Lady Irwin School, New Delhi, India:For 3000 +girls in classes 1-12

2008 Fund Raising Campaign- July 22, 2008

The Lady Irwin SchoolAlumni Association (LISAA) invites you

(LIS alumni, friends and others interested in girls’ education in India)

to sharein encouraging, inspiring and motivating studentsat the school!

This is the first major appeal in80+ years.

Your contributionsaretax deductible in India & U.S.A

Some school facts

  • For girls in classes 1-12, mostly from middle class & lower middle class families
  • Founded in 1927 by Mr. S.R. Das, who later founded the Doon School
  • English medium school, affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
  • Academics: 2006-2007 class XII - 245 students: 69% passed in 1st Division. (>=60% marks), and 378 distinctions were achieved(>=75% marks); some students got distinctions in many subjects.
  • Significant emphasis on extra curricular activities
  • Current annual fee Rs. 1,600/$40including computer fees
  • Principal: Mrs. Shanta Kashyap. LISAA founded in 2004.


Inspire others–in India U.S.A.- to donate in honour of,in memory of special people, and for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations,weddings, births, Rakhi, Eid,Diwali, Christmas, other celebrations, etc.


FromRita Narang’s (alumna of LIS Wellesley College, U.S.A) speech at the1stannual Excellence Awards function (organized so well by Meenakshi Verma and Anita Bembey) in Nov.2007

Rs. 1 lakh/$ 2,500for 370+ awardsgiven for students’ accomplishments

“It is an extremely moving occasion, and a great privilege for me to be here today to celebrate and recognize excellence at the school, in memory of women very dear and special to me. Although many long years have passed since I finished higher secondary from LIS, I remain deeply loyal and grateful to the school for the great foundation and wonderful education I received here. It is also significant that this education was in a non-elitist environment and for an extremely nominal fee.

It is a dream come true for me, to come back and to share what this school meant to me and what it inspired me to do today!

Shama & illumination

Imagine a room full of people where all is dark. Then one person is fortunate enough to get a candle, and there is light and hope. But, when that person is not there, the glow and hope are lost. However, if the light has been shared with others, soon the whole room is full of glowing lights and remains so, and the sharing & passing on of light & hope continue to be luminous!

I am here because of the many shamas shared with me over many years and being given chances. It is my ardent hope that there will be several resonances, glows and reflections of shama, jyoti and illuminations, in many aspects of your lives….for you, within you, around you, and by you for the lives of those you touch,

directly and otherwise. And, that, now, and perhaps in some distant future, their glimmer and echoes will nourish and enrich many lives.”

Shama, Jyoti = Light in Urdu & Hindi

Delhi, India contact for LISAA / USA contact for LISAA
Meenakshi Verma

011-91-98-1005-6919, 011-91-11-2467-7620 / Rita Narang
U.S.Coordinator for LISAA


Options for your contributions

  1. Excellence awards, scholarships, economic need based
  2. Upgrade of desk/chair sets; many current sets are in very poor condition.
  3. Membership: U.S. Annual $25. Lifetime $250. India Annual Rs. 200. Lifetime Rs. 2,000
  4. Majorcontributions as needed e.g. lab renovation –Computer lab, Science lab, library upgrades, equipment and better facilities for the gymnasium,nurse on site, bathroom upgrades etc.
  5. Other. e.g. to buyglass blackboards, books, chatais (mats), bulletin boards, plastic chairs etc.

Any amount would be greatly appreciated.

Contribution Process in India and U.S.A


It would give LISAA the most flexibility if your donation (other than major gifts) is non-restrictive. This way, it can be utilized as needed, balancing funds and needs.

However, LISAA will, of course honour your specific request.This may be especially appropriate if families or other groups would like tocombinetheir donations, even if sent individually.

So, with your contribution, please indicate

  1. If it is for a special reason e,g. in honour of, memory of, etc.
  2. If your donation is part of a group e.g. a family, an LIS class etc.
  3. To be utilized for (or please specify any combination)
  1. Excellence awards/scholarships
  2. Economic need based
  3. Desk/chair upgrades
  4. Membership
  5. Other
  6. Major – please specify /discuss with Meenakshi or Rita before sending funds.

Please include the following information:

Your address, tel. # , e-mail

If an LIS alumna : Year of leaving LIS, name in school if different. This information will be added to the list of members.

*****If you work for a company (in India or U.S.A.), please check re: the possibility of matching grants. Last year LISAA got $ 250/ Rs.10,000 matching grant due to a donor’s initiative.


Cheques payable toLADY IRWIN SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONshould be sent to

Mrs. Meenakshi Verma

Lady Irwin School

Shrimant Madhavrao Scindia Marg

New Delhi 110001

Note: Donations to LISAA in India are exempted from income tax under section 80-G of the Income Tax Act 1961.

Process for US $ donations


with Lady Irwin School in the memo line should be sent to:

Indians for Collective Action

3838 Mumford Place

Palo Alto, CA 94306

ORon –line

Note: This process is per agreement with Indians for Collective Action(ICA), whichwas foundedin 1968 and is aUS federally tax exempt organization.

ICA will send you an acknowledgement for tax purposes andperiodically send a status to Rita, and the funds to LISAA in Delhi.

To ensure accounting control, please send an e-mail, including the $ amountto:

Orcall 585-423-1220


We would greatly appreciate your generosityinsharing this enriching endeavor!!!We plan to let donorsknow about this campaign’s impact by year-end 2008.Thank you very much. Meenakshi and Rita

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