GP Bulletin

For Action

  • Recording Smoking Status of New Pregnant Women

GPs are often the first health professional to meet a pregnant smoker. Currently midwives refer pregnant smokersto the Stop Smoking Service from 12 weeks of pregnancy butGPs are in a position to detect smokers and refer much earlier in the pregnancy.A review of the various new pregnancy booking forms that GPs used to refer to St Thomas Hospital inJanuary 2014 found that only 70% had a box to record smoking status and, of these, only 56% had recorded smoking status.

Recommendations for GPs to improve detectionof pregnant smokers:

1.Use hospital standardised form which includes smoking status. The links are as follows:

Kings College Hospital

St Thomas Hospital

2. Recordsmoking status on new pregnancy booking form

The stop smoking service (SSS) have pregnancy specialist advisors in which you can referpregnant smokers.

Lambeth SSS 0800 856 3409

SouthwarkSSS 0800 169 6002

  • New Course for HCA’s (please see attached information (1a-b))

In response to the many requests we have had for training and supervision for HCAs we have commissioned two courses for at London Southbank Uni. They are free and are 6 days over approximately 12 weeks. I have already mailed this to the HCAs and the managers of practices where they are employed.

We want ALL our current HCAs to undertake these courses to bring them (and you) up to speed with current issues regarding employment of HCAs following the Francis report into Staffordshire. Other days are spent on communication skills, health promotion, physiological measurement and the new patient health check. Many HCAs will not have been taught these basic elements of care and all the teaching is mapped to the new Care Certificate which is in development stages through Health Education England.

Once completed we will know that all HCAs in Lambeth have had a thorough, certificated basic preparation for their role which will underpin skills they have learnt subsequently. Funding of subsequent training for HCAs may be subject to completion of this course

If you wish to discuss this further then, do not hesitate to contact me

Paula Marsden

Nurse Practitioner/Lambeth CCG North Locality Lead/Nurse Lead for Healthcare Assistants

The Surgery

1 Binfield Road

London SW4 6TB

0207 622 1424

Tues, Thurs and Fri

  • Update from Directorate of Infectious Diseases

You will be aware of the on-going epidemic of Ebola in West Africa affecting Liberia, Sierra Leone and guinea and alerts have been distributed by public health England centrally to GPs about this.

Many GPs send malaria films to our laboratories to investigate fever in returning travellers and some of these will come from individuals returning from these areas. The laboratory need to know on the clinical information submitted with malaria test requests where the patient has travelled to and what their VHF risk assessment is as this affects how samples are processed in the lab. Without this information the laboratory cannot process the samples. Currently the labs are telephoning GP practices to obtain this information leading to delays. Even if the patient is high risk the sample can still be processed but a separate technique is used.

Please be aware of the necessity to perform a “viral haemorrhagic fever risk assessment” and record the information on the clinical information when submitting a malaria film request. The risk assessment is available here

  • Vacancy - Gynaecology Clinical Lead (please see attached JD (2))

An exciting opportunity has arisen to get involved in improving how gynaecology services are delivered. The CCG is looking for a clinician to provide clinical leadership within Gynaecology Service Redesign work and clinical expertise into the development of guidance to support the appropriate management of gynaecological conditions. The full job description is attached.”

  • Mental Health Vacancy(please see attached JD (3))

“An exciting opportunity to get involved in improving mental health care in general practice. The CCG is looking for clinicians to support practices in a given locality to deliver on the Mental Health Community Incentive Scheme and to improve the offer to people with mental health problems. The full job description is attached.

A commitment of up to 2 days is optimal but negotiable. Full training is available and will be individually tailored. The position is open to GP and Practice Nurses.

For more information contact:

Paul Heenan, Mental Health Clinical Lead

Joiss Soumahoro, Primary care mental health service redesign manager “

  • Protected Learning Event – Thursday 18th September 2014 **** Last Opportunity to Book – all booking must be made by Monday 15th September**** (Please see attached flyer(4a-b))

The next event in conjunction with NHS Southwark will be on the topic of New Approaches to End of Life Care will be held on Thursday 18th September 2014 at the Southbank Centre. SELDOC cover will be available between 12.30-6.30pm

  • Building the Living Well Network Event

Date: Tuesday 23rd September 2014

Time: 1.00 – 5pm (lunch will be provided)

Where: The KIA Oval (Kennington, SE11 5SS).

The Lambeth Collaborative are hosting an event that will focus on building connections between services and build on people’s assets and communities. This will take stock on what has been achieved so far within the Living Well Network and where we go next.

Further details to follow. To register your interest, please email: . Please note that places are limited.

