Conservation Commission Minutes February 13, 2017




February 13, 2017

Buckley Room

7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Mike Noonan, Chair, Jerry Kelliher, Jim Tormey, Kathy Creighton, Joe Feeney, Jim Connolly, Maryellen Basham

Absent: Russ Forsythe, Mary Ellen Martin

7:00 p.m. #84-504, Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation filed by the Town of Abington, 500 Gliniewicz Way, Abington, to confirm wetland resource areas located at 455 Summer Street.

John Cotter of the Russell Wheatley Co. gave presentation to have Commission review plan and hopefully agree with flagging that was done by Pinebrook Consulting. At one time, this area was a nursery in the '70's, and there was a series of drainage ditches on both sides of the property. The drainage runs from about the center of the property, and as you're looking at it, it runs north towards Summer Street and it also runs south towards the land owned by Abington Investments LLC.

The flagging that is shown, the A line, runs along the entranceway to the Abington Senior Center and runs between a detention basin and a little pond, which is fed by a drainage ditch and an intermittent stream, and that area runs into a culvert under Summer Street into another pond on the other side of the railroad tracks. The other side runs southerly into a drainage ditch that eventually goes down into a wet meadow on the abutting property. There is a B line that runs along the easterly and westerly side of the property. There is an island in the middle that is about 3.5 acres and is overgrown landscaping trees.

John did a sketch on the plan to give an FYI because the Town is planning to put in a dog park on the north part of upland area, about 300 feet from Summer Street, a 40,000 s.f. area to be fenced in, and create a dog park. Because there is a wetland between the Abington Senior Center and the island, there will be a 1575 s.f. fill area that will be done for an emergency access road and will be the access for people to cross from the Senior Center into the other area. At the northern most area of the upland they will do a replication area a little better than 2:1. Kathy asked about the 25' right of way. John - at one time Lot 2 was owned by the Flame of Fire Church. Because there was such a large area of wetlands from Summer Street to the actual upland usable area, when they sold the land to the Town of Abington for the Senior Center, they put an access way in. Now Lot 2 is owned by the Town so there is no right of way, because it's all owned by the Town.

John submitted a wetlands report from Brooke Monroe, Pinebrook Consulting. This hearing is just for the ANRAD.

Richard LaFond, Town Manager - the Board of Selectmen are trying to deal with the issue of out of control, unleashed dogs on Town property and trying to find an appropriate place for them.

Opened to floor: Fran Cronin, 458 Summer Street - will this have any effect on water or drainage across the street? John - no. They will be the cutting scrub trees and clearing the upland area, but the area won't be paved, they will be utilizing the parking area that is there now. The upland area will still be a grassed area.

Mike - reminded the audience that we are here for the delineation only. Other issues will come later.

Closed back to the table. Joe F. - saw water out there. John - there is standing water in some of the ditches. Best way to access site is to go around back and there is a little board walk that you can cross over on to the upland.

Motion to confirm the wetland resource areas located at 455 Summer Street as presented made by Jim C., seconded by Jerry, unanimous.

#84-503, Abbreviated NOI filed by Mento Homes, Inc., 1157 Washington Street, Braintree, to construct single family home, site grade, driveway construction and utility connections within the 100' buffer zone at Lot 6-A John L. Sullivan Way.

Carl Garvey gave presentation. This is for construction of single family home within the 100' buffer zone. Property was originally owned by Henrikson's Dairy, then purchased by Seoane Landscape, and subsequently sold to Mento Homes. Mento Homes has filed the Abbreviated NOI for the single family home. It is a wide open lot now. Mike had gone up there, and it is pretty dry. Carl - grades on John L. Sullivan Way slope down from 188 to 182, and lots from driveway from 184, house at 171 and low spot at 152, so there is about a 30' drop in elevation. There was a stormwater report in the original filing, and PMP had reviewed drainage calcs through the Planning Board. Original subdivision had gone through Conservation and Planning Bd. in 2008 or 2009 and came under the Mass. Permit Extension Act.

Opened to floor:

Pat Mullen, 740 Hancock Street - why was she notified? Because she is within so many feet of the project.

Closed to the public and brought back to the table. Carl submitted green cards. Motion by Jerry to approve the project, seconded by Joe, unanimous.

Minutes: motion to approve January 23, 2017 made by Kathy, seconded by Jerry, unanimous.

Email from DEP regarding wetland changes on 140 Rockland Street brought up. Discussion on activity on 140 Rockland Street. Question on whether additional filing is necessary. Mike will contact Lee Mann to come in and file a NOI to find out what he's done. Mike will also contact DEP.

Order of Conditions: #84-503, A1(25)-6, G1,2,3,4,5(25),6,7, H2,4,5,6,7,8,9, I-1, 2a-f.

Joe brought up land behind Sr. Center which has been flagged. Glenn LaPointe has been in touch with Mike. They don't have specific plans for the property as yet.

Motion to adjourn the meeting 8:15 p.m. made by Kathy, seconded by Jerry, unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Hurst