Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 31st March 2004 at University of Birmingham Conference Centre at 1.30 p.m.


Duncan Lawson (Chair)

Alice Rogers (vice Chair)

Peter Giblin (Secretary)

Neil Challis (Treasurer)

Charles Goldie (past Chair)

Jon Forster (RSS)

Derek Goldrei

Alison Hooper

Tony Mann

Andrew Osbaldestin

Geoff Robinson

Tony Wickstead

David Youdan (IMA)

1Apologies for Absence: Jim Howie, Jeff Griffiths.

2Welcome to new members: The Chair welcomed Alison Hooper and Geoff Robinson to the Committee.

3Minutes of Previous Meeting (held on 9th January 2004) were approved, subject to the correction of two typographical errors.

4Matters Arising not otherwise on the agenda: None

5 Cooptions to the Committee were confirmed as

Mr David Youdan (IMA)

Professor Jim Howie (LMS)

Dr Jon Forster (RSS)

Professor Jeff Griffiths (OR Society)

6,7Correspondence and Chair’s Communications:

a)An invitation had been received to give a 20 minute presentation to the UK Deans of Science meeting and Charles Goldie had agreed to do this. Concern was expressed that the Dean of a Faculty or School of Mathematics (as opposed to a Dean of Science) might not automatically be invited to such a meeting.

b)LTSN and HoDoMS: Following the recommendation in the Smith Report a working group consisting of Chris Budd, Neville Davis and Joe Kyle from LTSN and Tony Wickstead, Neil Challis and Duncan Lawson from HoDoMS had been set up. No meetings had as yet been held.

c)Noted that the LTSN was working on a 20 credit L&T module for staff along the lines of the existing Statistics module. The IMA may accredit this but as yet there is no mechanism.

d)TTA The launch of the 2004-7 corporate plan was due on 29 March but it had not been appropriate to send a HoDoMS representative (apart from the clash with the Conference).

e)Science Media Centre is sponsored by the media, science and industry. They handled the launch of the Smith Report but were not funded by the Government to do this. Agreed that it was not appropriate for HoDoMS to sponsor them.

8Follow-up to the Smith Report

a)DY reported that the CMS response to the Smith Report was delayed by some doubts about the interpretation of the section on data handling in the 14-19 curriculum, which might conflict with the RSS’s own ideas. The CMS was expected to write in general support of Smith, provided that the recommendation on a ‘single voice’ for mathematics did not in practice lead to yet more groupings. The LMS supported the idea of using a structure based on the existing CMS to evolve an eventual Advisory Committee for Mathematics.

b)A number of alterations were suggested for the HoDoMS response to the Smith Report; Action PG to circulate a second draft.

c)Following the cancellation of Angela Walsh’s Teacher Training Agency presentation to the Conference, a meeting should be set up. Action DL to write wishing Ms Walsh a speedy recovery from her accident and requesting a meeting.

9Watching Briefs

Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education/Joint Mathematical Council (David Stirling had left notes for this).

a)Noted that the date for response to the Questionnaire on Assessment was now past.

b)Applications to PGCE courses are up by 23% but 1000 maths teachers leave every year.

c)JMC: Working party on Continuing Professional Development set up by JMC. HoDoMS input welcomed to this. Action ?

d)JMC: needs a 50 word statement about the function of HoDoMS, plus a list of matters for which HoDoMS would welcome a response from the JMC. (For 10 June, Action DL)

e)New brief for ACME/JMC to be Andrew Osbaldestin.

Council for the Mathematical Sciences

a)Careers Project: the money from ETB (Engineering Technology Board) had been withdrawn. £10k from the DfES had to be spent before the end of March. A web structure is being set up by Attic Media. An application to Wellcome has been made for £30k.

b)SIAM/IMA joint meeting cancelled.

c)CMS and Science Council: do they have a common agenda? An education strategy meeting of the Science Council sought to improve communication between these subjects at school.

d)Brief for CMS to be David Youdan.

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (DL)

a)NC and TM, plus DL, would represent HoDoMS at QCA meetings.

Quality Assurance Agency

a)The QAA is working with the Credit Consortia to produce credit guidelines. These may well conflict with the Bologna Declaration and the MSOR Benchmark (e.g. on the question of whether students must pass every module).

b)The new brief for QAA is Alice Rogers.

Higher Education Academy/Learning and Teaching Support Network (DL)

University Mathematics Teaching Conference

a)There is a problem with low attendance at this Conference, possibly due in part to the timing. Possibility of amalgamating with an LTSN event.

b)Brief now with Alison Hooper.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (CG)

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (DY)

a)School affiliate membership has now been introduced.

b)The IMA/LMS Frameworks Group has now met and is progressing slowly. The IMA has an office in de Morgan House.

Royal Statistical Society (JF)

a)The April Council meeting would be concerned with the Smith Report and the International Review of Mathematics.

London Mathematical Society (AR)

a)HoDoMS will liaise with the LMS over the recommendation in the Smith Report that statistics on student recruitment to University maths programmes, and entry requirements, should be available.

b)Supportive letters have been sent to Bangor and Hull mathematics departments which are under threat.

c)The LMS is considering the MMath in the light of Bologna.

d)The LMS is formulating a response to the Smith Report.

Teacher Training Agency

a)The TTA is to have an email newsletter.

b)Noted that most direct dealing is with Education and not Mathematics departments.

c)Brief now with Derek Goldrei.

Widening Participation (TM)

10Any other business

Next Conference: venue to be the same as this year, if available. Dates 11-12 April 2005. Action PG.

Peter Giblin

Hon. Secretary, 9 April 2004