5/13/2008 2:21 am

Please send this to those who know how to pray. I am not interested in people who will have pity because of the situation, I want those praying who understand the healing work of the cross and believe that our Father, through His Son, Jesus, will provide healing.

This evening, May 12, at around 9:00pm my younger brother, Randy Paul Blake, who is 41 years old, and lives in Olean, N.Y., suffered a stroke. He is currently in Millard Fillmore hospital in Buffalo, N.Y., about eight hours from where I live. Around 1:30 am on May 13, I spoke with the Neurologist providing his care, he says that Randy suffered a bleed to his brain stem and that only his pupils were reactive and that the chances of Randy making a full recovery are 5 - 10 percent. I appreciate the doctors, their skills, and the medicine they provide, however, I know that the final word regarding Randy’s recovery belongs to Jesus. I would ask that you agree with me that Randy's recovery will be 100% and the glory for it will rest firmly in the healing work of the atonement provided through Jesus Christ.

Thank you,

Bob Blake

5/13/2008 4:37 pm

An update.

Last night while at work, around 9:00pm, Randy collapsed. He was alert enough to tell people that he was unable to feel his arms or legs. Upon arrival at the emergency room my sister, Cammie, who arrived before the ambulance, heard the EMT tell the ER staff that Randy's blood pressure was very high. The ER at the hospital took action to get his blood pressure under control, sedated, inhabited him and put him into a medically induced Coma. He was then transferred, via life flight helicopter to Millard Fillmore Hospital in Buffalo, NY, where they have a stroke trauma center. It was a neurologist from this hospital I spoke with and was told that Randy had a 5 - 10 percent chance of recovery.

Early this morning, after I spoke with the neurologist, I had my sister, Cammie, take her cell phone into Randy's room and put it to his ear so I could pray for him. When I was finished my sister came back on the line and said that as I was speaking, Randy opened his eyes and began looking around. An hour or so later I called again and she told me that he was looking around the room at the machines and that she explained to him where he was and what had happened so that he would be less frightened. While she was speaking with him they were holding hands and he was "holding" her hand. When she told him that she was going to go out and have his children come in to see him he gripped her hand even tighter.

This morning Cammie called to tell me that Randy had taken a turn for the worse and that the bleeding may have progressed into his spinal cord or deeper into his brain; that he was on life-support and that if he were removed he would die. I waited another couple of hours and called my brother, Keith, who is also at the hospital, he told me that randy was now breathing enough on his own that they were able to reduce his dependency on the ventilator. They now have the ventilator operating at 40% and Randy is picking up the other 60%. My sister, Cammie, also said that when she and Keith were in the room with Randy a nurse came in to check his ability to follow commands and that he was able upon request to push against her hand with his right foot, but not his left - PRAY FOR COMPLETE RECOVERY!

I called again about a half- hour ago and learned that on the most recent CATSCAN there is no sigh of additional damage or bleeding since the original CATSCAN taken last night around 9:30 pm. There is no blood in the spinal cord or further bleeding into the brain. They are planning to do another CATSCAN at 6:00pm PRAY FOR COMPLETE REMOVAL OF ALL BLOOD, AND FULL HEALING IN HIS BRAIN STEM.

Thank you all so much for standing with our family, we truly appreciate you!


5/13/2008 9:13 pm

I spoke with my sister Cammie at 8:35 this evening. Prior to the CATSCAN scheduled for 6:00pm the doctors were going to place a shunt into Randy's brain stem to drain off the excess fluid that had accumulated because of the bleed. However, upon reviewing the CATSCAN they could find no fluid. Thank you for praying FOR A COMPLETE REMOVAL OF ALL BLOOD. Please continue praying for a COMPLETE HEALING IN HIS BRAIN STEM and for A COMPLETE RECOVERY.

My sister said that there is something different going on, her exact words were "You can feel the difference in the air when you walk into his (Randy's) room something great is going on."

Thank you for your prayers. Your faith and perseverance humbles me. Thank you as well for passing this request on to others so that they can stand with us in faith believing for Randy's full recovery. I would ask that you lift up my mother (Jane) as well; she is very upset and needs peace, please pray for her peace.

When I spoke with my brother Keith this evening he said that as he was driving home a sense of peace came over him and he knew that everything was going to be okay. He told me that Randy's new name is "Miracle Boy".


5/14/2008 11:38 am

RANDY IS AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sister just called (11:15 am Wed the 14th) He is awake! The CATSCAN shows that the lesion on his brain is disappearing. His fever is down, He recognizes people. Continue to pray for his COMPLETE RECOVERY!


