31st May2017

13March 2018Issue 8, 2018

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801

P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

14 March / Leaders’ Induction 2pm
15 March / SATE info session, 2pm
16 March / Last day of RI
16 March / National Day of Action Against Bullying
20 March / Year 7 Immunisations
23 March / Combined Church Service
24 – 25 March / Trail Bike Ride Weekend
27 March
29 March / P & C Meeting
P-2 Easter Concert
30 March / Easter Holidays start
17 April - Tuesday / Term 2 starts
15-17 May / NAPLAN
From The Principal’s Desk

Our School focus:

Learner Agency

Learning that mobilises student responsibility for active engagement in learning and enhances students’ critical and creative thinking.

What is the quality of the questions your child asks? Do they use question stems like “why, what if, if that then, how?” These encourage deep thinking processes.

Our School Values:



Our Learning Community

In Brief

Bike Ride Help forms due back ASAP. Your help is needed and appreciated.

Mr David Littleproud is no longer able to attend our School Leader Induction as he has been called to an unscheduled, urgent meeting in Canberra at this time. He will ensure he reschedules a visit in the near future.

Please return raffle tickets sold and unsoldby Wednesday 14 March.

Rainbow colours on Friday for the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.

Keys to Learning Success – Birth to 5

Want your child to experience high levels of success at school? Who doesn’t?

Studies are showing that what happens from Birth to 5 are crucial for later success at school.

What helps the most:

  1. Reading to your child 3 or more times a week;
  2. Talking to them about and showing them letters, words and numbers;
  3. Helping them to recognise their letters and numbers; and
  4. Discussing with them mathematical concepts about size and shape.

These routines assist with developing oral language proficiency and set the children up for later learning.

Adapted from Early Reading Proficiency by Lindsey Musen

Being kind to one another – An essential life lesson

The word on the street is that the best way to counter bullying and general aggression is to be kind to one another. This would have to be the greatest and often most difficult learning in life.

Let’s support our students in turning around any aggressive acts to provide a brush of kindness across our community. After all, the difference in the colours in a rainbow makes it harmonise so well when they work together!

Many thanks to our Junior Secondary students who provided playground support before school during the before school staff meeting and staff photograph. It was so heartening to see our oldest students being so supportive of our youngest students in a way that could only be described as motherly (a gender neutral term of parently just doesn’t work). Hats off to you for your wonderful acts of kindness.

A word on ‘discipline’

In my role as Principal, I regularlyhave discussions with parents who have concerns with managing challenging behaviour from their children. As they say, kids don’t come with a manual!

Parents often talk about punishment for inappropriate behaviour. I prefer to use the word discipline. Punishment teaches children to be resentful and guarantees a relationship based on fear and disrespect.

Discipline is a learning process with the goal of teaching children self-discipline: to guide children to be cooperative and responsible for their own behaviours and actions. It focuses on consequences for behaviour both positive and negative. The following is one approach that can be usedwith this in mind:

Ddistracting the child.

Iignoring misbehaviour when appropriate.

Sstructuring the environment to focus on positive behaviours.

C controlling the situation, not the child.

I involving the child through choices and consequences.

P planning time for loving.

L letting go of the past and being futures focused.

I increasing your consistency.

N noticing positive behaviour.

E excluding the child with a time out.

Using these ideas as appropriate, can greatly assist in changing unwanted behaviour and encouraging behaviour that is desired. Of all these, increasing consistency is the most important. Using the same consequences and techniques will reinforce what is expected and what will not be tolerated and your child will soon realise that the boundaries are set and you mean what you say.

Every day does count!

Many thanks for assisting in ensuring that your child attends school every day to maximise their learning.

Curriculum Insert

Inappropriate content on social networking sites

This year we have already had many high level issues regarding students outside of school time inappropriately using mobile phones and social networking sites. Following a discussion at the P&C, a letter has been sent home to all parents for students in Years 4-10 to outline what parents and the school can do in such matters. If you missed a copy of the letter, please contact the office.

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. have changed the way young people communicate but it is up to adults to assist young people to learn to use these new forms of communication appropriately.

It is important you monitor your child’s behaviour on these sites and ensure they are being used in an appropriate manner.

While these sites are an effective way to keep in touch, it is important for young people to be cyber smart and think before posting material online.

All web users have a responsibility to be mindful when publishing content online to ensure it does not breach social, religious, cultural or copyright standards.

If our school becomes aware of inappropriate content involving our staff, students or school, or images, banners, logos or our school crest are used without permission, we will take reasonable steps to ensure the content is removed.

