Further Information to Guide You

Economy- Write a paragraph about the economy of your state. How do people make money here? What are the major industries? Do they sell or grow any products? What should the reader know about your state’s economy?

Geography- Write a paragraph about the geography of your state. You can include landforms, water sources, size of state, latitude, longitude, or any other detail you think would be important for the reader.

History- Write a paragraph about the history of your state. What year did it become a state? Give some interesting details about your state’s history (wars, famous events…). What is important for the reader to know about your state’s past?

Government- Every state has a capital. The capital is the seat of government. The state capital is not always the largest city in the state. Write a paragraph about the capital of your state. Why was it chosen to be the capital? Include any other interesting facts you learn about the capital.

*Notable Person- Every state has people who were born in that state and went on to become famous for things they did for the state, country or world. Write a paragraph about one famous person from your state and give a short summary of their accomplishments.

*Tourist Attraction- Every state has popular places that people like to visit, called tourist attractions. If someone took a vacation to your state, where would they go? Write a paragraph about one of your state’s most popular tourist attractions.

Illustration/Graphic- Include an illustration or graphic about your state. It can be a place, person, postcard, photo from a pamphlet, clip art picture or any other graphic you’d like.

Map- Include a map from your state. It can be a political map, product map or any other type of map you choose to draw or locate online.

Sources Page- Your sources include books, magazines, and Internet sites you used for your report. Where did you find the information? Make sure to list at least 2 sources.

Book example: Vermont, The Friendly State by Jean Smith

Internet Site example: www.puremichigan.com

Magazine example: Time for Kids, January 2007

*extra credit