SPPA 6010 Advanced Speech Science
SPPA 6010 Review Guide Test 2
The Speech Chain
- Outline the general sequence of events from formulation to perception
Physical Quantities
- Basic vs. derived quantities
- Scalar vs. vector quantities
- Key derived quantities and their basic relationship
- displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, pressure, intensity
Physical Acoustics
- Introduction to Sound
- Sound defined
- Spring-mass analogy – elasticity and inertia
- Model of air molecule vibration
- Characteristics of simple periodic motion
- Amplitude
- Period/Frequency
- Phase
- Representing frequency
- Hertz
- Octave/semitones
- Representing amplitude
- Instantaneous amplitude
- Peak amplitude
- Peak-to-peak amplitude
- Wavelength
- Simple periodic vs. complex periodic vs. aperiodic sounds
- Fundamental frequency/period
- Harmonics, partials, overtones
- Graphical representation
- Graphic representation of sound
- Time-domain graphs
- The waveform
- Waveform envelope
- Frequency domain graphs
- The spectrum
- Amplitude spectrum
- Phase spectrum
- The spectrum envelope
- Short vs. long term average spectra
- The Spectrogram
- Relation to other plots
- Narrowband vs. wideband
- The acoustic filter
- High-pass vs. low-pass vs. bandpass filters
- Frequency response curve/transfer function
- Cutoff & center frequency, roll off rate, gain, bandwidth
- Input spectrum vs. frequency response curve vs. output spectrum
- Frequency response curve vs. amplitude spectrum
- Resonance
- Free vibration
- Forced vibration
- Resonance curve/frequency response curve/transfer function
- Representing amplitude-revisited
- Root mean squared amplitude
- The decibel
- Intensity vs. pressure
- Relative vs. absolute
- Additive vs. multiplicative
- IL vs. SPL
- Conversion of pressure units to decibels
Digital Signal Processing
- Analog vs. digital
- Sampling frequency
- Sampling theorem
- Nyquist frequency
- Potential problems
- Quantization
- Bit rate
- Potential problems
- Decision making for digital sound recording
- Recording devices
- Microphones
- File formats
Introduction to Source Filter Theory
- Assumptions of source filter theory
- Tube and valve analogy
- Graphic representation
- Source characteristics
- Filter characteristics
- Output characteristics
The Source: Phonation
- Basic laryngeal anatomy
- Key structures
- Skeletal structure
- Intrinsic musculature
- Innervation of intrinsic laryngeal muscles
- Vocal fold structure
- Vocal fold adjustments
- Position
- Tension/length
- Myoelastic aerodynamic theory of phonation
- Theory assumptions
- 2-mass model
- Aerodynamic characterization of phonatory behavior
- Volume velocity
- Laryngeal airway resistance
- Phonation threshold pressure
- Driving Pressure
- Periodic and Aperiodic Components of Phonation
- Phonatory parameters: Acoustic measures
- Fundamental frequency (F0)
- F0 control
- Mean, variability
- Various nethods for extracting F0
- Measuring signal amplitude
- Spectral Tilt/degree of harmonic roll-off
- Acoustic/physical bases of voice quality
- Breathiness
- Harmonics to noise ratio
- Other methods of periodicity: autocorrelation, peak to average ratio, cepstral analysis etc.
- Spectral tilt
- Hillenbrand et al. paper
- Pressed voice & vocal effort
- Roughness
- Jitter
- Shimmer
- Vocal Register
- Observing Glottal Behavior
- Laryngoscopic examination
- Glottal area waveform
- Photoglottogram
- Flow glottogram
- Inverse filtering
- Electroglottogram
The Filter: Articulation and Vocal Tract Geometry
- Basis Tube Acoustics
- Area Function
- Frequency response curve/transfer function
- Formant calculation for uniform tube
- Vowels
- Articulatory Phonetic Description of Vowels
- Formant relations for vowels (know typical F1-F2 values for corner vowels)
- Stevens and House (SH) articulatory model of vowel production
- Key assumptions and parameters in SH model
- Acoustic consequences of changing model parameters
- Vocal tract area function-acoustic relations
- Role of cues to vowel perception
- Formants
- F0
- Duration
- Spectral change
- Key plots
- Wide band spectrograms for corner vowels
- Spectrum envelopes for corner vowels
- Frequency response curves for various vocal tract configurations
- Various F1-F2 plots
- Plots from Stevens and House paper
Segmentals: Acoustic and Physiological Phonetics
You must be able to draw and interpret time domain, frequency domain and spectrographic representations of all sound classes covered in the course.