Our school is committed to promoting a safe and supportive learning environment and students involved in the posting of inappropriate material on websites may be disciplined in line with our school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students.

We will continue to work closely with parents and students to address these issues as they arise, but appreciate your support in monitoring your child’s internet activity and reinforcing this message at home.

For information, tips and advice to help you and your family make the most of being online; visit the Australian Government’s Cyber Smart website at

School News

P-2 Easter Concert and Picnic

Date-Thursday 29th March

Time- 9:30-10-30am

Where-Concert under primary building

Picnic near the junior playground

What to bring- a plate to share and a blanket to sit on.

2018 Trail Ride Raffle Tickets

Raffle ticket books for the Trail Bike Ride have been sent home. We ask that each family do their best to sell a book of tickets to support our school’s once a year fundraiser, The Killarney P-10 State School P&C Border Ranges 2018 Trail Ride. Tickets need to be returnedSOLD OR UNSOLDto school by Wednesday 14 March. If you require more tickets, please see the office.

This year we are offering a reward to the class that returns their raffle tickets first. Details will be shared with students soon.

Southern Downs Trials

Please note that on the 16March, there will be trials held to represent the Southern Downs in rugby league, netball, football/soccer and hockey. Notes must be returned by Wednesday.

Sporting Schools Primary

Sporting Schools brings together schools and sports to help get Aussie children active in their local communities. Sporting Schools is open to all Australian primary schools, and with quality programs developed by over 30 national sporting organisations, it offers a fun and supportive environment for children and coaches. The Sporting Schools program provides Killarney State School with funding to run one or more sporting programs free of charge to students each term.

This term we have Tom Farrell from the Tennis Australia coming to Killarney on Thursdays to provide the Hot Shots Program. This program will run for 5 weeks on Thursday 3-4.30pm and all students participating will receive a tennis Australia top. All forms have now been returned and the program is full. Please note there will be no session this week. Sessions will resume on the 22nd of March.

We also have Tasman Myles from AFL Queensland who will be running AFL sessions on Thursdays during lunchtime.Students attended the first session last week and enjoyed learning the drop punt kick and skills for taking a mark. This week will be the last AFL session in the program.

Sporting Schools Junior Secondary

Tennis is again the Junior Secondary Sporting Schools program. The Year 7 and 8 students will be learning from Tennis Australia coach, Tom Farrell. This program will run on Friday mornings, 8-8.45am. Please note there will be no session this week. Sessions will resume on the 23 March.

Chappy Chatter

I am at Killarney on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 3pm. Any enquiries please contact me through the school office. Daniel (Boon)

Tips for a Healthy Headspace
Headspace : National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Need help managing stress or anxiety?

If your child or teen has difficulties with anxiety or just seems to have too many worries, we would like to introduce you to BRAVE Self-Help – an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. It was developed by a group of researchers from the University of Queensland and now, with the support of Beyondblue, this program is freely available to all young people aged 8 -17 years who are living in Australia. BRAVE Self-Help provides strategies for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are 4 programs available, one for children aged 8-12 years, one for teenagers aged 13-17 years and one for parents of children at these ages respectively. For more information, or to register for the program, please visit

Headspace: Youth health service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years. It’s about support for general health, mental health, drug and alcohol issues and employment and education support.

Contact details for Headspace Warwick:

66 Albion Street, Warwick

Ph. (07) 46611999


Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm

Guidance Officer – MrsHart is here each Friday and is available for appointments.

Lifeline: ph. 13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile.

Kids helpline: 1800 55 1800 Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.

Junior Secondary School News

SATE – Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance

This is the new system that our current Year 10 students, as 2020 Seniors, will be involved with. The new SATE system meansthat there will be some new Senior Subjects, internal and external assessments and the replacement of the OP system for tertiary entrance. An information session is scheduledfor Thursday 15 March at 2pmfor studentsand parents.

Canberra trip and Jersey deposits due – Year 10

A reminder that a deposit of $50 is required for the Canberra trip by the end of this term and a $25 deposit for the jersey is due now so they can be ordered.

Canberra Trip departure – 103 days from this Friday.

Congratulations to our official school leaders for 2018 who will be inducted into their positions on Wednesday at 2pm.

School Captain: Amber G

School Vice-Captain: Sarah B

Madsen House Team: Jordan and Alex

Chauvel House Team: Amber G and Sarah B

All parents and community members welcome.

Pathways to Peace

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

-Friday 16 March

At Killarney P-10 State School, we use this day to remind our students and community about our anti-bullying message. In recognition, we invite our students, staff and community to wear rainbow colours. As always with non-uniform days, we require the non-uniform items of clothing to align with the school uniform i.e. sleeves, closed in shoes, and appropriate length.

Good Guy Tokens:– Studentsmay be awarded tokens throughout the school day for following the peace code. These tokens are then collected for Madsen or Chauvel in containers in the office, and the tally is announced (with much excitement) weekly on parade. Stay tuned for the ongoing tally totals for this year.

Good Guy Token Tally as at Monday 19 March 2018:

Madsen: 136 Chauvel: 141

The focus across our school for this week is:

Be brave.

Performing Arts News

Senior Choir Awards: Emalee S and Ashley P

Junior Choir awards:Charlie-Lee C and Leroy B

Senior Choir

Choir has started! All students in Years 3-10 are welcome to attend on a Tuesday morning at 8.15am in the Art Room.

Killarney’s Got Talent

Rehearsals- lunch times

Tuesday 7-10 Individual Singing

Wednesday- Group singing

Thursday- Dance/other acts and 3-6 students

Friday- 3-6 singing for the students not playing Friday sport

P & C News
President:: Glen Lamb Vice President: JaunitaRawle
Secretary: Laura Diete
Treasurer: Susan Goodwin Uniforms: Dahlia Hall
Tuckshop: Dahlia Hall

Uniform Shop and Tuckshop

Both the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop are open on a Friday from 8.15am to 2pm and payment is by cash or cheque only.

Ordering for the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop is available online with payment options of credit card, pay pal and direct bank transfer available.

Please register at -

If you require assistance with registering, please email .

The Uniform Shop now stocks good quality 2nd Hand Uniforms.If you would like uniforms outside of opening hours, please contact Dahlia on 0429 917573.

The tuckshop is in need of more volunteers, even if you can only spare an hour, it would be appreciated.

Roster Term 1 2018

23 March / Dahlia Hall
Krystal Cook
Angela Johns
Community News

Killarney Local Markets – Canning Park

Saturday 17 March, 8am to 1pm - St Patrick’s Day theme

New stallholders are welcome – first time free

For further details contact Sonia – 0439 618 371.

Legume Autumn Harvest Festival

The Legume Community Church Committee invites everyone along to the Autumn Harvest Festival, this Sunday 18 March 2018, at the Legume Community Church. BYO finger food supper to share from 5pm (Qld time). Service at 6pm followed by Auction at 6.30pm. Donation of goods appreciated. All welcome.

Legume Anglican Sunday School

The next Legume Anglican Sunday School is Sunday 18March starting at 9:30am and finishing with morning teaat 10:30am. Come and join us as we prepare for Easter. All are welcome. Please direct enquiries to Julia Beck0431631668.

Livin’ Well Mental Health Workshop

“Stigma Disrupters” workshop tailored for 12years +

Thursday 22 March 2018, 5.30pm

The Gatehouse Room, Coachman’s Inn, Warwick

Entry – gold coin donation

RSVP – Southern downs Football Academy facebook page.

Mainly Music

Mainly Music is a music-based playgroup for children from birth to school age. We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 9:15am, at the Killarney Uniting Church Hall. For any enquiries, please phone Julia on 0431 631 668.

Mobile Women’s Health Service

Kathryn Anning (Mobile Women’s Health Nurse) will be at KMAC on Thursday 19 April 2018, 9.30am – 3pm. This is a free service. For information and bookings, please phone KMAC on 4664 1488.

Warwick District Football Association

For players aged 4 to 17 years

Season kick off:21 April 2018

Register online: myfootballclub.com.au

For more information:

QCWA – Killarney Branch

QCWA meetings every second Wednesday 1:30pm.

Music and Drama meeting – monthly – 1st Tuesday 1.30pm.Choir practice every Tuesday 1.30pm.

Craft morning – monthly - 3rd Monday 9am.

Floral Art – monthly – last Monday 9am.

New members very welcome.

For further information – 4666 4164.

Killarney and District Historical Society

The Killarney and District Historical Society is holding a fashion parade of vintage wedding dresses on the 21 March, commencing at 1pm at the Killarney Senior Citizens Hall. The event is titled "Memories of Wedded Bliss" and will present more than 30 vintage dresses. Afternoon tea will be provided along with raffles and displays of other domestic items.

The Killarney and District Heritage Society is looking for girls aged between 13 and 18 years to help model the dresses. If you are interested, please contact Mr Stephen Popple (0447301168) to discuss your interest.