5/14/2008 8:36 pm

Earlier today I spoke with my sister who told me that the doctors were thinking of removing the breathing tube. She called me a little while later to tell me that Randy had started to try and communicate with them via hand signals but was becoming frustrated because he could not get his message across to them. Cammie told this to a nurse at the duty station who said, "that's it, I'm taking it out." She proceeded into Randy's room and removed the breathing tube and started walking out, as soon as she removed the tube Randy's stats started to drop and he began loosing color. The nurse who removed the tube did not seem to care and began leaving the room. As she was walking out of the room Randy's regular nurse (Peggy) was coming into the room. When Peggy seen what had happened she asked the other nurse "What are you doing?" "You did not do this without me!" Just a half hour earlier the nurse who removed the tube had been told by both Randy's doctor and Peggy not to remove the breathing tube. I immediately got off the phone and Darlene and I began praying, I then went into our backyard and began calling, “Randy Paul Blake, come forth and step into your healing.” Within five minutes my sister called to say that everything was okay, Randy was stable. They were using a portable breathing bag to keep his oxygen level up until he could be sedated and the breathing tube re-inserted.

It was explained to my sister that it not uncommon when a breathing tube is removed for this to happen That it is usually caused by either swelling in the airway, caused by the tube, or because the tongue is not strong enough to react properly. Cammie said that she believes that it has nothing to do with his tongue because she had seen him licking his lips earlier in the day.

Randy's healing will be complete and will be a witness to the glory of our Father's healing power. The enemy understands this and will attempt to block it from happening. Typically he does this through events or words spoken that cause us to get our focus off from the promise and onto the situation. This was an attempt of the enemy to get our attention focused on the situation.

This afternoon while Darlene and I were in town we were blessed enough to meet Heidi Hughey at Wal-Mart. Heidi said, and we agree with her, that through this situation, "the enemy has shown his hand and his authority is broken."


I told my sister to tell the both Peggy (Randy's nurse) and the doctor, that the nurse who removed the tube was not allowed back into his room. Peggy agreed with her and told her that the nurse had been reprimanded for what she did.

I also spoke with my mom earlier today - this is the first time that I have talked with her since she called me at 9:30 Monday night to tell me that Randy had collapsed. She said that yesterday when speaking with one of the doctors providing care for Randy she was told, by the doctor that, “as a doctor I cannot not tell you to expect a miracle…" I told her that there is no way that the medical community will be able to say, "we did this or we did that and now he is better". The glory for Randy's recovery rests with God and he alone will receive the glory for it.

Cammie also said that as she getting on the elevator this afternoon to go back to the hotel for a nap, that there was a lady in the hallway whom she had never seen before. Cammie said that she was dressed very strange; wearing a large red hat with blue Crocks for shoes. The lady looked at Cammie pointed towards the ICU unit and said "I don't know if you realize it, but there is something beautiful going on in there."

I have been asked many times why I have not gone to Buffalo to be with my family. Here is the reason. I know that I am more effective in what God has for me to do right here; not caught up in the emotion of my family or seeing my brother in the hospital. I did not want my belief and trust to be tainted by the physical reality (the situation) of being there. I have been able to listen for the Father's voice. To pray when he says pray and to be silent when he says be silent. Through this I have learned a totally different side to what we call "Spiritual Warfare." That is, I am not the one warring, He is. I, along with all of you praying, am just agreeing with what he has already accomplished!

I spoke with my sister again at 8:12pm this evening and she said that she had just talked with a nurse who works in the ICU unit. Cammie was asking her questions about what a stroke was and the nurse told Cammie that there is a difference between a stroke and a bleed and that Randy had a bleed. Cammie then asked her what happens with the blood that accumulates during a bleed and the nurse told her that the blood is absorbed back into the body… Ready for the GOD… The nurse told Cammie that, “Never in my career have I ever seen blood deplete so quickly as it did with Randy!”

I read something earlier today that came from one of the people praying for Randy and I thought I'd share it with you.

"One day as I pondered what it means to be the salt of the earth...I prayed, "Lord, what does that mean for me, today, as I want to be in relationship with you---not just knowing about you?" Before I could utter another word of prayer or change to a different train of thought the answer came to me like an "instant download": "Just be you, full of Me."

I pray for all of those standing together in prayer for Randy, my brother; Jane, my mother; and the rest of our family that you continue being you, full of HIM!

