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01273 541177

No. 488 March/April 2015

GVRA Committee Meeting, 11 Feb 2015

·  . Graham Older, PCSO, reported that there had been a lot of car crime incidents in our area. Many of them, again, resulted from vehicles being left insecure. It seems that little notice is being taken of Graham’s advice to ensure vehicles are made secure and to report suspicious activity to the police on the emergency number 999. Burglaries have also increased from last month. Now that the weather is improving, we all need to be vigilant in making sure all doors and ground floor windows are locked whenever we spend time in the garden. Opportunist burglars take only a short time to gain access to a house to snatch handbags, wallets and electronic equipment

·  Our PCSO’s next surgery will be on 30 April at Waitrose from 11am – noon. Graham will be at the store’s entrance to answer any queries or concerns you may have about security of property and vehicles, parking problems, anti-social behaviour, scams etc.

·  Some members had expressed concern about the possibility of the demise of the GVRA, but there had been scant response to last month’s news sheet item asking for volunteers to fill the posts of Chairman and News Sheet Editor

·  The possibility of a GVRA website was discussed but the idea was put on hold pending the uncertain future of our organisation.

·  Brighton & Hove City Council is reviewing their listing of Heritage Buildings and sites. Vanessa discovered that Hove Park was not included and was successful in adding it to the list.

·  The Friends of Hove Park are planning an impressive number of diverse events for this year, including holding an Easter Egg Trail, presence at the Hove Park Carnival etc, both of which were well received last year. Volunteers to help are requested. Further information at the website at



Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 29 April 2015, at 7.30pm in the North Barn, West Blatchington Windmill, Holmes Avenue.

Whether it’s parking problems, bin collections, dangerous junctions, Bilingual Schools or Neighbourhood Forums, the Goldstone Valley Residents’ Association (GVRA) is here to help you. This is an ideal opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the Valley, raise any issues and to meet other local residents.

The popular Chris Horlock, will give us an intriguing talk on ‘Bizarre Brighton’, some extremely odd stories and anecdotes from Brighton’s past!

Nominations are invited from members to stand for election to the Committee for 2015/2016. We now have a nomination for the post of Chairman. Nominations should be seconded and advised to Richard Forrest on 01273 503820 by 14 April. Nominations can also be accepted at the meeting. If you would like an item included on the agenda, please advise Richard by 8 April. Any motion for discussion should have a proposer and be seconded.

We will, as usual, be providing a light buffet with wine

GVRA Contacts

Chairman/Editor Arthur Green 506068

(e-mail )

Secretary Richard Forrest 503820

Treasurer Kevin Wilsher 553725

Yes, it’s still broken!

The bus indicator board at the bus stop near the mini-roundabout in Goldstone Crescent is still out of action. We are told that the fault is in the electricity supply. Any batteries anyone?

Considerate parking, please!

A number of residents have asked me to include a plea for considerate parking. Parking on the corner of roads or in the turning circle of a close

can make it dangerous for other road users and could stop refuse lorries and, more importantly, emergency vehicles from accessing properties.

21/21A bus service

Vanessa and Jayne have high hopes that these bus services will, once again, be saved. They would like to thank those residents who wrote to the council and those who demonstrated at Hove Town Hall on 26 Feb.

The Sunday daytime service now seems secure, but there is still a query over two evening services. We await final confirmation from the bus company.

Brighton Museum

Following the Council budget meeting, admission charges will be introduced at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. They are: adult £5, concessions £4, children £2.80. There is free admission for Brighton & Hove residents, and accompanying children, on production of proof of residency (driving licence, utility bill etc). Students at the City’s universities or further education colleges should produce their student card.

West Blatchington Windmill

More dates for that diary!

The mill starts its open season on Sun 3 May, opening every Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays from 2.30-5pm.

National Mill Day 10 May, open from 11 am-5pm with small tractor engines, radio operators and various stalls-home-made jam, crafts, mosaics, needlework etc.

Volunteers are urgently needed during mill opening times! Could you meet and greet, issue tickets, sell souvenirs or become a guide (after training) to show visitors around? How about making drinks and serving light refreshments?

Peter Hill has been Chairman of the Friends organisation for 35 years and is looking to step down. His tasks include liaising with B & H City Council (the mill owners), chairing committee meetings (3-4 per annum) overseeing the volunteers and ensuring the mill is well maintained internally. If a replacement is not found, the mill will close permanently as the Council will not install paid staff. If you can help, even perhaps taking on some aspects of the post, please contact Peter on 01273 776017.


Tele: 01273 541177

Holy Week and Easter at St. Peter’s Church

For details of services and events at our parish church in Holmes Avenue, please go to the website at

Three Cornered Copse - Dates for your diary:

Annual General Meeting, Mon 20 April,8.15pm, Pavilion & Avenue Tennis Club on the Droveway

Late Spring Work Session -Saturday 25 April, 10am-1pm, meet at the bench at the bottom of the green slope just in front of the grove of Silver Birches

At the AGM, Morwenna Cork is stepping down as Secretary of the Friends group. Certain elements of the job have been split into separate roles: Minutes Secretary, Membership Secretary and Website Liaison Officer. Each post involves 3-5 hours work, fives times a year. Morwenna can be contacted at for further details.

What’s on?

Brighton & Hove Food and Drink Festival, 3 & 4 April from 8am-3pm in New Rd. Brighton.

Free lunchtime Concert, Fri 17 April, 1.10 pm-1.50 pm, St Peter’s Church, Holmes Ave, by the Amity Sisters, (singers from Amity, an over 50s association). Refreshments provided. Donations to the choir funds will be gratefully accepted.

Sugarcraft Exhibition, 16 May, 10 am-4.30 pm, Brighton Racecourse. Free parking. Trade stands, competitions, ‘Hands-on’ for children and adults, refreshments. Tickets £5, children £1.50. Further information at

The Mini-mile races, 11 am start, Preston Park, Saturday, 11 April.

Brighton Marathon, 12 April, 9.15 am start at Preston Park, finish at Madeira Drive

Please note: Whilst every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, the GVRA, its officers and members cannot accept responsibility for errors and omissions or any consequences arising therefrom

67/69, Queen Victoria Avenue, Hove

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