Grow Johnston!

Grow Johnston!

News andEvents in the Johnston Community|||||||| March 2005

PO Box 61 - 5408 NW 88th St. - Suite 120
Johnston, IA50131
515.276.9064 - FAX 515.309.0144

Chamber President's Message /

I would like to introduce you to Heather Wilcox, our new Chamber Administrator. Some of you may recognize Heather as she worked at the Greater Des Moines Partnership previously. Heather worked with our local Chamber prior to the establishment of our Johnston Office. Heather has been busy getting up to speed on committee activities. We were fortunate to have many quality candidates apply and to now move forward with a complete staff per the original plan with Enterprise MidAmerica. Please make Heather feel welcome. She looks forward to meeting all the Chamber Members.
Pam Kucera, once again, is organizing an excellent 2005 Green Days celebration for June 16, 17, & 18th. Pam is joined by Wayne Fry as co-chairperson for our popular community festival. The Green Days committees and volunteers continue to build in number and volunteers. One new event this year is the hosting of a Bill Riley Talent Show (led by Deb Heldt). The Johnston All School Reunion is also planning to coordinate their activities with Green Days this year. Please visit the Green Days section of the Website to review other ideas and events planned for this year. As always, Green Days takes many volunteers to be successful. Please contact Madilyn Allender or Megan Zach if you or any of your family members are interested in being a part of the 2005 Green Days celebration.
The Membership Support Committee conducted a successful "Focus Group" luncheon on March 3rd. Led by Dr. Jim Casey (Johnston Schools and Chamber Board Member), a focus group made up of several Board and Chamber Members developed ideas to strengthen the value of membership in the Johnston Chamber. This process, in addition to survey work yet to be completed, will assist the Board and Membership Support Committee to determine what areas we can develop programming or events that better serve our Chamber members. The Membership Support Committee will present their findings at the April Membership Luncheon. I am amazed at the skill and talent that individually/collectively we have available to us through our own Board Members and Membership as a whole. I witness that every time I get together with Johnston Chamber members.
The 2005 Membership Drive has been completed and the Membership Directory is being finalized. We hope to have the Directory available for members to pick up at the March Membership Luncheon on March 31, 2005. Huge thanks to Scott Kahler for overseeing the Drive this year. Scott has also redesigned and ordered the door/window decals for the 2005 Members to be sent out this month.
Paul Jacobson, 2005 Johnston Chamber President

Chamber Membership Luncheon
The Johnston Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly membership luncheon at Hyperion on Thursday, March 31, 2005. RSVP by phone at 515.276.9064 or by e-mail to ram details have been posted on the Grow Johnston web site.

Ambassadors Wanted
All current ambassadors and those interested in being an ambassador will meet on Tuesday, March 29th at 12:00 for lunch. Meet at the North End Diner and bring a business card. For new members, this is an easy way to become involved in the chamber. For more information, call Madilyn Allender at 276-4339 or e-mail Madilyn at .

JEDCO Director’s Message – Survey Input Requested
During these first few months of 2005, the Johnston Economic Development Corporation has been working to reorganize its operations and establish a strategic direction for our development agenda. We have greatly appreciated the support of the JEDCO Board of Directors and the Johnston Chamber of Commerce as our team has assumed the administrative responsibilities for both organizations. The assistance of everyone at the City of Johnston has also been significant during this transition period.

In the midst of coordinating these organizational issues, JEDCO has continued to move forward with several activities including preparations for the upcoming Johnston Development Forum which is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 4:30 PM. Guest speakers include Jeff Rossate, Iowa Department of Economic Development, and Jim Elza the Polk County Planning Director. The event will be held at the Pioneer Hi-Bred International Conference Center, 7000 NW 62nd Avenue. You can download the agenda at the Grow Johnston web site, and you can RSVP by sending an e-mail to .

In the coming weeks you can expect to hear more from us about economic development issues affecting Johnston including the Polk County comprehensive plan, legislation concerning state economic development programs, biotechnology development initiatives and several issues much closer to home. We would also like to hear from you. We've created a brief online survey to gather opinions about the issues of importance to Johnston's future growth. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and ideas with us, and we'll share the results in an upcoming newsletter or web update. Go to: We look forward to hearing from you.

Phil Dunshee, Director

Ambassadors Wanted
All current ambassadors and those interested in being an ambassador will get together on Tuesday, March 29th at 12:00 for lunch. Meet at the North End Diner and bring a business card. For new members, this is an easy way to become involved in the chamber. For more information, call Madilyn Allender at 276-4339 or email Madilyn at .

Green Days King and Queen
Chamber members are invited to submit a nomination for the second contest for the Johnston Green Days King and Queen. Our representatives should be Johnston Juniors or Seniors that exemplify civic responsibility. Entries should be forwarded by April 1, 2005 to Val Bilbrey, 5701 Greendale Road, Johnston, IA50131. Nomination forms can be downloaded at the Grow Johnston web site. Contact Val at 276-7522via FAX, or via e-mail at .

Grow Johnston!

Date / Event / Location/Time
March 16, 2005 / Monthly JEDCO Board Meeting / JEDCO Office/7:00 A.M.
March 18, 2005 / Monthly Chamber Board Meeting / Pioneer Carver Center/11:30 A.M.
March 31, 2005 / Monthly Chamber Luncheon / Hyperion/11:45 A.M.
March 31, 2005 / Johnston Economic Development Forum / Pioneer Carver Center/4:30 P.M.
March 31, 2005 / Sage Tree Salon and Day Spa Ribbon Cutting / 6110 NW 86th Street/5:00 P.M.
April 6, 2005 / Johnston Station Ceremony / South of Polk County Bank/Noon

Johnston Chamber of Commerce

Johnston Economic Development Corporation

PO Box 61 - 5408 NW 88th St. - Suite 120
Johnston, IA50131