For further information about the Collaborative please visit:

For Information

  • Updates on the Flu Campaign 2014/15(please see attached guidance (5a-d))

There have been a few updates on the flu vaccination programme 14/15recently to be aware of and which you may wish to share locally.

Flu pilot areas for 14/15 announced

The national announcement for this year’s flu pilot areas was made on 28 July online with accompanying social media:

There was no separate London announcement on our pilots that will take place in August 2014

Patient information leaflets

The following leaflets have now been published online at: and will soon be available to order in hard copy through order line at by phoning 0300 123 1002 and quoting the reference numbers on the back pages.

-Flu, your pregnancy and you

It’s important that expectant mothers are protected against flu, at whatever stage they are in during their pregnancy.

This leaflet explains why it’s important and what pregnant women need to do to get protected.

-The flu vaccination – winter 2014/15

This leaflet describes the symptoms and cause of flu and who should have the vaccination this coming winter.

  • Resources for schools in pilot areas

A briefing document and Q&A, template letters, consent form and information leaflet are available at the following link. Hard copies of the leaflet have been dispatched to contacts provided by Local Area Teams in pilot areas.

  • Green Book update

The Green Book has now been updated to reflect the eligible groups for this year’s vaccination programme:

I have also attached a copy.

  • Flu vaccination marketing campaign

The Cabinet Office’s Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG) have just agreed for PHE to deliver a national Flu Vaccination campaign. The creative route and media plan are being finalised following research but we plan to launch the campaign on 8 October. As mentioned previously, the specific target audiences will be; under 65s with long-term conditions, pregnant women and parents of children aged 2, 3 and 4 years old. We will be providing Local Authorities and the NHS with a campaign briefing sheet, PR toolkit, posters and digital assets in mid-September and will keep you informed as the campaign develops.

The following links are also of particular use:

National flu programme training slide set for healthcare professionals (attached)

  • All workers in GP surgeries and community pharmacies invited to complete the Freedom to Speak Up review survey.

Sir Robert Francis invites all those who work in GP surgeries and community pharmacies to complete a survey of their views on raising concerns, the barriers that might prevent someone from speaking up and their ideas on how to create an open honest culture in the NHS.

Please complete this survey and cascade across your organisations to encourage all primary careworkers to do the same:

The deadline for responses is22 September2014. Findings will contribute to Sir Robert Francis’s final recommendations. More information on Freedom to Speak Up is available on the Review’s website

Freedom to Speak Up

Review Secretariat Office, Room 305a Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LH T:02079722182E: Follow us on Twitter @SpeakUpReview

  • Sexual Health Update(Please see attached flyers (6a-b))

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Lambeth and Southwark sexual health promotion news bulletin.

  • Public Health Intelligence (please see attached flyer (7))

The latest newsletter on Public Health Intelligence is attached for your information in local developments

  • Information for Primary Care: Managing patients who require assessment for Ebola virus disease(please see attached guidance (8))

This guidance is aimed at clinical staff undertaking direct patient care in primary care, including GP surgeries, out of hours centres and walk in centres.

  • Focus on Primary Care in South London

The Health Innovation Network would like to invite you to our event ‘Focus on Primary Care in South London’.

Health Innovation Network (the Academic Health Science Network for South London) is hosting an afternoon networking and learning event on 23 September to bring together GPs and healthcare professionals from across all aspects of Primary Care in South London – from patient care to commissioning and service improvements.

The event will provide an opportunity to get involved or just come and find out more about the work to spread innovation in healthcare across South London.

Our programme teams will be showcasing the tools and projects that are being developed, implemented and rolled out across South London by the Health Innovation Network in collaboration with partners and providers around Dementia, Diabetes, MSK, Information Governance, Cancer and Alcohol. Find out how they can support your local strategies and service improvements.

Key opinion leaders will be providing an opportunity to learn more and share your views about delivering Primary Care locally:

•Dr Clare Gerada

The challenge of Transforming Primary Care across London and what this means for commissioners and providers

•Dr Arvind Madan

e-consultations and the considerable benefits they are bringing to patients and practices

•Dr Nav Chana

Community Education Provider Networks (CEPN’s) and the work happening in this area

Click here to register.

Refreshments will be served during registration from 14.30 for a 15.00 start. There will be a short drinks reception at the end of the event.

Date: 23 September 2014

Venue: 1 America Square, London, EC3N 2LB

Time: 15.00 to 18.00

If you have any questions please contact

  • Cruse Bereavement (please see attached flyers (9a-b))

Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-beingof bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by

death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. Services are free to bereaved people. How you respond to

a death will be very individual and personal and Cruse can provide confidential support no matter what you are


  • ICT for Primary Care News (please see attached flyer (10))

On behalf of the GPIM&T Facilitators, please find attached the August 2014 issue of our GPIM&T Newsletter ‘ICT for Primary Care News’.

