MEETING 1/ 2013 ORBOST March 11th 2013

  1. Attendance: Janice Preston, Geoff Preston, Dawn Jackson ,Keith Law, Marlene Robb, Eddie Slatter, Michael Oxer, Sue Peirce

Apologies: May Leach

2. Report of previous meeting held at Nicholson – no report as this meeting was cancelled due to mix up in notification

  1. Correspondence
  2. letter from Consumer Affairs informing of changes to legislation affecting incorporated associations. The secretary is now the Public Officer. Some discussion regarding the “Statement of Purpose” used for incorporation.

This is copied below

“1. To support completion of the East Gippsland Rail Trail with full and consistent development of the Rail trail between Bairnsdale and Orbost via Nicholson, Bruthen and NowaNowa

2. To support the Committee of Management of the East Gippsland Rail Trail in management of the Rail Trail through appropriate terms of reference.

3. To promote the tourism, recreational, environmental and historical value of the East Gippsland Rail Trail to the community, governments and sponsors.

4. To develop expertise in significant aspects of the East Gippsland Rail Trail including:

  • Vegetation management
  • Fauna and habitats
  • Recognition and respect for the cultural significance of traditional landowners
  • Conservation of artefacts
  • History of the former railway
  • Trail guide and interpretation signs
  • Assistance with infrastructure management and tourism promotion’

[NB The statement of purposes cannot be ‘revised’ ]

  1. sent thank you cards to the Orbost contributors to new sign
  2. Card to Vicki
  3. Letter from Moe- Morwell trail re trails surface issues seeking advice
  1. Treasurer’s report

Keith presented report : YTD Income 2,074expenses $1,006

Bank balance $5368

A/c for payment Australia Post $99

Moved report adopted Keith, Sec Geoff, carried

  1. Newsletter – send information to Marlene for next edition
  1. Website – been updated
  1. Committee of Management

6.1Michael to meet with DSE and Council to look at trail future support

6.2DSE reviewing CoM structure for committees managing public land

6.3New brochure being designed – 18 advertisers

6.4Telstra willput new cable long trail, CoM requested funds to assist with on going impacts from such works, Telstra refused, but Com contesting the decision

6.5Newmerella collapse: CoMhas asked if Shire engineers can give opinion to help assess options. Concern that this will open again if heavy rain falls

6.6Seats: new seat donated by family of Jack Irvine has been installed close to the Irvine farm gate on the trail.

Seat donated by South Australian walking group to be installed at Seaton Track [start of Lakes Discovery Trail]

6.7Shire has new design for directional signs, CoM will adopt same style and colour. Need list of locations and wording for fingerboard signs to be installed in trail environs. Not sure of costings yet – maybe some grants will be available.

  1. Membership

New members Terry and Maureen Symmonds of Nicholson

Another new member , David Skinner, Andrew Sharpe has money and details – Janice to obtain

  1. Other items

8.1 Art on the trail – discussion regarding the use of railway or bicycle ‘scraps’ to make some decorative sculptures for trail. Variety of rusty bits at Michael and Sue’s place, maybe some men’s shed folk could use for sculptures. Geoff to ask at NowaNowaMen’s Shed to see if any interest

8.2 Weeds growing up between Joiners and Simpson Creek Rds and suggested to do some spraying – need to purchase herbicide. Geoff and Keith have spray backpacks

8.3 Snowy West Landcare have contract for spraying – suggested this could be done by Friends. Geoff to collect the yellow spray trailer from Nicholson. Kerry Seaton to be approached to supervise the weed control. Eddie able to assist.

8.4 Friends to install seat with ‘Vickisview’ overlooking the Orbost flats, with Vicki’s approval.

8.5 Interpretative signs - The hop kilns and maize cradles near Bruthen would be good subjects for information signs. Marlene approached Neil Triggs but no response as yet. The lucerne growers, [ Kennedy] may also consider sign sponsorship.

The history of timber mills near NowaNowa would also be good subject – Janice to approach Adams and Montana timbers. Marlene to provide picture to send with letter as example of signs

8.6 Nicholson River Landcare has $2000 grant for revegetation on south side of railway bridge. Another grant of $12,500 has had verbal approval, this is to construct paths and other works to facilitate walking tracks around the trail and river.

  1. Meetings for 2013

AGM BruthenSaturday July 20th at 1pm

NowaNowa Monday Oct 14th at 7pm, 6pm for meal

  1. Meeting closed at 8.15 pm