Council Meeting March 9, 2015

Council Chambers:

ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Travis Schwerdtfager presiding. Councilmembers present: Lisa S. Feldkamp, Nikki Flinn, Melodee Larsen, Louis Zsuzsics, Jr.and Jack D. Crispin Jr. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz & Clerk Heather N. Simms. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.

VISITORS:Visitors in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Jyll Phillips, Carly Errebo, Doug McKinney, Kathie Crispin, Cindy Nelson, David Dohe, Heidi Allen, Kelly Larson, Charlene Griffin, Jared Spear, Lisa Simmons, Leesa Frederking and Sharon Thompson.

AGENDA AMENDMENT:Mayor Schwerdtfager added two items to the agenda; a reappointment to the Lincoln Housing Authority board and City Attorney regarding pending litigation.

MINUTES:Upon motion by Crispin, seconded by Feldkamp, minutes of the February 9, 2015, regular meetingwere approved as written.

PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 15-02, for February wages and salaries in the amount of $48,720.11, was presented. A motion byCrispin, seconded by Zsuzsics, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payablelistings were reviewed, including prepaid invoices in the amount of $62,399.88,and unpaid invoices totaling $75,220.33. Upon motion byFlinn, seconded byZsuzsics, all said invoices, in the amount of$137,620.21, were approved for payment.

DELINQ. ACCNTS.:Fiveaccounts, totaling $1,133.07, were on the list of delinquent utilities.

LHA/APPOINTMENT:Mayor Schwerdtfager re-appointed Robert Slater to a 4-year term as amember of the Lincoln Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Feldkampmoved to confirm the Mayor’s appointments, seconded by Larsen. Motion carried.

HAZ. MIT. RES. 15-02:Resolution No. 15-02, a Resolution to adopt the Lincoln County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan as the City of Lincoln Center’s Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, was introduced. Feldkamp moved to adopt Resolution No. 15-02. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.

COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP:Carly Errebo, head of community clean-up volunteer group, reported they would be participating in another clean-up day on Saturday, March 21, 2015, and asked if the City would allow City employees to volunteer their time to operate city equipment. Errebo also relayed that the volunteer group would be painting & resealing at the East & West Ball Parks. She asked if the City would pay for paint and sealer. Crispin moved to grant both requests, seconded by Flinn. Motion carried. The City agreed to do a city wide clean-up later in April, dates still pending.

TEMP CMB PERMIT:A Temporary Cereal Malt Beverage application had been received from Leesa Frederking, in conjunction with the St. Patrick’s Alter Society, for the March 27thShrimp Boil. The application was accompanied by the appropriate fee. Flinn moved to issue a Temporary Cereal Malt Beverage License to Leesa Frederking on March 27, 2015 from 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. Motion seconded by Larsen, carried.

TOURISM COALITION:Kathie Crispin, chairperson of the Lincoln County Tourism Coalition, a committee of the Lincoln Area Chamber of Commerce, requested that the City make a $1,000.00 contribution toward the reprinting of an updated brochure highlighting area attractions. The City had provided $1,000.00 in 2006 & 2009. Feldkamp moved to approve said request, seconded by Larsen. Motion carried.

CDBG GRANT FUNDS:Doug McKinney, North Central Regional Planning Commission Executive Director, reported on 2015 CDBGSpecial Round grants that are in the scope for the City. The grants available are for sidewalks, storm shelters or park improvements. He explained that if the City was approved it would not affect our chances for the 2016 CDBG grants. After some discussion, Feldkamp moved

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to have a special meeting March 23, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall to finalize the project direction. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.

MUNICIPAL POOL:Councilmember Feldkamp relayed a recommendation of Superintendent Meyer to hire onemanager at the pool rather than co-managers. Following a period of discussion, Simms was instructed to advertise in the newspaper for pool manager and lifeguards.

