Resurrection Episcopal Church, Rockdale

“We Gather Together”

APRIL, 2017

April Showers May Be Over at the End of This Month, But Easter Just Keeps On Going

Many of you have read carefully the appeals in the bulletin each week, asking for support for the Easter season flowers (in the form of memorial contributions or gifts honoring someone still among us) as we undertake to make our Easter worship as glorious as our faith proclaims Easter to be. For those who have paid strict attention, you know that one emphasis we’re making this year is trying to have the specialness of the Easter Season not concentrate itself all on Easter Day (April 16 this year—fairly late as Easter Day dates fall year to year).

Instead, we’re working on the special worship, decoration, and spiritual meaning of Easter to be something which we put front and center at Resurrection, Rockdale, for all the fifty days (a week of weeks, plus one day) from Easter Day on April 16 until Pentecost on June 4. The whole Altar Guild intrepid crew will be working to make the Altar and the floral decoration shine forth in splendor during that whole time (This will mean less of a concentration on Easter Day, and a smoothing out of the impact over a longer period).

What our Altar Guild is doing is not just making special decorations for their own sake, but instead making our worship space festive as a way of leading us in our worship/spiritual lives (as the Altar Guild so often does so well). All of us should work to make our lives Easter-bright all season long. This means that we will take special pains to resist the temptation to put our active participation in parish worship and other activities on the back burner, sort of a―spring is here, let’s practice for summer vacation—kind of attitude. Lots of times Episcopalians (and others) seem to be a lot more interested in preparing for Easter during Lent than in celebrating Easter and its message through Easter season when it arrives.

In many ways Easter is the mirror image of Lent.

•  In Lent, we concentrate our thoughts and prayers on the ways in which we have not yet reached the fullness of what God gives us the grace to be and to do. In Easter, we celebrate how God’s love has redeemed us and made us a holy people.

•  In Lent, a confession of our faults forms a prominent part of each Sunday’s worship. In Easter, we omit a confession as part of our worship (not because we have suddenly become perfect, but because we are concentrating our attention not on our faults, but God’s love. Which is what God seems to do).

•  In Lent, we use simple and restrained objects in our worship (the glass paten (plate), chalice, and bread container along with glass cruets for the wine and water. In Easter, the Paschal [which means Easter] candle towers over us at all worship services. The bigger, fancier candlesticks (and candelabra) and altar silver are used. We are having a party in our worship—eight Sundays in a row.

•  In Lent, our worship emphasizes our separateness from the fullness of God’s will. In Easter, we stress our rejoicing that God is among us and in us.

•  In Lent, we are invited to kneel (or sit) for sections of the Liturgy as a sign of humility and penitence before the Lord—this is also an isolating and private body posture. In Easter, all kneeling is discouraged (The Council of Nicea in 324 A.D., which wrote most of the Creed we say each Sunday, forbade kneeling during Easter season as insufficiently respectful of the Resurrection). We stand celebrating our oneness as part of the Redeemed People of God.

So please make a point of sticking around for all of Easter season this year (as late in the calendar year as it comes). There is much to be celebrated, and many important events in our Parish’s life will be taking place (just to name a few:

•  Every Sunday, we hear the history of God’s saving actions in the early church from the book of the Acts of the Apostles, and of the appearances by our Risen Lord after his Resurrection. The story of our life in the Risen Christ doesn’t end on Easter Day, it’s just beginning!

•  May 7, One Service at 9:00 a.m. preceding The Annual Meeting of the Parish—with a special update from the Mission Discernment Task Force for Resurrection’s Future on their work and its progress

•  May 14, Mother’s Day, as we remember how mothers’ love shows forth the Love God showers upon us. Special gifts for the mothers in our congregation

•  May 21, Rogation Sunday, as we offer prayers for all growing things and visit some of the areas of our parish’s property for prayers and action.

