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Table of Contents

Objectives 1

Quick Review 2

Managing Display 3

Working With Charts 5

Working With Tables 7

Enhancing a Presentation 8

Transferring & Preparing for the Web 11

Tips and Tricks 12

Resources 12


·  Review Basics

·  Creating a Chart

·  Modifying a Chart

·  Creating/Modifying Organizational Chart (omitted as this isn’t installed in labs)

·  Creating a Table

·  Modifying a Table

·  Importing Objects

·  Creating Navigation Elements

·  Enhancing Visual Elements

·  Transferring Presentation

·  Saving as a Web page and Publishing


We will need to download the exercise file for this class from the Web or copy it from the Instructor Drive. (It’s very easy to post MS Office files to the Web and download them or open them up in your browser.)

To download from the Web:

  1. Launch MS Explorer.
  2. Go to
  3. Right-click on each files as directed by instructor (if users don’t have a PC mouse, hold down mouse for a few seconds to get menu).
  4. Choose Save this Link As option.
  5. Save to your desktop. ( users need to make sure the Format is Source (not text).

To copy from Instructor drive (only in labs):

  1. Double-click on Computer icon
  2. Find and double-click on Instruct drive.
  3. Find and double-click on Training folder (near bottom)
  4. Find and double-click on Microsoft Office folder.
  5. Find and click on PowerPoint2 folder.
  6. Copy and paste this folder to your desktop.


Uses of PowerPoint

·  On screen presentation

·  Web presentation

·  Overhead slides

·  35 mm slides

Good General Presentation Structure

·  Attention Getter

·  Title

·  Intro/Preview

·  Residual Message

·  Supporting Points

·  3 or 4 points (each on a slide)

·  Summary/Conclusion

·  Recap of points

·  Repeat residual message

·  Questions?

Templates Revisited

Available template types

PowerPoint comes with three types of templates:

Layout templates are templates which give structure to your slides.

Design templates contain predesigned formats and color schemes you can apply to any presentation to give it a particular look.

Content templates contain formats and color schemes just like design templates, plus slides with suggested text for specific subjects. You can modify any of the templates to suit your needs, or you can make a new template based on a presentation you've already created.

When to use layout templates

Always—they help to keep a presentation’s look consistent (e.g., all headings are in the same place, bullets are indented the same amount on every slide, etc.)

When to use content templates:

When you really need help structuring the content of your presentation

When to use design templates:

You’re not picky about what your presentation looks like—you just want it to look professional

You have no artistic ability whatsoever but want a jazzy presentation

You don’t like plain text on plain background

You might be picky, but have to prepare a presentation in an hour and don’t have time to fiddle with appearance

Managing Display Properties

Customizing the Toolbar

Display a toolbar

  1. Click on the View menu title.
  2. Place the mouse pointer on the Toolbars command.
  3. Click on the command that displays the name of the toolbar that you want to display.

Hide a toolbar

  1. Click on the View menu title.
  2. Place the mouse pointer on the Toolbars command.
  3. Click on the command that displays the name of the toolbar that you want to hide.

Create a new toolbar

1.  Click on the Tools menu title.

2.  Click on the Customize command.

3.  Click on the New button.

4.  Type the appropriate text and Click on OK.

5.  Click on the Commands tab.

1.  Click on the desired category.

2.  Drag the desired command(s) from the Commands list box and drop it on the toolbar. Click on the Close ( OK) button.

Using the AutoContent Template

Create a new Product Services/Overview

1.  Click on the File menu title.

  1. Click on the New command.
  2. Click on the AutoContent Wizard in the General Content tab.
  3. Click on Next.
  4. Click on Sales/Marketing
  5. Click on Next.
  6. Click on Finish.

Working with Charts (Graphs)

We’ll create a chart will displays ice cream sales by flavor and quarter.

Adding a chart to a slide

1.  Insert a new slide.

2.  Double-Click on the Chart icon on the Standard Toolbar.

3.  Excel inserts a “dummy” chart and displays a Datasheet window.

Plotting a data series

All charts are organized by data series. A data series can be either the columns or the rows of data. You may not be sure how you want your data displayed. Excel will let you preview your data with series in Rows or Series in Columns—you can decide once you see the preview. For the following example, Series in Rows is probably better, but it really depends on preferences and what you’re trying to convey.

1.  Double-Click anywhere in the chart area.

2.  Delete unnecessary columns or rows.

3.  Replace default data with the following data.

Summer / Fall / Winter / Spring
Strawberry / 400 / 850 / 250 / 400
Peachy Paterno / 730 / 1050 / 274 / 426
WPSX / 401 / 796 / 100 / 150

4.  Click on the close button in the Datasheet window.

5.  Click on the Data menu title.

6.  Click on the Series in Columns command to see how changing the series orientation affects the chart.

Changing chart type

There are many different kinds of charts to choose from. Choose a chart that’s appropriate for your data.

