Assignment Guidelines for Mathematics

Write your name, date,class period, and assignment header clearly at the top-right of the each page in ink, along with the assignment pages and problem numbers.Use standard-sized paperwith no fringe running down the side.

Do not fold, tear, spill on, or otherwise "dog-ear" the pages or the corners of the pages.

Clearly indicate the number of eachproblem you are doing. If you do a problem out of order,

label it clearly.

Write out the problems (except in the case of word problems, which are too long).

Do your work in pencil, with mistakes cleanly erased, not crossed or scratched out. If you work in ink, use "white-out" to correct mistakes.

Write neatly and legibly (suitably large and suitably dark); if the grader can't read your answer, it's wrong.

Write each problem (and each step of a multi-step problem),below the preceding one,not off to the right; do not wrap writing up the side margins.

Show your work. This means showing your steps, not just copying the question from the assignment, and then the answer from the back of the book. Show everything in between the question and the answerand make your computations clear.

Draw graphs on graph paper. Use a ruler to draw straight lines, and clearly label the axes, the scale, and important points.

Do not do magic. Plus/minus signs, "= 0", radicals, and denominators should not disappear in the middle of your calculations, only to mysteriously reappear at the end. Each step should be complete.

If the problem asks you to "Explain" or “Justify” or "Write in your own words", then copying the answer from the book is unacceptable. Write the answer in your own words.

Remember to put your final answer at the end of your work, and mark it clearly by highlighting it or boxing it. Include appropriate units of measure.If the question is a word problem, the answer should be in words.

Correct your work daily using red pen.

In general, write your work as though you're trying to convince someone that you know what you're talking about.

Use your instructor, your classmates, your textbook, the internet, study groups, and tutoring services to help you. Completely worked and corrected homework exercises make excellent study guides for tests. Also, if you develop good habits while working on homework, you will generally perform better on tests.

Keep a 3-ring notebook for mathematics. Include all assignments, notes, handouts, and tests.

To verify that you and a parent/guardian have read and that you both understand the assignment guidelines, go to: