General Principal Investigator [PI]and Research Unit PIs

Date 2012, January …

CUN Area
Research Title

Part I – General Principal Investigator [Coordinatore nazionale]

A.A. General Information

Full Name, position
Born (year) / 19.. / Scientific sector
Department, Faculty/School

A.B. Research Project

Keywords Short summary [state of art, aim; maximum 200 words]

A.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

A.C.1 Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Books [scientific]
Books [teaching]

A.C.2Scientometric [optional]

Total Impact factor
Total Citations
Average Citations per Product
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)

A.D. Selected Publications - List of the principal publications (maximum No. 10). For each publication report: authors, title, reference data (journal, year, volume, pages), journal IF 2010 (if applicable), citations and press/media release (optional).


B. Research Unit PIs/minimum 4 [Coordinatori locali – almeno 4]

B.1.A General Information Unit 1

Full Name, position
Department, Faculty

B.1.B. Research of the Unit

KeywordsSummary [aim] [maximum 100 words]

B.1.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Total Citations / optional
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)

B.2.A General Information Unit 2

Full Name, position
Department, Faculty

B.2.B. Research of the Unit

KeywordsSummary [aim] [maximum 100 words]

B.2.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Total Citations / optional
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)

B.3.A General Information Unit 3

Full Name, position
Department, Faculty

B.3.B. Research of the Unit

KeywordsSummary [aim] [maximum 100 words]

B.3.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Total Citations / optional
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)

B.4.A General Information Unit 4

Full Name, position
Department, Faculty

B.4.B. Research of the Unit

KeywordsSummary [aim] [maximum 100 words]

B.4.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Total Citations / optional
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)

B.5.A General Information Unit 5

Full Name, position
Department, Faculty

B.5.B. Research of the Unit

KeywordsSummary [aim] [maximum 100 words]

B.5.C. Summary of Scientific Achievements

Product type Number Data Base Year/Start End

Papers [international]
Papers [national]
Total Citations / optional
Hirsch (H) index
Normalized H index*

*H index versus/divided by the academic seniority (time span from graduation)
