvement where performance is unsatisfactory will require you to set a target. The panel understands that any NQT might be making satisfactory or even good progress but still have an area requiring improvement. However, if you put an area requiring improvement at the end of each standard this could generate 8 targets which is clearly too many. Please prioritise and follow the guidance under the next bullet point.

·  Do not overwhelm the NQT with targets. You should set a maximum of 4 targets and you should also indicate the support that the school will be giving. These should be placed at the end of the assessment before any comments about Personal and Professional conduct. If the NQT’s performance is causing serious concern please notify Mavis Bartley and send her a copy of your action plan for the NQT.

·  Evidence should indicate the sources of your statements e.g. lesson observation, lesson plan, conversation with mentor etc.

·  Comments should be brief. Please remember that the purpose of the assessment form is to provide evidence to the assessment panel which will help the panel members to validate your judgments.

·  You are free to make a comment on Personal and Professional Conduct but unless there are issues about personal and professional conduct it will be sufficient to comment that “(NQT) has demonstrated consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct”. However, if there are concerns these should be treated as “areas requiring improvement” and targets should be set in addition to the targets already set at the end of part 1 of the standards.

·  Please encourage the NQT to include a reflective comment on the assessment form.

·  If completing the final assessment, targets should be set for the second year of teaching. These should be set by the NQT in consultation with the induction tutor. These targets should be related to personal professional development and should not be aspirations or a list of “things to do”. The targets should be placed in the space available for these comments. It is important that this is done because once the NQT has completed induction he/she is subject to performance management and will need some targets.

·  It is good practice for the Headteacher to have a brief conversation with the NQT about his / her assessment, and if necessary make a comment on the form where indicated.

·  Absence should be recorded as follows:

§  assessment 1 – no. of days absent from start of assessment period to the date the report is completed

§  assessment 2 - no. of days absent from the date of completion of 1st report to date of completion of 2nd report

§  final assessment – total no. of days absent in the entire induction period up to the date the report is completed.

If the NQT has had no absences in the period covered, then record ‘nil’ or ‘0’. If an NQT has had 30 or more days absence their induction period will be extended.

Aug 2015