The minutes of Lezayre Parish Commissioners meeting held on Thursday 11th June 2009, at 7.00pm, The Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre.

Members present: Mrs V A Quane, (Chairperson) Mr. A D Radcliffe, Mr. A S C Birchenough. Mr C W Roberts (Vice Chairperson) was absent, had sent apologies for not being able to attend the meeting. Mrs. M Rimmer the Clerk took the minutes. There were no members of the Public and no members of the press in attendance.

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th May 2009, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.

Matters arising from the minutes

The clerk advised that she had sent copies of the proposed Dog By Laws for the Parish to various bodies and had posted a notice for any members of the public to view them at the offices. The clerk requested that she now proceed to the next stage to have the By Laws approved. All agreed.

The clerk advised that she had received clarification with regard to applying for a Public Administration Licence – Copyright Compliance. Dolge advise that we sign up to cover ourselves in this case. All agreed.

Further correspondence had been received in relation to Sheltered Housing in the Village. Eddie Teare MHK requested information of persons who may be interested in this scheme. The Clerk was asked to write to Eddie Teare MHK advising him of those who had expressed an interest.


Isle of Man Government

DolgeLitter Act 1972 Amendments – for comments. This was emailed to all members, and it was agreed that comments would be given at the next meeting.

Local Authority Induction Courses 5-6August 2009. The dates offered for this course were not suitable for our members. The clerk was asked to advise accordingly.

Office Council of MinistersYoung Persons Working Group. The Commissioners did not have any comments

Road Transport Lic. CommCircular 261,262,263,264,265,266 and 267. Nothing relevant to our district. The Clerk was requested to only print out when our Parish is involved.

Department of Health and Swine Flu Information Leaflets. These leaflets have been received by all households. To be left in foyer for further distribution, if required.

Social Security Health and Social Care in the Isle of Man – Your opportunity to influence Future Policy. It was agreed that comments would be given at the next meeting.

The Golden Jubilee TrustInvitation to meeting for feedback Spring Team Challenge. It was suggested that Chris Roberts attend this meeting and the Clerk was asked to contact him to arrange. A new representative would be selected at the next meeting for future events.

Bob TaylorRequest use of tables and chairs for use in the Hailwood Centre during Manx Grand Prix. The Commissioners all agreed this use.

JD LandscapesInformation regarding their services. Noted

MEADog Waste Bin Mounting. It was noted that the MEA do not allow the mounting of Dog Bins on their street lighting columns.

PeelTown CommissionersInvitation to Civic Sunday 12th July 2009. Vivien will try to attend this service.

St Thomas’s ParishChurchLeaflet of 2009 Concerts being held. To be displayed in our notice boards.

Invitation to Tynwald Garden PartyInvitation received for Fiona Robinson. The Commissioners asked for the clerk to send this onto Fiona, and ask her to please attend.

Standing OrdersTo be approved at the next meeting.

BayrNy Hayrey – at its junction The visibility at this junction is very bad, and particularly bad when.

with the Jurby Road. turningleft from the south to travel toward Ramsey. All agreed that

the clerk write a letter to the Traffic Management Committee regarding this. A copy of this letter is to be sent to John Qualye the clerk for Andreas, Ballaugh and Jurby for their information.

The next meeting will be deferred to Thursday 2nd July 2009 and will be held in the Board Room, at the Community Hall, Clenagh Road, Sulby, Lezayre starting at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 7.45pm.

Signed……………………………………(Chairman) Date…………………………..