Group discussion of Section IX of 1984 (pgs. 184-217)- "The Book"

  • Written by Emanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People
  • Sent to Winston by O'Brien (first task as member of Brotherhood is to read “The Book”)
  • Explains the theories by which the government of Oceania operates – the Party Slogans are based on these theories (chapter headings).

Topic #1: "War is Peace" (pg. 185)

Summary of key points:

The 3 Superstates (Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia) have always been at war. War is different however - there is no longer enormous annihilation. There is still death and destruction, but it only involves small numbers at vague frontiers (Disputed Areas). (186)

  1. “War is Peace” when it takes place somewhere else. Why?

No one Superstate will ever win the war; yet, each feels victory is just around the corner. Great example of doublethink! (186-7)

There is nothing to fight about. The economies of the 3 Superstates are self-contained. There are a few "disputed" areas - valuable minerals and vegetable products and large populations (cheap labor)- where the fighting takes place (187).However, these things are not needed. The idea that they are needed is necessary to maintain the structure of society. PARADOX- DOUBLETHINK. (188)

  1. You must have instability to maintain a hierarchical society. Get a dictionary and definehierarchy:
  1. The book states, "A hierarchial society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance" (190). Reread pages 189-190 (stop at end of paragraph on 190) and explain what is meant by this. How do poverty and ignorance benefit “the party”?
  1. The essential act of war is destruction (not necessarily of human lives, but of the products/materials of war). Reread page 191. Explain how this destruction of products/materials benefits “the party”.

4a. Based on this idea, why does war need to be continuous?

  1. The other benefit of war is that it contributes to the mental/psychologicalstate of frenzy and hatred (192). How has this frenzy and hatred been displayed in Oceania thus far in the novel?
  1. How is this mental state beneficial to “the party”?

2 stated aims/goals of the Party (193)

1. to conquer whole surface of the earth (take over other Superpowers)

2. to extinguish all independent thought

  1. One way to accomplish goal #1 would be to launch an atomic attack. Why don't they do this? (bottom 194- top of 195)
  1. Another way to solve goal #1 would be to invade. There are 2 possible outcomes to invasion. Why don't they do either of the following?

Exterminate everyone (195-6):

Assimilate everyone(196-7):

  1. When war is continuous, it ceases to be dangerous; it ceases to exist (198). What then is the real goal/result of war? (198-199)

Topic #2: "Ignorance is Strength" (pg. 201)

Throughout all of history, there have always been 3 classes: High; Middle; Low (201-202)

High: wants to stay where they are

Middle: wants to replace the high

Low: wants to abolish distinctions and create an equal society

After the last revolution of the middle class (Big Brother’s revolution), the middle class was hungry for true power rather than a switching of power. The time was right! Here’s why:

Mass Media – could use to manipulate public opinion (propaganda).

Technological advances - allowed the government to receive and transmit at the same time (surveillance – telescreen). This brought private life to an end (205).

4 threats toOceania’s leadership (206-7) - How has each been dealt with in the novel?

1. conquered from without (another group/country – bottom 196-7; 207):

2. conquered from within (large revolt – proles - 207):

3. strong discontented middle class (too smart – outer party):

4. high (inner party) loses self confidence and willingness to govern:

5. The figure of Big Brother is probably a creation. Why is this effective? (208)

Admission to the 2 branches of the party at age 16 through an exam (208)

6. -admission is not hereditary, not by race - Why is that important? (209)

7. -Weaklings excluded from the Inner Party (209)

8. -Ambitious allowed to rise to the Inner Party (209)

  1. -Proletariat not allowed; the most gifted were eliminated (209)
  1. The Proletariat (85%, the masses) believed that there was no other way (207/210). Why?
  1. What examples have been given in the book so far as to how the proles are controlled?

The government must also control the Inner and Outer Parties (The Thought Police/Thought Control) (210-11).

Members must not only have the right opinions, they must also have the right instincts. Otherwise, they are vaporized. Define the following skills party members need to practice:

Crimestop (211):

Blackwhite (212):

Doublethink (214):