- Diphthongs
- Key components of diphthongs
- Articulatory and acoustic patterns of English diphthongs
- Acoustic cues to diphthong perception
- Glides and Liquids
- General features of glides/liquids
- Articulatory features of /w/ vs. /j/ vs. /l/ vs. /r/
- Acoustic features of /w/ vs. /j/ vs. /l/ vs. /r/
- Articulatory variation with /r/
- Unique articulatory configuration of /l/ and its acoustic consequence
- Typical formant values
- Nasals
- Unique articulatory configuration of nasals and the acoustic consequences
- Formant vs. antiformant
- Acoustic cues to place of articulation
- Approaches to assessing nasal resonance
- Plosives
- Articulatory features of plosives
- Aerodynamic features of plosives
- Acoustic sequence during plosive production
- Voiced vs. voiceless plosives
- Source characteristics of plosives
- Acoustic cues to voicing
- Acoustic cues to place of articulation
- Fricatives and Affricates
- Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow
- Source characteristics
- Filter features for fricatives
- Acoustic cues to place of articulation
- Acoustic cues to voicing
- Fricatives vs. plosives vs. affricates
- Connected Speech Processes
- Combining speech segments to produce utterances
- Graphic representation of sound sequences
- Coarticulation
- Anticipatory vs. carryover coarticulation
- Acoustics consequences of coarticulation
- Suprasegmentals
- Measuring speech quantity/duration/rate
- Acoustic correlates of tone/intonation
- Acoustic correlates of stress
General guidelines for Test Preparation
The purpose of this guide is to clarify your scope of responsibility as you prepare for upcoming tests.
1. Typical Test Format: Tests will typically include a range of multiple choice, short answer and longer essay-type questions. Term tests will be ninety minutes in length. The final exam is two hours.
2. Tests are cumulative: All exams are cumulative. That means that Tests 2 and 3 will cover material from earlier tests. Test 2 will have a percentage of material that was covered in Test 1 and Test 3 is a comprehensive exam that covers the whole semester.
2. Make sure you have carefully reviewed all reading assignments. Although material covered in lecture will be emphasized, all information in your assigned readings is fair game. If there are exceptions, I will note them in class.
3. Make sure you are very comfortable performing basic calculations. You should be able to do the calculations we cover in class in your sleep (e.g. frequency, wavelength, decibel conversion, resonant frequencies of a uniform tube etc). While, I provide some examples of problems you will face, I urge you to generate your own homework assignments and solve the problems.
4. Make sure you are very comfortable evaluating AND drawing the various graphs used in sound physics. Just as you should be able to do calculations in your sleep, the same goes for the range of graphs routinely used in speech science. I consider graphic interpretation to be a critical skill that generalizes well beyond speech science.
5. This is a graduate level course and therefore the test will reflect that fact. Commensurate with graduate education, expect that parts of this test will require you to apply concepts covered in more novel situations. So make sure you stretch yourself as you gain command of this material.
6. Use the Lab CD as a study tool. There are tons of speech and sound samples on the disk. Load up files and look at sounds using different graphical displays. For example, find vowels and measure their formant values. Compare the spectrograms and spectra of vowels/sounds. In other words, get command of this material any way you can. Just because you won’t be using the software on the exam, it doesn’t mean this material can’t be a great study tool.