
Morning Worship* Today9/22 / Next Week 9/29
Announcements Neal / Anthony
Song Wertz / Comeaux
Prayer Medina / Merritt
Preside @ Table Johnson / Lake
Assisting Frazier / Gauvin
Assisting Davidson / George
Assisting Dukes / Johnson
Prayer Porter / Wedge
Evening Worship*
Announcements Neal / Anthony
Song Leader Wertz / Comeaux
Prayer Kent / Caples
Communion/Prayer Johnson / Lake
Wed. Evening Worship*
Announcements Kowa / Neal
Song Leader Various / M Maiwald
Invitation Wedge / Wertz
Prayer Wertz / Caples
1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to performan assigned
2. Notify Tim Wertz and Patty Wiggins of any changes.
3. Please be at the worship service 5-10 minutes early
September / October / November
Prepare Communion / Johnson / Lake / Medina
Lockup / Wertz / Anthony / Maiwald
Transportation / Wertz / TBD / TBD
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / 10/12 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons/Prch’r Mtg / 10/12 / 9:30am / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:
Church building:
Special Days
Happy Birthday, September!
Alonzo Carr / 2 / Kaitlyn Ramos / 7
Beatrice Okiyi / 9 / Rosalyn Brown / 12
Robert Lake / 14 / Lee Porter / 15
Marshal Maiwald / 18 / Elder Ramos / 21
Denise Porter / 27 / Camala Price / 28
Christopher Neal / 29
Happy Anniversary, September!
Niles & Katie Wedge / 9
Elder & Kaitlyn Ramos / 14

What is the one baptism?

Paul, through the Spirit, taught and required religious unity (Ephesians 4:1-3). He showed such unity is possible because of the essential oneness of Christ's system (vss. 4-6). There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, and one God the Father. In this passage Paul also taught there is "one baptism" (vs. 5). There are a number of different baptisms mentioned in the scriptures.For example, there is the baptism of John (Matthew 21:25), baptism of suffering (Matthew 2:22), baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11), baptism of the Spirit (Acts 1:5), and water baptism for the forgiveness of sin (Acts 2:38, 22:16). The baptism of fire (immersed in fire, hell) is future, the baptism of John was for a limited time (Acts 19:3-5), the baptism of suffering was unique, and the baptism of the Spirit had a special purpose for a certain group, it was never meant to be universal.

The one baptism is water baptism which is for the remission of sin.Since there is only one baptism (required and universal), it is obviously of great importance. Jesus commissioned his apostles to preach to the whole world (Mark 16:15-16). In this commission they were to teach and practice baptism (Mark 16:16). The baptism which they universally practiced was water baptism for the remission of sin (see Acts 2:14-41, etc. ). This baptism was immersion or burial in water and was submitted to by believing, penitent people who had confessed Christ's deity (Colossians 2:12, Acts 2: 36-38, Acts 8: 35-40). About two years after Paul penned there is one baptism, Peter wrote of a baptism which saves (1 Peter 3:21). Peter made it plain this saving of baptism is water baptism (1 Peter 3: 20, 21). Brethren, there are many so called baptisms today. Some are performed on babies, some on people who maintain they have already been saved. Beloved, have you submitted to the only true baptism of which we read in the scriptures? If not why are you waiting arise and be baptized.


For our Prayers-September 22, 2013


Christy Comeaux's grandmother, Corrine Brower, has been hospitalized for bronchitisand trouble breathing.


Our prayers and cares continue for Tammy Elliot on the passing

of her father.

Greenfield Senior Living

Gayle Swabb

Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:

 Eugene Jones (Kennetha Marbury's uncle) Cancer

 Harry Sweet (cancer),

 Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)

 Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter)

 Tom Stander (Katie Wedge's father) Cancer

Gloria Anthony (Eric’s Mom) Parkinson’s

 Ray Webb (Melissa Davidson’s father)

 OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s

Our young adult(s) who are in college, home/away:

Catie Wordham (George Mason University)

Continued prayers for our members:

Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Sue Bilbrey

Katherine Wertz Colleen Wertz Robert Lake

Betty Perez Christine Liddell Charles Swabb

Will Davis James Roberson Ed Wiggins

Also remember to pray for:

…those who suffer from secret sorrows

...those of our number, and their families,who are traveling

…the safety of all those serving in the armed services

...the safety of our own who are, or will be, stationed out

of the country: Roy Allen, Glen Clubb

…all of our mission efforts around the world.

…our nation’s leaders and officials

…the elders who shepherd usthrough the spiritual dangers we

face daily