The Moro City Council met for a Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 1, 2013 7:00 PM at Moro City Hall.The following were present Mayor Andy Anderson; Councilors David Lane, Bert Perisho, Jim Payne; Rene’ Moore-City Administrator (CA). Visitors Eileen Moreau, Laura Perisho, Seth von Borstel, Carey Hughes, Wm. P. Thurston.

CONSENT AGENDA-MINUTES-BILLS-FINANCIAL REPORT - There was a motion (Lane/Payne) to approve the September 3rd, 2013 Council Meeting minutes. Motion Carried.

There was a motion (Perisho/Lane) to approve September’s bills totaling $13,294.00, check numbers 10594-10617. Motion Carried.

PAST DUE WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS – There were 8 disconnect notices delivered. All paid a portion due.


WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT – The Mayor reported that the City continues to move forward with the bio-solids lease agreements trying to find farmers willing to have bio-solids applied to farmland. The City had received a signed agreement from a property owner, but the operator doesn’t want to work with bio-solids; so the City has elected to pull out of that lease agreement. The City is still looking at two more potential farmers and a couple more names were thrown out to check as well.

Sludge testing has to be done on the current ponds to determine how much and at what rate the bio-solids will be applied. It was suggested our DPW do this task, but DEQ has frowned on that idea. The office contacted Tim Tice, OAWU, and he is willing to come and do this for the City. Cost to be determined afterwards.

Kennedy/Jenks has provided the City with 60% completed plans and 90% completed plans are under review. The original plan was to go to bid in October/November but the engineers explained it would be better to target January/February bid timeline. The Mayor concurred with that bid date.

Jayne West of DEQ sent the City the “Water Pollution Control Facility Waste Discharge Permit” that will replace the old permit once the wastewater improvement project is completed. DEQ has asked for the City to review the permit before DEQ sends it out for the 30 day comment period.

COUNCILOR VACANCY – The Mayor stated the vacancy notice closed on September 25th and the City only received one letter of interest from Seth von Borstel. Wm. Perry Thurston asked why they weren’t going to count his letter he turned in at the August Council Meeting. The Mayor said the vacancy hadn’t become official until the next month and once the notice came out asking for letters of interest Mr. Thurston hadn’t submitted a letter by the deadline.

Councilor Perisho asked the Mayor if he could ask Seth von Borstel some questions…

Councilor Perisho asked Mr. von Borstel why and what his interest in City Council was. Mr. von Borstel went on to say after his 17 year career in the military, being involved in many boards and committees and was able to implement and see change, he knew some day he would be interested, but didn’t know when a vacancy might occur. Mr. von Borstel wants to see progress within the City. Mr. von Borstel is back in Sherman County full time, owns a home in Moro, newly married, enjoying life and feels he has a lot to offer.

Councilor Perisho went on to say the City has a special place for each of us and have seen a lot happen over the years and that this Council is not agenda driven but focuses on what is best for the community. Mr. von Borstel said it is time to invest in the place I am going to be and give back to the community.

There was a motion (Lane/Perisho) to appoint Seth von Borstel to City Council to fulfill the remainder of out-going Councilor Evan Christiansen’s term. Motion Carried. Rene’ Moore (CA) went on to note the term remaining is just less than two years and once that time comes up Mr. von Borstel can re-run for the position during an election. Mayor Anderson read the Oath of Office to Seth von Borstel and welcomed him to the City Council. Councilor von Borstel took a place at the table to continue on with the Council Meeting.

CITY HALL WELL CLAIM – Rene’ Moore (CA) shared with the Council a letter from the insurance company stating “there was no lightning detected at the time the City Hall Well malfunctioned”. The insurance company advised the City to have Schneider Equipment pull the pump and motor to confirm damage. Schneider Equipment is to provide a report to the insurance company of their findings and revised estimate if warranted. Ms. Moore (CA) reported Schneider Equipment has ordered parts and will be out this week or next to complete the work. The Mayor brought up the condition of the housing over the well and the City should look at re-doing it. The Mayor asked for Councilor von Borstel with his knowledge if he could take a look at it and see what maybe could be done to resurrect it.

WEED SPRAYING – QUOTE – Rene’ Moore (CA) shared she had contacted Mid-Columbia Producers (MCP) after last month’s Council Meeting to see who they were now using for weed control. The City realizes that the contract with Bob Oakden will be ending and the City needs to find a new licensed weed sprayer. Jeff Kaser (MCP) shared with Ms. Moore they are now using Shough Mountain Sprayers out of Dufur and provided a phone number. Ms. Moore was hoping for a quote by tonight’s meeting but not sure if the Director of Public Works (DPW) contacted them or not. Councilor Perisho stated he did check with his boss since he carries a public spray license if he could spray for the City and the response was “NO” the City would have to be added to the license and ODOT isn’t interested. The conversation turned to weeds really starting to take over and some of those are…puncture vine, kosha, morning glory and nap weed.

SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE & DLCD PLANNING ASSISTANCE GRANT – The Mayor had asked to start a review of the Subdivision Ordinance due to numerous blank spaces designating widths of streets and alleys. Rene’ Moore (CA) pointed out the original ordinance dated back in 1975 also was also full of blanks spaces. Ms. Moore (CA) shared with the Council the City will be receiving a $1,000 DLCD Planning Assistance Grant that would help pay for help from Dan Meader to get this ordinance completed. There was a motion (Perisho/von Borstel) to use the $1,000 Planning Assistance Grant and assistance from Dan Meader along with City staff to complete the Ordinance. Motion Carried. Ms. Moore pointed out the ordinance will then need to go through two readings and an adoption to make it official.

MORO CITY HALL – The Mayor stated that he and Councilor Lane wanted to see the topic of a new City Hall back on the agenda to determine the Council’s position. The Mayor went on to point out when the bids came in so high the Council agreed to postpone the topic for awhile.

The Mayor asked the thoughts of the Council regarding a new City Hall….

·  Councilor Perisho stated he doesn’t want to see this stalled any longer and that the City has been setting aside funds for years for this building.

·  Councilor Lane stated he agrees 100% to move forward with the building of a new City Hall, but would like to see a Town Hall Meeting inviting the public to explain the reasons behind the need of a new City Hall.

·  Councilor von Borstel stated trying to fix this cinderblock building is not a good use of the funds and is in favor of a new City Hall.

·  Councilor Payne stated he likes the idea of going out for bid again on a new City Hall.

Mayor Anderson stated he is feeling everyone on the Council is in favor of moving forward again with the building of a new City Hall and to hold a Town Hall Meeting for the community. A Town Hall Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm at the Steve Burnet Building.

Resident Carey Hughes shared she didn’t think the whole idea of a new City Hall was explained to the public very well and that the City has the money setting aside ready to go. Ms. Hughes feels the public will gather more around the idea of a new City Hall with all the information given at a Town Hall Meeting.

Resident Eileen Moreau stated she would like to see handouts ready with all the pertinent information to distribute at the Town Hall Meeting with space for people to write down their comments as well.

SEWER AVAILABILITY, EXPERIMENT STATION – Rene’ Moore (CA) explained to the Council she had a phone call from John Zalaznik- Public Health, sharing the Experiment Station is interested in building a new weed mixing building at the Steve Burnet Building site. They prefer to install their own sewer waste system with drain field rather that attaching to the City’s waste system, however to do so they need City Council approval. Council approval is required for a property outside City limits to be exempted from connecting to the City wastewater system if the property is within 300 feet of the City’s sewage lagoons. There was a motion (Perisho/von Borstel) to grant the Experiment Station an exemption from connecting to the City’s sewer and establishing their own wastewater system. Motion Carried. Ms. Moore went on to state they will have to connect to the City’s water system and be charged one EDU for water. They will also be required to install a backflow device on the line as well. OSU will be responsible for the added water EDU that will be charged.

OLD ASPHALT GRINDINGS – Rene’ Moore (CA) reported to the Council that Mark Coles – County Road Master, stopped in the office and asked if the County could still use the old asphalt grindings for the new road proposed at the Experiment Station. Ms. Moore stated she told Mr. Coles “YES” and take them all. Council agreed noting it would be so nice to get rid of them.


Resident Eileen Moreau questioned the appearance of a house in town and whether there is anything the City can do about it. Ms. Moreau also stated the parking on the lower half of 1st Street is getting almost impossible to get through with the diagonal parking and farm trucks.

Resident W. P. Thurston stated he isn’t against a new City Hall. Mr. Thurston’s main concern is where did the money come from? Mr. Thurston stated he is on the budget committee and never saw where all the money came from to build a new City Hall and when did the Council vote on to spend all this money. Mr. Thurston’s other concern is how much is it going to cost to maintain two buildings compared to just one. Mr. Thurston said if you want support from the community for this major appropriation, then it should go to the vote of the people.

Councilor Perisho went on to say the water/sewer funds are self-sustaining funds. It was pointed out that Mr. Thurston was the one saying they were cash cows. Councilor Perisho also said the City has not transferred funds from the water/sewer funds to other funds.

GOOD OF THE ORDER – Councilor Perisho stated he would like to see on next month’s agenda…parking on 1st Street and Councilor von Borstel wanted to add to that, parking on 4th Street.

Rene’ Moore (CA) shared she will be gone October 10th -14th but back in the office the 15th.

The Mayor shared it was noticed today there is a water leak at the intersection of 2nd Street and Main Street. Once John English (DPW) returns he will have to check out what the problem might be.

The Mayor called for the Council to enter into an Executive Session.

EXECUTIVE SESSION PER ORS 192.660 (h) – Litigation

The Mayor called for the Council to return to regular business. The Council took this time to get new Councilor von Borstel up to speed on what the City is doing and has been doing in the last few years.

Next regular Council Meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2013 @ 7:00 pm location Moro City Hall.

______Mayor, City of Moro Attest



City of Moro

Council Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2013