Column / good for showing value amounts and quantities over time
Stacked Column / good for showing growth over current base
Bar / good for showing measurement, such as the percentage of a project completed
Line / good for measuring or plotting continuously over time (use w/ column charts)
Pie / good for showing a data set as a percentage of the whole
Doughnut / Like pie chart, but can use multiple sets of data
Scatter / good for plotting data over uneven time intervals (scientific/engineering)
Bubble / good for comparing values in sets of three (first two shown in chart; third value determines size of the bubble markers)

1.  Click on the Chart menu title.

2.  Click on the Chart Type command.

3.  Click on various chart types.

4.  Click on OK.

5.  Revert back to the bar chart, as it’s most appropriate for our data.

Modifying options

Add a chart title and axes titles

1.  Click on the Chart Options command.

2.  Click the Titles tab.

3.  Type the chart title and X and Y axes titles.

4.  Click the other tabs to familiarize yourself with options and click OK.

Formatting chart components

Change the colors of the series columns

1.  Right-Click on one of the Strawberry series columns.

2.  Choose Format Data Series.

3.  Click on a pink color and Click OK.

4.  Repeat these steps for the remaining two series.

Manually place legend and remove its border

1.  Click on legend and drag to the plot area.

2.  Right-Click legend and choose Format Legend.

3.  Click on a Patterns tab.

4.  Click None radio button in the Border area and click OK.

Working With Tables

Create a Creamery Activities calendar for the month of March using a table.

Adding a table to a slide

1.  Insert a new slide.

2.  Click on the Tables and Borders tool icon.

3.  Click on Table and select Insert Table.

4.  Type the number of columns (7) required and Press the Tab key.

5.  Type the number of rows (5) required and Click on OK.

Modifying table cells

Merge and format the top row of cells.

1.  Click in the top cell of the table.

2.  Click on the Table button.

3.  Click on the Borders and Fill command.

4.  Click in the Fill tab.

5.  Click in the Fill color check box if not checked.

6.  Click in the Fill color drop-down list box.

7.  Click on a color.

8.  Click on OK.

Formatting table cell borders

1.  Click on the Table button.

2.  Click on the Borders and Fill command.

3.  Click on a border style.

4.  Click in the Color drop-down list box.

5.  Click on a color.

6.  Click in the Width drop-down list box.

7.  Click on a width.

8.  Click on a border of the diagram, which is displayed to the right in the Borders page.

9.  Click on OK.

Formatting cell text

1.  Type in March across the top cell.

2.  Type 1 in the first row, 6th column and continue typing dates for all the rows.

3.  Click on the Table button.

4.  Click on the Borders and Fill command.

5.  Click on the Text Box tab.

6.  Click in the Text alignment drop-down list box.

7.  Click on a text alignment style.

8.  Click on OK.

Inserting table rows and columns

1.  Click on the row next to which you want to insert a row.

2.  Click on the Table button.

3.  Click on the Insert Rows Below command.

4.  Click on the column next to which you want to insert a column.

Enhancing a Presentation

Importing content from Word

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Click on the Object command.

3.  Click on the Create from file radio button.

  1. Click on Browse and find Why I Love the Creamery.doc and Click on OK.

Importing an Excel chart

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Click on the Object command.

3.  Click on the Create from File radio button.

4.  Click on the Browse button.

  1. Find and click on Creamery Sales 2000.xls and click on OK.

Alternative: Copy chart in Excel and paste into PowerPoint presentation.

Importing another presentation

1.  Click between the slides between which the presentation is to be inserted.

2.  Click on the Insert menu title.

3.  Click on the Slides from Files command.

4.  Click on Browse.

5.  Find PSU Flowers.ppt.

6.  Click on the Insert All button.

  1. Click on the Close button.

Importing a sound file

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Place the mouse pointer on the Movies and Sounds command.

3.  Click on the Sound from File command.

4.  Click on Roar and click on OK.

  1. Click on the Yes button to have the sound play automatically during a slide show.

Importing a movie file

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Place the mouse pointer on the Movies and Sounds command.

3.  Click on the Movie from File command.

4.  Click on psu_hail and click on OK.

  1. Click on the Yes button to have the movie play automatically during a slide show.

Inserting a hyperlink to another slide

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Click on the Hyperlink command.

3.  Click on the Place in This Document button.

4.  Click on the slide to which you want to set the hyperlink.

  1. Click on OK.

Inserting a hyperlink to another slide

1.  Click on the Insert menu title.

2.  Click on the Hyperlink command.

  1. Type in and click on OK.

Using AutoShapes

PowerPoint comes with a set of ready-made shapes you can use in your presentations. The shapes can be resized, rotated, flipped, colored, and combined with other shapes to make more complex shapes. Many have an adjustment handle you can use to change the most prominent feature of a shape— for example, you can change the size of the point on an arrow.

The AutoShapes menu on the Drawing toolbar contains several categories of shapes, including lines, connectors, basic shapes, flowchart elements, stars and banners, and callouts. The More AutoShapes category displays AutoShapes located in the Clip Gallery. Just drag the AutoShape you want from the Clip Gallery onto your slide.

You can add text to AutoShapes by just clicking in the shape and typing. Text you add becomes part of the shape— if you rotate or flip the shape, the text rotates or flips with it.

Draw an ice cream cone using AutoShapes.

1.  On the Drawing toolbar, click AutoShapes, point to Basic Shapes, and then click the isosceles triangle.

  1. Click on the slide and drag to draw triangle. Hold Shift key down to width-to-height ratio.
  2. Click on the rotate button on the Formatting toolbar and rotate the triangle around. This will be the cone.
  3. Click the oval AutoShape.
  4. Click on the slide area and drag to oval. This will be an ice cream scoop.
  5. Create two more scoops.
  6. Move shapes to desired location.
  7. Color scoops and cone using Fill Color command on the Drawing Toolbar.


Animation involves adding a special sound or visual effect to an object.

You can animate, graphics, sounds, movies, charts, and other objects on your slides so that you can focus on important points, control the flow of information, and add interest to your presentation. You can set up the way you want text or an object to appear on your slide— to fly in from the left, for example— and you can set text to appear by the letter, word, or paragraph. You can also choose whether you want other text or objects to dim or change color when you add a new element.