Comfort 6 Language Arts(Master) Berlin Community School
6 Language Arts(Master)
Teacher: Grade 6
Month / Content / Skills / Assessment / Materials /September 2008 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact do elements of fiction have on a story?
How does understanding a text's structure help me better understand its meaning?
C. How does making predictions as you read help with understanding a reading selection?
Why is it important to be able to recognize fact from opinion?
What do readers do when they do not understand everything in a text?
D. How does figurative language "color" our language?
E. What impact do words have?
Why do readers need to pay attention to a writer's choice of words? How
are sounds represented by letters?
F. What are the elements of fiction, non-fiction, and realistic fiction?
/ A.Use knowledge of grammar and usage to express ideas effectively
(common/proper nouns, synonyms/antonyms, capitalization,
ending punctuation)
B. recognize character, setting plot in a fictional story, respond to literature
(setting, conflict, plot, authors purpose), identify and use graphic features to comprehend information
C. make and revise predictions before and after reading, recognize clues that indicate an opinion, use resources to check facts
D. write a narrative, write sentences of varying length and complexity, identify and use figurative language in writing
E. interact with vocabulary through a variety of activities: cloze, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, and definitions,
F. identify elements of fiction, non-fiction, and realistic fiction in selected writings
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. weekly writing, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric,
create accompany visual representation for informational text
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D. rubric, as evidenced by writing and peer revising & editing
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase,performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
/ Textbooks:
Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
October 2008 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact point of view and plot have on a story?
How does understanding a text's structure help me better understand its meaning?
C. How does prior knowledge help with understanding a reading selection?
What do readers do when they do not understand everything in a text?
D. How does figurative language "color" our language? How does writing for different purposes enhance the reading experience?
E. What impact do words have?
Why do readers need to pay attention to a writer's choice of words? How
are sounds represented by letters?
F. What are the elements of realistic fiction?
/ A. infer word meanings from roots, apply and understand the meanings of new words
B. recognize and respond critically to author's point of view, identify elements of plot in the story, identify and use graphic features to comprehend information
C. use proir knowledge anticipate what will be read, make and adjust predictions, relate new learning to background experiences, sequence, compare/contrast
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, identify and use figurative language in writing, write for different purpose,
E. interact with vocabulary through a variety of activities: cloze, synonyms, antinyms, homophones, and definitions
F.identify elements of realistic fiction in selected writings
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase,
create accompany visual representation for informational text
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D.performance task: weekly writing, writing and peer assessments
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase,performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric / Textbooks:
Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
November 2008 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact does theme, plot, and setting have on a story?
C. How does drawing conclusions help with understanding a reading selection?
D. How does figurative language "color" our language? How does writing for different purposes enhance the reading experience?
E. What impact do words have?
F. What are the elements of a short story and realistic fiction?
G. How can discussion increase our knowlegde and understanding of an idea?
When is it appropriate to ask questions?
/ A. use quotation marks and related punctuation in dialogues
B. recognize and respond critically to theme, plot, and setting in the story, identify and analyze features of theme, identify and analyze features of conflict, explain how setting contributes to mood
C. draw conclusions based on multiple sources
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, identify and use figurative language in writing, write for different purpose
E. interact with vocabulary through a variety of activities: cloze, synonyms, antonyms, and definitions
F.identify elements of realistic fiction in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
G. construct questions, recommend improvements, point out comparasions/contrasts, paraphrase what is discussed
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D.performance task: weekly writing, writing and peer assessments
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
G. performance task, peer assessment
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
December 2008 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact does characterization have on a story?
C. How does drawing conclusions help with understanding a reading selection?
D. How does figurative language "color" our language? How does descriptive writing enhance the reading experience?
E. What impact do words have?
F. What are the elements of a short story and realistic fiction?
G. How can discussion increase our knowlegde and understanding of an idea?
When is it appropriate to ask questions?
/ A. use possessive nouns correctly in writing
B. recognize characterization in fiction
C. draw conclusions based on multiple sources
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, identify and use figurative language in writing, write descriptive paragraph
E. interact with vocabulary through a variety of activities: cloze, synonyms, antinyms, and definitions
F.identify elements of realistic fiction in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
G. construct questions, recommend improvements, point out comparasions/contrasts, paraphrase what is discussed
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D.performance task: weekly writing, writing and peer assessments
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
G. performance task, peer assessment
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
January 2009 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact does characterization have on a story?
C. How does making inferences help with understanding a reading selection?
D. How does figurative language "color" our language? How does descriptive writing enhance the reading experience?
E. What impact do words have?
F. What are the elements of a short story and fantasy?
/ A. use possessive nouns correctly in writing
B. recognize characterization in fiction
C. make inferences and provide textual evidence
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, identify and use figurative language in writing, identify and use idiomatic language
E. interact with vocabulary through a variety of activities: cloze, synonyms, antinyms, and definitions
F.identify elements of fantasy in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: literature quilt, rubric
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D.performance task: weekly writing, writing and peer assessments
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: box report
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
February 2009 / A. What conventions of the English language make sentences more understandable?
