August 10, 2015

The regular meeting of the Village Board, of the Village of Strum, Wisconsin, Trempealeau County, was held in the Village office on Monday, August 10, 2015.

Meeting called to order:

The meeting was called to order by the Village President, Dean Boehne at 6:30 p.m. Village Clerk, Michelle Loken, took the minutes of the meeting. Also attending were Village employee Brad Olson. The following board members were present: Gerritts, Thompson, Nelson, Bjerke, Booth and Taylor.

Open Meeting Law Requirements Have Been Complied With:

President Boehne announced the open meetings law requirements have been met for the meeting.

Approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Taylor to approve the minutes from the regular Village Board Meeting held on July 13, 2015, as printed. Motion carried.

Appearances by Citizens and Others:

Reports from Officers:

  1. Police Chief: Nothing to report.
  2. Zoning Commissioner: Nothing to report.
  3. Clerk:
  4. Operator’s License: Angela L. Falkner and Carolann J. Noack – Countryside Cooperative - A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Thompson to approve the Operator’s License. Motion carried.
  5. UW-Green Bay Treasurer’s Institute Update: Michelle updated the new board members what is the purpose for the Treasurer’s Institute. This was the 2nd year of the four year course. She was awarded a scholarship from Ehlers & Associates in the amount of $684.00 for cost of tuition and a portion of hotel costs. The classes this past year were very good and useful.

Reports from Committees:

  1. Personnel:

a.  Hiring of Temporary Part-Time Position: The personnel committee hired Jim Shermo for the temporary part-time position to help the public works department while Craig Moltzau is on leave. Things are going really well with him working.

b.  Comprehensive Plan of Employees: A motion made by Thompson and seconded by Gerritts to approve the Public Works Department job descriptions that were created. Motion carried. The committee will be updating the Clerk/Treasurer job description as well as the Employee Handbook in the future.

  1. Finance: There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 pm to discuss a proposal that was brought to the committee. This will be a closed-session meeting.
  1. Public Works:

a.  2015 Street Projects Update: The final pay request was submitted late; therefore was not approved. There were also some questions on tree removal that will be clarified before final payment is issued. There will be another walk through regarding the landscaping issues that property owners have addressed.

  1. Public Safety: The committee will have a meeting on August 17th following the Finance Committee meeting to discuss the sign ordinance as well as a portable garage ordinance.
  1. Public Welfare: Nothing to report.
  2. Solid Waste Management: Nothing to report.
  3. Library Board Report: Nothing to report.
  4. Joint Sewage Commission:

a.  CMAR Report: Brad Olson submitted the 2014 CMAR Report to the board. The received a score of 3.59 which is passing. The section that we failed on was the phosphorus section. Motion made by Nelson and seconded by Thompson to approve Resolution #2015-001 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report.

  1. Miscellaneous:

a.  Accident of Village Employee: On July 21st, Village of Sturm employee Craig Moltzau, was in a semi/end loader collision on Highway 10 by the Viking Golf & Dine. He was airlifted to Mayo with a severe head laceration and head injury. He was in the hospital for 3 days with a severe concussion, broken ribs and a shoulder injury. The village end loader was brought to Miller-Bradford for an estimate on repairs. Craig will have a doctor appointment at the end of the month to see when he can return to work.

b.  Tablets for board: The subject of buying tablets for the board was brought up. Michelle will check on prices to see what is available for purchase.

c.  Campground meeting: There needs to be a campground meeting set up to go over financials and discuss upcoming budget.

d.  Countryside Coop: There was discussion regarding George Brown charging at Countryside Coop for gasoline. He is not authorized to purchase gasoline for his personal mower/tractor and charge to the village account. Countryside Coop was notified of the village employees that are able to purchase on the account.

Approval of Vouchers and Journal Entries: A motion was made by Gerritts and seconded by Thompson to pay the following bills and approve all journal entries. Check #’s 36953 thru 37001. Motion carried.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Gerritts to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried.


Dean Boehne, Village President


Michelle Loken, Village Clerk/Treasurer