Valley County Airport Commission
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Wokal Field Airport Terminal Building
89 Airport Road
Glasgow, MT
PRESENT: Jayson Nelson, Darrell Morehouse, Mike Guttenberg. Russell Leader , Kristie Brabeck, Airport Manager Lucas Locke, and Secretary Darcia Schindler.
OTHERS: County Commissioner Paul Tweten
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Jayson Nelson. Chairman Nelson called for public comment. There wasn’t any public comment.
The minutes for the June 13, 2017 were reviewed. There being a corrections to the motion of the minutes,
A motion were made by Darrell Morehouse and seconded by Kristie Brabeck to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
The following claims were presented for review and approval.
Aakres of Green Grass / Fix Sprinkler / 66.98American Welding & Gas Inc. / Oxygen & Cylinder Rental
Big Valley Water / 2 – 5 gal Water Bottle / 10.00
City Service Valcon / Access Fee / 30.00
City Service Valcon / Jet A / 20,776.23
Dan’s Mowing Service / Hinsdale Airport Mowing / 259.97
Dan’s Mowing Service / Hinsdale Airport Mowing / 860.03
DOWL / Fuel Farm Project Closeout / 192.50
Ezzie’s Wholesale / Fuel / 152.48
Ezzie’s Wholesale / Fuel / 717.18
Ezzie’s Wholesale / Fuel & Fire Extinguishers / 1,072.03
Markle’s Inc. / Supplies / 102.62
Markle’s Inc. / Supplies / 9.98
Markle’s Inc. / Supplies / 22.47
Markle’s Inc. / Supplies / 1.38
Montana Dakota Utilities Co. / Utilities / 78.19
Montana Dept. of Labor & Industry / Boiler Certificate / 31.00
Northern Montana Textile Services / Mats / 26.32
NorthWestern Energy / Utilities / 968.65
NorthWestern Energy / Utilities / 248.24
Prewett Interiors / Blind Repair / 60.00
S&S Welding / Oxygen / 144.50
Town of Opheim / Runway Lights & Mowing / 2,680.00
Windsock Sky Park Properties / Fort Peck Airport / 3,465.00
TOTAL / $31,908.77
A motion was made by Kristie Brabeck and seconded by Mike Guttenberg to approve the claims. Motion carried.
Cash Balance on June1, 2017 $104,908.46
Income 53,832.42
Expenses - 55,514.69
Cash Balance on June 30, 2017 $103,226.19
June 2017 Airport Operations:483
Fuel Prices:Jet Inventory: 10,100
Jet-A Purchased at$2.08 on 7/03/2017
Our Current Price is $3.60
Markup: $1.52
Current wholesale is $2.1802
100LL Inventory: 10,500
Avgas was purchased at $3.64 on 7/10/2017
Our Current Price is $4.65
Markup: $1.01
Current wholesale is $3.6401
STAT Air: Has not emptied out the hangars yet.
Martin Hangar Door?
International Fire Truck: Do we need to keep it?
New Gate Code: Any suggestions?
Purchased water filled fire extinguishers for the two mowers, planning to get one for the pickup.
The fire department came out to do a little training with the fire truck and look over the equipment. None of the equipment has been touched in a few years; generator and cutting saw wouldn’t start. The breathing apparatuses have batteries that are supposed to be replaced and the tanks need hydro testing every 5 years. Jon Bengochea is supposed to be responsible for these items and I have emailed him to follow up on it.
I have called 5 contractors to get bids for replacing the windows in the back of the terminal building.
We will be repairing the walls and repainting the rooms that STAT Air moved out of.
Replacing the brushes on the runway broom, I need to get a few bristles for this replacement. The next replacement we will need to buy an entire set of the poly bristles.
The F-150 error code about the throttle body came back, so it may need to be replaced as well as have the four wheel drive looked at before winter. I have the fire truck and F-150 going in for oil changes this week.
Oshkosh Specials: I have purchased bottled water and ice cream to give to pilots.
Glasgow to Billings - 100% completed, 93% on time arrivals, 90% on time departures, 61% load factor.
Billings to Glasgow – 97% completed, 78% on time arrivals, 76% on time departures, 61% load factor.
Discussion was held on T-Shirts with the Phillips Logo for employees to wear for work. Airport Board agreed to purchase T-Shirts for employees with the Phillips Logo..
Dean Jensen informed Airport Manager, Lucas Locke about some lights not working at the Hinsdale Airport
Adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
The next meeting is August 15, 2017.
Jayson Nelson, ChairmanDarcia Schindler, Secretary