2017 Calendar

April Counters: Marsha Litwin and Helen Dunlap

01: ECW Meeting (undercroft)—10AM

Lenni Lifeline/AA Meeting—7PM

02 THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT – Children’s Service

Today’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by Leigh Oppelt for Julia’s 16th birthday

8:00 AM—Rite I Service

Altar Guild: Nancy Webber and Sandy Bryne

Lay Reader: Janet Russello

Chalicer: Janet Russello

Ushers: Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff

Coffee Hour: / Undercroft closed


Altar Guild: / Kate Idun
Lectors: / 1st Lesson: Debbie Ney
2nd Lesson: Phyllis Russell
Intercessor: / Joan Riccardi
Chalicer: / Phyllis Russell
Crucifer: / Ellen Stone
Ushers: / John Gallen
Coffee Hour: / Undercroft closed






08 Lenni Lifeline/AA Meeting—7PM


Today’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Saunders and Camp families in loving memory of Rosalie Williams..

8am—Rite I Service

Altar Guild: Helen Dunlap

Lay Reader: Rick Dunlap

Chalicer: Helen Dunlap

Ushers: Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed

10am—Rite II Service

Altar Guild: Karen Warren and Kate Idun

Lectors: 1st Lesson: Ellen Stone

2nd Lesson: Michelle Saunders

Intercessor: Jude Winters

Chalicer: Karen Warren

Crucifer: Ellen Stone

Ushers: Bruce Warren and John Gallen

Sunday School Connie Allison and Barbara Krisack

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed




13 Girl Scout Leader Meeting – 6:30 PM undercroft


7 PM—Rite I Service

Altar Guild: / Helen Dunlap
Lay Reader: / Rick Dunlap
Chalicer: / Helen Dunlap
Coffee Hour: / Undercroft closed


12 NOON—Rite I Service

Altar Guild: / Bridget Thomas & Nancy Webber
Lay Readers: / Jude Winters
Chalicer: / Jude Winters
Ushers: / Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff
Coffee Hour: / Undercroft closed

15 Lenni Lifeline/AA Meeting—7PM


Today’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God

8 AM—Rite I Service

Altar Guild: / Helen Dunlap
Lectors: / Diane Mundell
Chalicer: / Diane Mundell
Ushers: / Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed

10 AM- Rite II Service

Altar Guild: Karen Warren and Kate Idun

Lectors: 1st Lesson: Jude Winters

2nd Lesson: Rosemary Bezuidenhout

Intercessor: Joan Riccardi

Chalicer: Pieter Bezuidenhout

Crucifer: Ellen Stone

Ushers: Bruce Warren and John Gallen

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed






22 ECW: ASTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY “ History of Aston Mills” – NOON

Lecture and Buffet Luncheon – Donations accepted

Lenni Lifeline/AA Meeting—7PM


Today’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Thomas and Quaile family in loving memory of Catherine ?

8 AM—Rite I Service

Altar Guild:
Lectors: / Janet Russello
Chalicer: / Janet Russello
Ushers: / Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed

10 AM- Rite II Service

Altar Guild: Karen Warren and Kate Idun

Lectors: 1st Lesson: Debbie Ney

2nd Lesson: Karen Warren

Intercessor: Pieter Bezuidenhout

Chalicer: Rosemary Bezuidenhout

Crucifer: Ellen Stone

Ushers: Bruce Warren and John Gallen

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed







29 Lenni Lifeline/AA Meeting—7PM


Today’s altar flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Benzuidant Family for Nikolean’s birthday

8 AM—Rite I Service

Altar Guild:
Lectors: / Rick Dunlap
Chalicer: / Helen Dunlap
Ushers: / Charlie Simpson and Joe Bardroff

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed

10 AM- Rite II Service

Altar Guild: Karen Warren and Kate Idun

Lectors: 1st Lesson: Michelle Saunders

2nd Lesson: Ellen Stone

Intercessor: Karen Warren

Chalicer: Jude Winters

Crucifer: Ellen Stone

Ushers: Bruce Warren and John Gallen

Coffee Hour: Undercroft closed

During April -prayers are requested for this congregation, especially those in any need or trouble

Laura and David, Chris and Dana, Kathren Beebe, the BeVier

Family, Bill Boyd, Jeannie Brancato, Father Arthur Brunner, Joan Bullard, J.D., Terri Devlin, Dolores Gray, David Evans, Will and Ellie Evans, Kristine Franklin, Chris and Jessica Geiger, Doris Kolodi, Jim Leehan, the Loop Family, Dorothy Meehan, All Military Personnel, Ben Obenchain, Lisa Rich, Phyllis Russell, Bill Scott, Gale Spencer, Charlie Simpson, Savannah Taylor, Becky Thomas, Dale Tibbetts, Aileen Traynor, and Louis Wand.


