Supplementary Table S1.Cultural characteristics of strain 268506T.

No soluble pigment was produced on any media in this study.

Medium / Growth / Color of colony
Tryptone-yeast extract agar (ISP1) / Moderate / Light Orange Yellow
Yeast extract-malt extract agar (ISP2) / Abundant / Moderate Orange Yellow
Oatmeal agar (ISP3) / Moderate / Pale Orange Yellow
Inorganic salt-starch agar (ISP 4) / Poor / Pale Orange Yellow
Glycerol-asparagine agar (ISP 5) / Poor / Pale Orange Yellow
Peptone-yeast extract iron agar (ISP 6) / Abundant / Light Orange Yellow
Tyrosine agar (ISP 7) / Poor / Yellowish White
ATCC172 / Abundant / Light Orange Yellow
Czapek agar / Poor / Yellowish White
M8 agar / Abundant / Moderate Orange Yellow
Nutrient agar / Moderate / Light Orange Yellow
Potato-glucose agar / Abundant / Moderate Orange Yellow

Supplementary Table S2. Cellular fatty acid profiles of strain 268506T with reference strains.

Strains: 1, strain 268506T; 2, M. equinaY22T; 3, M.olivasterosporaDSM 43868T.

1 / 2 / 3
C15:0 / 0.42 / 7.25 / -
C16:0 / - / 2.04 / 2.56
C17:0 / 1.73 / 12.04 / 0.42
C18:0 / 0.65 / 0.46 / 0.40
Saturated branched
iso-C14:0 / 1.86 / 0.60 / 3.41
anteiso-C14:0 / - / 0.29 / 0.15
iso-C15:0 / 24.06 / 30.81 / 23.40
anteiso-C15:0 / 8.88 / 15.95 / 8.58
iso-C16:0 / 38.32 / 5.24 / 42.65
anteiso-C16:0 / 1.68 / - / -
iso-C17:0 / 9.02 / 3.58 / 5.50
anteiso-C17:0 / 11.64 / 8.93 / 7.59
anteiso-C18:0 / 0.73 / - / 0.36
Unsaturated straight
C17:1ω8ϲ / - / 2.00 / -
C17:1ω9ϲ / - / 7.61 / -
Methyl branched
10Me-C16:0 / 0.49 / 0.51 / 0.99
10Me-C17:0 / 0.52 / 2.70 / 0.13
C16:1 2-OH / - / - / 1.63
iso-C17:1 3-OH / - / - / 1.23
anteiso-C17:1 3-OH / - / - / 1.00

Supplementary Fig.S1. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree(Saitou & Nei 1987) based on the partial gyrBgene sequences (1050 nt) of268506T,44 current species recognized in the genusMicromonospora. DactylosporangiummatsuzakienseATCC31570T was used as anoutgroup.Asterisks (*) indicate branches that were also found using the maximum-parsimony (Kluge & Farris 1969)method; Crosses (‡) indicate branches that were also found using the maximum-likelihood method (Felsenstein 1981).Numbers at branch points indicate bootstrap percentages (based on 1000 replicates); only values50 % are indicated. Bar, 0.02 substitutions per nucleotide position.

Supplementary Fig.S2.Two-dimensional TLC of the polar lipid profile of strain 268506Tdetected with phosphomolybdic acid spraying reagent.

Abbreviations: PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PG,phosphatidylglycerol; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PIM, phosphatidylinositol mannoside; DPG,diphosphatidylglycerol; AL, unknownaminolipid; PGL, unknown phosphoglycolipid; PL, unknown phospholipids; L, unknown polar lipid.