5/15/2008 10:24 am

Thursday 5/15/08 - 10:00 am

I just spoke with my sister she said that Randy is still running a low-grade fever. The doctors are trying to find the cause of it. They believe that he may be getting a sinus infection. PRAY FOR THIS FEVER AND ITS CAUSE TO LEAVE HIS BODY!

Because of yesterday's event they still have him minimally sedated in order to keep him calm. He occasionally comes out of sedation long enough to look around and see who is there. He is still following commands.

She also said that a nurse told her that they were hopeful that Randy's gag reflex and his tongue muscle would return enough that they could remove the breathing tube without another incident. Cammie told the nurse that they WILL return, to which the nurse replied, "we are hopeful," to which Cammie, replied, "no, they will." PRAY FOR A COMPLETE RECOVERY OF RANDY'S GAG REFLEX AND TONGUE MUSCLE

There is something that I need you to seek God about. In the email last night I told you that Randy was trying to communicate via hand signals. I am going to do my best to explain what those signals were and ask that you pray for an interpretation.

Randy would place his thumb and middle finger together and begin rubbing them. He would do this for a few seconds then extend his pinky finger and his thumb and rotate his wrist back and forth. The best way I can explain this is to extend your pinky and thumb, with your other three fingers held to your palm. Then hold up your hand so that you are looking at your thumb with you pinky further away. Then move your wrist back and forth. He would do this then he would hold his thumb to his pinky finger and hold up three fingers. Then he would point out the door of his room. My sister began to do the same movements to him and he would shake his head yes. When Cammie would tell Randy that she did not understand what he was trying to say, he would roll his eyes and shrug his shoulders. There must be a meaning. PLEASE PRAY FOR AN INTERPRETATION.

Friday 5/16/08 7:21 am

Early yesterday afternoon I felt he Lord suggesting to me that I call Barry and Julie Weeden, close friends of ours, to ask them to come to our house for communion that evening. Knowing that Barry works long hours and has a physically demanding job I was hesitant and ended up not calling. I have been fasting since this event began and felt that, at least for last night’s meal, the burden of the fast was being lifted. Around 6:00pm I broke the fast by taking communion with my wife, Darlene. Then we shared in a small meal. At 7:30 or so, as I was in the kitchen cleaning up dishes, I heard the door open and someone say "hello Buck". There are only two people who call me that, one is Jim Swetson, who happens to be staying at our house, and the other is Barry. I turned around fully expecting to see Jim standing there but it was Barry and his wife Julie, with a Pizza. Barry said that at around 12:30 that afternoon he felt God speaking to him that they needed to come to our house to celebrate a "communion of healing." They, too, went through the "is this god" stuff before finally deciding to come. WHAT A BLESSING FOR US!

While they were here my brother Keith called to tell me that Randy is able to read. On two occasions they wrote notes on a signboard, the first simply said I Love You. My sister held the sign up for him and he shook his head yes. The second sign said, "squeeze your hand," Randy read the sign and squeezed his hand.

He called back a couple of minutes later to say that Randy's fever had returned and asked us to pray. Less that a half hour later Keith called back to say that the fever had fallen by two degrees on its own and that hospital staff was going to give Randy Tylenol to be sure it stayed down.

At around 5:24 this morning (5/16/08) as I was in that place between sleep and awake, I heard a voice say, "Breakthrough is at the door." I said "what" and heard again "Breakthrough is at the door." Immediately I was in... Hold on...... I just got off the phone with my brother Keith (7:34am 5/16/08) My sister Cammie just called him to say that Randy is writing on his own. Cammie gave Randy a pencil and a paper and he wrote the word LOVE. Back to the vision... Immediately I was in Randy's room. I turned to look at the door and there was a huge angel standing there with his head bowed. I said to him, you are welcome here. He looked at me and I heard a voice say, "So many times I have come to help but they never believed I was there." I replied, "You are welcome here." He then walked over to Randy's bed, took hold of both Randy's feet, stayed there for a moment then turned, and stood at the foot of the bed, facing the door. I could tell that he was weary from battle but I also felt his peace knowing that his mission had been fulfilled.

Just spoke with my sister again (8:00am) At around 4:00 this morning, Randy's wife, Cindy, had a dream or vision she is not sure which. In it she saw her father, who passed away a few years ago, walking towards her. As he got closer she saw that he was doing one of the same hand signals that Randy has been doing. With his index finger extended and pointing up, he was making a circle. He looked at her and he said, "Full Circle."