We hope that you will find this informative and welcome any feedback and suggestions for forthcoming issues.

Please cascade this newsletter to all relevant staff in your practice (IT lead/Data lead). You can continue to contact your nominated facilitator should you have any queries or support requests

  • Annual Memorial Service (Please see attached flyer (11))

The Palliative Care team would like to extend a warm invitation to all GPs and primary care professionals in Lambeth Southwark and Lewisham, to attend their Annual Memorial Service at Southwark Cathedral Montague Close, London, SE1 9DA on Friday 17th October 2014 at 7pm (duration: one hour)

For further information, contact Nicky Tredinnick, Specialist Palliative Care Social Worker:

  • Low Vision Day (Please see attached flyer(12))

Please advertise this event within your practice

Join us at our 8th annual Low Vision Day, Saturday 18th October 2014 10am – 2pm

Shepherd Hall, South Wing, St Thomas’ Hospital Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH


At the end of 2014 a new NHS e-Referral Service will be launched to replace the current Choose and Book service. It is being developed using feedback from patients and NHS professionals, and will use enhanced technology to deliver even greater benefits. It is now envisaged that this change will take place mid-November 2014. It is highly recommended that each Practice also sign up to the monthly NHS e-Referral Service bulletin via this link: be kept updated on progress.In the meantime further information about what e-Referral is and its aims can be found the NHS e-Referral Service Vision document at:

Further updates regarding the migration from Choose and Book to e-Referral, will be provided by the CCG C&B Lead, in the days ahead.

  • ENT Survey

What evidence is needed to improve services in ENT, Hearing and Balance?

We want your views and experience in this area. We are looking for the opinions of commissioners, service managers, and health professionals. This is an opportunity to help shape the future of ENT, Hearing & Balance care services. We would like to ask NHS Lambeth CCG members to respond to a very short survey available online at

It takes approx. five minutes to complete and is open until the 30th September 2014. We will also be running focus groups in September 2014. If members are interested in taking part, please contact the Generate Project Administrator, Marianne Simmonds at

The survey is part of a project called ‘GENERATE’, run by ENT UK (the professional body of ENT Surgeons), the British Academy of Audiology (for professionals in hearing and balance and the British Society of Audiology (for professionals in Audiology). GENERATE is non-commercial and aims to improve the evidenceunderlying service provision and delivery. For further information, please go to the ENT UK GENERATEpage at

  • Carers Hub Update

Our aim in contacting you is to inform you about a project we’re running in conjunction with Day Lewis pharmacy (Stockwell Rd).

The project is a pilot to identify “hidden carers”.


Carers are people of all ages who look after a family member or friend with a long-term illness, disability or mental health problem. We know that many of the 20,000 carers in the borough of Lambeth are not accessing any of the support and information which could help them in their caring role. 5,000 of these are caring are caring for more than 50 hours per week.

Carers Hub Lambeth is a charity commissioned by LB of Lambeth to provide support to unpaid carers in the borough.

The services we provide include:

-Advice and information through our Enquiry Line 020 7642 0038

-A quarterly newsletter

-Our website

-1:1 support & groups for carers of people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or dementia

-Support for carers wanting to get back into paid work

-Training (IT, financial management, mindfulness, lifting, health & safety)


The project will attempt to reach those who care for people with a chronic health condition by placing Carers Hub Lambeth leaflets with repeat prescriptions. Many carers pick up repeat prescriptions for those they care for. We’re hoping the leaflets will lead to those looking after those with a long term medical condition to identify themselves as carers and to contact us if they need advice or support. The project will run for 4 weeks

For further detailsor any enquiries, please contact Gordon or Julie on 0208678 5609 Email: or

  • Save the Date – Lambeth Carers Forum

Training Opportunities

  • Dermatology Course

King’s Dermatology department is holding its Annual GP update course on 6 October 2014,

9.30am – 4.00pm, in the Western Education Centre, Denmark Hill campus.

The course combines practical overviews of managing skin disease in general practice, and also a hands-on patient master class. The day concludes with a light hearted self-assessment quiz.

The course is open to all GPs and VTS trainees and CPD certificates are provided.

Further information and registration is available from Monica Braithwaite, course coordinator, email: or telephone: 0203 299 4238.

  • RCGP South London Faculty Courses(please see attached flyers (9a-b))

I would like to highlight the following upcoming events produced by the RCGP South London Faculty. Please find the links to each of these courses:

Antenatal and Paediatric Course on Wednesday 16th September. This course is priced at £60 for members and £80 for non-members. Please use this link to book a place: