Sophie Newman

5L - 2017

Thanksgiving Essay

Thanksgiving is coming up, the holiday meant for giving thanks. I have many things to be thankful for. Three things I am very thankful for are my family, friends, and my medicine. These things are the pieces in the puzzle of my happiness.

One thing I am thankful for is my family. One reason I am thankful for my family is because they are always there for me. For example, one night I didn’t sleep at all, and in the morning, they were all super nice and being quiet so I could relax. Another reason why I am thankful for my family is because the make me laugh. For instance, once I shut my nose in an door and instead of freaking out my dad got me an ice pack and said, “ I didn’t even know that was possible!” which made me laugh and cry at the same time. A third reason why I am thankful for my family is because they help me whenever I need anything. One example is, when I was struggling with time management my mom took out the white board and helped me plan out my assignments and when they were due. I couldn’t even imagine life without family,I am mix of them. I have my mom’s hair color, but my dad’s hair straightness (thank god).

Another thing I am thankful for are my friends. One reason I am thankful for my friends is because they always cheer me up. For example, one time I got in trouble during lunch and I got upset. My friend cheered me up and I instantly felt better. Another reason I am thankful for my friends is because they cure my boredom. For instance, one rainy day I was really bored and I told them that I was, and they instantly invited me over. A third reason I am thankful for my friends is because they stick up for me. An example is one day someone wasn’t being the nicest to me and my friend stuck up for me and they stopped being mean. If I didn’t know my friends, I don’t know if I would be myself. I am realizing how lucky I am to have friends who love me and support me every step of the way.

I am also thankful for my medicine. One reason I am thankful for my medicine is because it makes school easier for me. For instance, last year in the beginning I wasn’t on meds and school was a lot harder for me because of my ADHD. This year I have been on meds for almost a year and I have started to like school. Another reason I am thankful for my meds is because it helps me sit still. For instance, last year if you would ask anyone if I squirm around in my seat they would say, “Are you kidding me? Yes!” But now, not so much. A third reason why I am thankful for my medicine is because it helps me have brakes before I say stuff. An example is last year in the middle of class I randomly shouted out that it is a month until my half birthday. This year I wouldn’t even consider it. If someone came up to me two years ago and said one day you are going to like school. I would think that they are crazy, I am beyond thankful for my medicine, and I realize how lucky I am to have it.

In conclusion, Thanksgiving is more than stuffing your face and watching the Macy’s parade. Thanksgiving is about showing your thanks for all the things you take for granted. Whenever I go to the city I see the homeless people on the street and I feel horrible because they might not have family, friends and medicine.