B. What impact does characterization have on a story?
C. How does making comparasions help with understanding a reading selection?
D. How do transition words help the flow of language? How does persuaisive writing enhance the reading experience?
E. What impact do words have?
F. What are the elements of a short story and mystery?
NJASK TEST PREPARATION / A. use pronouns/personal pronouns correctly in writing
B. recognize characterization in fiction
C. make comaparasions across works and produce evidence of understanding
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, write persuasive essays with clearly stated and supported positions, provide logical sequence through structure and sequence
E. identify genre by distinctive elements, apply the writing process, use scoring rubric to improve and evaluate writing
F. identify elements of mystery in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
/ A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
B. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: catalog, rubric
C. tests- multiple choice and essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase
D.oral and written assessment
A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
E. vocabulary quizzes given weekly
F. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: make a catalog, rubric
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
New Jersey Test Prep
Jonathan D. Kantrowitz
Queue, Inc.
March 2009 / A. What impact do words have?
B. What conventions of the English language make stories more understandable?
C. What are the elements of historical
D. How do transition words help the flow of language? How does persuaisive writing enhance the reading experience?
/ A.& B.
1. use strategies to elaborate and organize ideas for writing
2. draft writing with supporting structure and appropriate voice
3. gather, select and organize ideas
4. Make decisions about the use of precise language
5. provide logical sequence through structure and transitions
6. use knowledge of grammar and usage to express ideas effectively
7. use knowledge of punctuation and spelling
8. establish plot, setting, characters, point of view, and resolution
9. use narrative techniques
10. write sentences of varying length and complexity
11.apply the writing process
C. identify elements of historical fiction in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
D. write sentences of varying length and complexity, write persuasive essays with clearly stated and supported positions, provide logical sequence through structure and sequence / A. & B. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
C. essay- analyze, interpret, identify, paraphrase, performance assessment: diary report, rubric
D.oral and written assessment
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
New Jerset Test Prep
Grade 6 Reading Comprehension
Jonathan D. Kantrowitz
Queue, Inc.
April 2009 / A. What conventions of the English language make stories more understandable?
How does using point-of-view enhance a story?
B. What are the elements of myth/historical fiction?
D. How do transition words help the flow of language? How does persuaisive writing enhance the reading experience?
1. revise drafts by rereading
2. review own writing with others
3. gather, select and organize ideas
4. edit work for spelling, usage, clairty, organization, fluency
5. reflect on writing, set goals for improvement
6. consider relevancy of details, edit appropriately
7. edit for grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling
8. use relevant graphics in writing
9. develop personal writing style
10. illustrate text
1. identify elements of myth/historical fiction in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
C. write sentences of varying length and complexity, write persuasive essays with clearly stated and supported positions, provide logical sequence through structure and sequence
/ A. written assessment/publication
B. written assessment/publication, rubric
C. oral and written assessment
A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments / Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
New Jerset Test Prep
Grade 6 Reading Comprehension
Jonathan D. Kantrowitz
Queue, Inc.
May 2009 / A. What conventions of the English language make stories more understandable?
B. What are the elements of myth/historical fiction?
C. How do transition words help the flow of language? How does persuaisive writing enhance the reading experience?
How do you respond to literature using short answers?
/ A. Write a myth
1. revise drafts by rereading
2. review own writing with others
3. gather, select and organize ideas
4. edit work for spelling, usage, clairty, organization, fluency
5. reflect on writing, set goals for improvement
6. consider relevancy of details, edit appropriately
7. edit for grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling
8. use relevant graphics in writing
9. develop personal writing style
10. illustrate text
1. identify elements of myth/historical fiction in selected writings,identify genre by distinctive elements
C. write sentences of varying length and complexity, write persuasive essays with clearly stated and supported positions, provide logical sequence through structure and sequence
1. respond personally and insightfully to literatire
2. gather, select, organize appropriate information
3. demonstrate higher-order thinking skills when writing
/ A. written assessment/publication,
1. oral, written and open-ended assessment
C. oral and written assessment
D. written assessment, rubric
C. oral and written assessment
A. performance task, daily warm-up, writing and peer assessments
1. oral and written assessment, produce project (timeline)
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books
New Jerset Test Prep
Grade 6 Reading Comprehension
Jonathan D. Kantrowitz
Queue, Inc.
June 2009 / A. Reading/Speaking/Listening
fractured fairy tales
E. Genre
fractured fairy tales
/ A. Reading/Speaking/Listening
1. read silently, to increase speed, accuracy, fluency
2. respond orally to literature with questions and comments
3. read aloud fluently
4. incorporate peer/teacher feedback
5. respond orally to literature
6. listen actively for various purposes
7. make inferences based on oral presentation
8. ask questions, draw conclusions from information presented
9. demonstrate active listening through response
E. Genre
1. identify genre by distinctive elements
/ A. Reading/Speaking/Listening
1. oral assessment
E. Genre
1. oral assessment
/ Prentice Hall Literature
Penguin Edition
Grade Six
Holt Handbook
Holt, Rinehart, Winston
Introductory Course
Grammar & Punctuation
Evan-Moor Corp.
Vocabulary Word-of-the-Day
Writing Prompts
Marcia Miller &
Martin Lee
Scho;astic Professional Books