ELECTRIC RATE ORD. #709:There came on for consideration an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW ELECTRIC RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER; INCLUDING RATES FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DUSK TO DAWN YARDLIGHTS.” Said Ordinance reflected the electric rate increase of $.01 per kWh, and to add $1.00 service charge, across the board. Crispin moved to pass said Ordinance, seconded by Larsen. Upon call for vote, the following Councilmembers voted Aye: Crispin, Feldkamp, Flinn, Larsen, and Zsuzsics. Nay: None. The Ordinance was declared passed, was approved and signed by the Mayor, assigned #709 by the City Clerk, and ordered to be published once in the official city newspaper.

CAT CONTROL:Heidi Allen, Lincoln Area Humane Society, discussed different options that are available to help with the feral cats in Lincoln. She was asked to put together a plan that would work for our community and attend the next meeting.

ANIMAL CONTROL:The City was also questioned about housing out of town dogs. She said the County has no place to put stray dogs and asked if the City would consider allowing them to use our pound. Meyer questioned who would be responsible for the expenses of housing County dogs. Mayor Schwerdtfager was going to visit with Sheriff Weigel on the matter as well.




ORDINANCE NO. 706 ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER ON THE 11th DAY OF AUGUST, 2014,” was presented. Crispin moved to adopt said Resolution, seconded by Zsuzsics. Motion carried.

PUBLIC OFFICER:Attorney Metz put together a job description and ad for the position “Public Officer” for the council to review last month. After some discussion and changes to the ad, Simms was instructed to put an advertisement in the local newspaper. A committee will be formed to review applicants.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 9:29 p.m., Feldkamp moved to enter into executive session, with City Attorney Metz, for a period of ten (10) minutes, for the purpose of discussions involving non-elected personnel. Motion seconded by Larsen, carried. The City Council returned to regular session at 9:39 p.m.

At 9:40 p.m., Feldkamp moved to enter into executive session, with City Attorney Metz, for a period of ten (10) minutes, for the purpose of discussions involving non-elected personnel. Motion seconded by Larsen, carried. The City Council returned to regular session at 9:50 p.m.

PERSONNEL:Upon motion by Crispin, seconded by Zsuzsics, the employment of Dylan E. Rohrig, effective February 26, 2015, and Darren A. Johnson, effective March 9, 2015, was approved. Both were hired as maintenance workers at a starting rate of $11.50 per hour.

DJ ENVIRONMENTAL:Superintendent Meyer reported that the problem reported earlier, has not been resolved. The terms of the lease agreement between DJ Environmental LLC and City of Lincoln Center were discussed. Larsen made a motion to table the discussion until next month, to allow time for the tenant to correct the problem, seconded by Crispin. Motion carried.

FAIR HOUSING:Feldkamp moved to authorize Mayor Schwerdtfager to sign a Proclamation designating the month of April as Fair Housing Month. Motion seconded by Flinn, carried.

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EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 10:05 p.m., Crispin moved to enter into executive session, with City Attorney Metz, City Clerk Simms, and City Superintendent Meyer, for a period of fifteen (15) minutes, for the purpose of consultation with the city attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship. Motion seconded by Larsen, carried. The City Council returned to regular session at 10:20 p.m.

At 10:21 p.m., Crispin moved to enter into executive session, with City Attorney Metz, City Clerk Simms, and City Superintendent Meyer, for a period of fifteen (15) minutes, for the purpose of consultation with the city attorney on matters that would be deemed privileged in an attorney-client relationship. Motion seconded by Larsen, carried. The City Council returned to regular session at 10:36 p.m.

CITY SHOP:Superintendent Meyer reported about the theft of lead and copper from the city shop yard and the 200kW generator that was stripped. The damage has been reported to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and Meyer is working on a cost estimate of loss.

VOLUNTEERS:CouncilmemberFeldkamp encouraged anyone available on March 21st to come help paint at the Ball Parks.

RESIGNATION:Councilmember Flinn informed the Governing Body with regret that May would be her last council meeting, as she would be moving outside the city limits.

RV PARK:Jared Spear expressed his disappointment in the council’s decision on the RV Park Rules and Regulations Resolution passed.

ADJOURN:There being no further business,Crispinmoved to adjourn. Motion seconded byLarsen, carried. Council adjourned at 10:51p.m.

/s/Heather N. Simms

City Clerk