Attainment target / Term 1 (1 BRONZE) / Term 2 (1 SILVER) / Term 3 (1 GOLD) (Grade 1)


Students will be able to / a)echo simple rhythms
b)follow a steady pulse
c)play semibreve, minim, crotchet
d)play in 4/4, and C metres / a)maintain a steady pulse
b)play quavers and dotted minims, minim
rests and semibreve rests
c)play in 3/4 metre / a)establish a steady pulse at different tempi
b)play dotted crotchet/quaver rhythms
c)play ties
d)play in 2/4 time


Students will be able to / a)play Middle C-G (RH)
b)play 5 finger exercises with both hands
c)play simple melodies accompanied by a backing drum beat / a)extend range to C octave (RH)
b)play C major scale and arpeggio – 1 octave hands separately / a)play F# and Bb
b)play G & F major scales and arpeggios – 1 octave hands separately

Music Literacy

Students will be able to / a)recognise bars, bar lines, 4/4, 3/4 and C time signatures
b)read semibreve, dotted minim, minim, crotchet and crotchet rest
c)read notes C-G (RH) / a)understand staccato, legato, slurs
b)understand repeat signs
c)read C - C (Treble clef)
d)read quavers
e)understand rests for all note values
f)read and understand 1st and 2nd time bars / a)read treble stave (C – g)
b)read and understand key signatures of G&F major
c)read and understand ties
d)read and understand dotted crotchet/quaver rhythm

Instrumental Technique

Students will be able to / a)adopt a relaxed hand position, curved fingers & flexible wrist.
b)adopt good posture when sitting at the keyboard
c)change the voice and use drum machine / a)play staccato & legato
b)play with increasing attention to fingering
c)play with 2 hands (single bass note)
d)change drum tempo / a)play hands together (LH SF chords C,
F & G)
b)use intro/ending
c)use accurate, logical fingering


Students will be able to / a)echo simple melodies (pupil to pupil)
b)recognise high and low notes
c)echo a rhythm
d)identify simple moods in music / a)identify when a change occurs in a repeated rhythmic pattern.
b)sing back melodies / a) ABRSM G1 aural


Students will be able to / a) play using an even dynamic / a)play a piece loudly and quietly
b)introduce p and f / a)control tone quality and produce p, mf & f dynamics
b)use dynamics to convey mood

Performing Skills and Opportunities

Students will be able to / a)play individually
b)play with an awareness of others
c)practise at home and with other members of the group
d)read simple melodies at sight / a)perform as part of a group
b)sustain a simple independent part in an ensemble
c)improvise over a drum beat using known notes / a)perform a solo/ ensemble to an audience
b)ABRSM bronze medal sightreading
c)improvise a response to a call (ABRSM bronze)
d)improvise a tune from a given rhythm (ABRSM bronze)
Attainment target / Term 1 (2 BRONZE) / Term 2 (2 SILVER) / Term 3 (2 GOLD) (Grade 2)


Students will be able to / a)establish pulses of contrasting tempi
b)introduce anacrusis / a) play in simple 6/8 metre rhythms / a) play confidently in 6/8 (crotchet quaver,
dotted quaver patterns)


Students will be able to / a)play A minor scale and arpeggio (hands
separately, 1 octave)
b)play C major contrary motion (one octave)
c)play all arpeggios over 2 octaves (hands sep) / a) play E minor scale and arpeggio (hands
separately, 1 octave)
b) C major scale hands together (1
octave) / a) read leger lines below the stave (from G)
b) F & G major scales hands together (1
c) play minor scales/arp. Over 2 octs (sep)

Music Literacy

Students will be able to / a)understand # as an accidental
b)read and understand common tempi
markings – Largo, Moderato, Allegro.
c)read and understand p,mp, mf,f,ff / a)understand the use of naturals
b)read basic 6/8 rhythms (dotted
crotchet, 3 quaver patterns) / a)read and understand the use of #’s, b’s and naturals
b)read more complex 6/8 rhythms (crotchet quaver, dotted quaver patterns)

Instrumental Technique

Students will be able to / a)use Dm & Gm chords SF in LH
b)follow directions to set tempo, drumbeat and
c)begin to play with recognition of phrasing
and slurs / a)work out fingered chords of C, F & G in root position / a)play SF chords of Dm, Gm, Em and Am in
b)play fingered chords of C,F & G in root
position as an accompaniment


Students will be able to / a) echo more complex (5 -8 note) melodies / a) play longer melodies by ear / a) ABRSM Aural Grade 2


Students will be able to / a) use graded dynamics to convey mood / a) recognise crescendo and diminuendo
markings and begin to interpret them / a) follow all markings with a degree of
accuracy and control

Performing Skills and Opportunities

Students will be able to / a)improvise melody in RH over SF chords in
LH (I,IV & V in C major and G major)
b)make up a tune to a given rhythm ( ABRSM
Silver medal) / a)improvise simple melodies over
fingered chords (C,F & G)
b)sight read a given question & improvise
an answer (ABRSM Silver medal) / a) sight reading (ABRSM Silver medal)

Attainment target

/ Term 1 (3 BRONZE) / Term 2 (3 SILVER) / Term 3 (3 GOLD) (Grade 3)


Students will be able to / a)play rhythms incorporating quaver rests
b)play swing rhythms
c)play triplets / a)play rhythms using 4 semiquavers
b) play dotted quaver and semiquaver rhythms
c) play dotted rests / a) play quaver and 2 semiquaver rhythms


Students will be able to / a) play D Major scale (2 octaves) hands separately
b) play C, F and G major (2 octaves) BH / a) play A major scale (2 octaves) separately / a)read ledger lines above the stave (up to top C)
b)play all scales BH, arpeggios hands separately (2 octaves)
c)play C scale with fingered chords

Music Literacy

Students will be able to / a)read rhythms incorporating quaver rests
b)read swing rhythms
c)read triplets
d)interpret symbols for major, minor and 7th chords / a)read rhythms using 4 semiquavers
b)read dotted quaver and semiquaver rhythms
c)read dotted rests / a)show an awareness of simple ornamentation (mordent/trill)
b)work out inversions of fingered chords

Instrumental Technique

Students will be able to / a)set up voices/styles with fluency
b)show an awareness of the fill feature
c)Use A7, G7 and D7 chords (SF). / a)start to use the fill feature.
b)Use C7 (SF) / c)play accompaniments using fingered or SF chords.
d)Play inversions of chords I,IV & V in simple keys.
e)Use the fill feature with confidence


Students will be able to / a) sing and play 4 bar phrases by ear. / a) work out longer well known melodies by
ear. / a) ABRSM aural Grade 3)


Students will be able to / a) play with attention to all given dynamic
markings / a) use dynamics with increasing control / a) add in dynamics, where unmarked, in
order to convincingly interpret the

Performing Skills and Opportunities

Students will be able to

/ a) make up a tune to a given rhythm (ABRSM
Gold medal) / a) sight read a given question and improvise
an answer (ABRSM Gold medal) / a)sight read a 4 bar melody with chords
(ABRSM Gold medal)