Nomination for Vestry: We are seeking at least three (3) vestry nominees for 3 positions. Eligible members must have been able to vote in the last annual meeting, should be a member in good standing, regular in attendance, and pledging to the church. ** Nominations close April 23, 2017**. The nomination box is in the Narthex.

ANNUAL MEETING: Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 7th after the 9:00 service for the Annual Meeting. It will be held in the undercroft. Any questions, please contact a vestry member.


Over the last two years Resurrection Episcopal Church (REC) has arisen from the combining of

Calvary Episcopal Church of Rockdale and St. James Episcopal Church, Aston.

The joining of parishes was deemed necessary in our current religious environment.

The goal is to have one flourishing church. To complete this goal, Resurrection Church's mission

must be to serve our Episcopal religious community in the most effective way possible.

The Vestry of Resurrection Episcopal Church has created the Mission Development

Task Force for Resurrection’s Future to ensure our church is on the correct path. Members of this task force believe that reaching out to our current parishioners, past parishioners and future parishioners

to discover your likes, dislikes, goals, desires and needs will enable us to most effectively suggest

ideas for this church’s future.

We meet as a whole church community on Sunday, March 26 after the 9:00 AM service with Fr. Tate and collect information to be used as data for the creating of goals.

Members of the Task Force are: Rick Dunlap, Chair, Janet Russello, Rosemary Bezuidenhout, Leigh Oppelt and David Hagey.



help on the property committee. No experience necessary! We will meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6PM in the undercroft.

Please contact Phyllis Russell (610)358-0258 or Helen Dunlap (610) 742-4300.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 27, 2017

Minutes from March meeting:

1.  Undercroft Update:

a.  Carpeting done and paid for.

b.  Hallway- floor replaced and new tile layed.

c.  Kitchen

i.  Old cabinets out – new cabinets being put in

ii. New tile floor

iii.  Purged the materials – we only saved for a place setting of 50

iv.  Plumbing – sink needs new plumbing – plumber coming in after cabinets are in.

v.  Painting the kitchen

d.  Purging of the kitchen, choir room and Sunday School by Easter week.

2.  Other projects:

a.  Tree removal on Rt 452 being done by Middletown Township.

b.  Rick’s Shed – will be moving back in by May.

c.  Electrician - electrical work needed throughout the property especially in church loft to get chimes working again.

d.  Roof – getting estimates to caulk the roof to prevent water damage in the undercroft.

e.  Bats in the Rectory – getting estimates for the prevention of the bats.

OUTREACH: Outreach (like the rest of stewardship) is a year-round,

24/7/365 thing. Watch the bulletin and newsletter for the opportunities to practice Christian love as Leigh brings them to our attention.


We have decided to contribute to the Faith Community Church Food Pantry in Brookhaven as an ongoing local outreach. There will be collection bins in front of the choir seating. which will be collected each Sunday and delivered to the Pantry. If you have any questions at all please contact Leigh Oppelt 610-368-1776 or . Flyers have also been posted on bulletin boards in the Narthex and Undercroft.

Top Needs: Tomato Sauce—Condiments (ketchup, yellow mustard, mayo, salad dressings, etc)—Baking items as well as dessert boxes—Soup (any variety)—Potatoes (canned or boxed)

Other Items: Pasta—Sauces—Seasonings/Baking—Rice—Cereal—Snack Foods—Coffee— Tea—Hot Cocoa—Juice or other drink mixes—Peanut Butter—Jelly—Cookies—Canned veggies—Canned fruit—they will also take pet food and toiletries

COFFEE HOUR: Coffee hour is still closed until the kitchen is renovated – the floor is finished, but the kitchen cabinets and new counter top will hopefully be installed within the next two weeks.


If you are interested in helping to provide snacks, and clean-up before the 8:00 AM and after the 10:00AM service, please sign up in the undercroft. If there is a Sunday when no one has signed up – there will be no coffee hour. Please let Joe Bardroff know if you can help.

CHALICERS and READERS: If you are interested in becoming a Chalicer and Reader – please speak with Ernestine Franz or Helen Dunlap.