Name: ______

Jesus is Baptized

Fill in the blanks with a word from below.

1. Jesus stayed in ______with Mary and Joseph until he was about thirty years old.

2. Then he went to ______where John, his cousin, was telling the people about God and how they should do what He says.

3. The people asked John what they should do, he told them to share their food with ______people and give their spare clothes to those who needed them.

4. Many people came to hear John speak and he baptized them in the ______River.

5. John told them that one is coming who is much greater than I. I’m not worth to undo his sandals. He will baptize you with the ______.

6. Jesus wanted John to baptize him and John said that he was not ______and that Jesus should baptize him.

7. “Let us do what God wants,” said ______and saying a prayer, he walked into the water.

8. John poured water over Jesus to show that he had been washed ______.

9. Then, just as Jesus stepped out of the river, Heaven opened and a white ______hovered over his head.

10. And he heard the voice of ______say to him, “You are my dear Son. I am very pleased with you.”

Holy Spirit hungry Jordan dove Jesus

Galilee worthy Nazareth God clean


For younger students: Put number one through ten on the board. Read each word from the word bank. Read each question and write the correct word by the number after the student has answered the question. Have the students fill in the blanks on their paper with the correct answer from the word bank.

1.  Nazareth

2.  Galilee

3.  hungry

4.  Jordan

5.  Holy Spirit

6.  worthy

7.  Jesus

8.  clean

9.  dove

10.  God