(2 miles west of Forres on A96)

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 08-09 July 06 Entries close FRIDAY 30 JUNE 06

The first 4 competitors in designated classes will qualify for the Dabbs Scottish Masters September 06

QUALIFYING CARDS must be collected at the show.


£6 for Ridden Classes, Equitation Jumping and SJ Prizes for classes where entries warrant**:1-£6, 2-£4, 3-£3 or sponsored prizes.

£8 per entry for Working Hunter ClassesRule 15 applies except in BSPS classes where 1st prize will always be awarded

All + £1 per rider/handler for First Aid ROSETTES 1-6 IN ALL CLASSES


BSPS NOVICE HERITAGE WORKING HUNTER PONIESRing 1 0900 All classes to follow on but approx times shown

Judge: Mrs Nicola Shuttleworth

Class 1 0900BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 yo and over not exceeding 122cms. Riders any age.

Class 2 0945 BSPS HERITAGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 yo and over exceeding 122cms not exceeding 138cms Riders any age

BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE WHP CHAMPIONSHIP Opento ponies that have been placed 1st and 2nd in the Heritage Novice WHP classes.

Class 3 1030 BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE WORKING HUNTER PONY Registered Pure Bred Ponies 4 years old and over exceeding 138cms. Riders any age.

Class 4 1200 BSPS HERITAGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN WORKING HUNTER PONY MIXED HEIGHT Registered pure bred ponies 4 years old and over. Riders MUST jump in their correct height section. Incorporating NPS Scotland/Scottish Countryside Alliance M & M WHP Pony of the Year 2004 The 3 highest placed ponies not already qualified will qualify for the NPS Scotland/Scottish Countryside Alliance WHP Final at Blair Horse Trials on 25 August 2006 If insufficient entries in classes will be amalgamated.

HERITAGEMOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIPOpen to 1st and 2nd prizewinners of classes 1-5

WORKING HUNTER PONIES Ring 1 Not before 1400 The all weather surface All classes to follow on but approx times shown

Judge:Mrs Rosemary Young

Blair Castle Tullibardine Contractors Open Working Hunter Pony Series These classes are qualifiers for the Blair Castle Open WHP Championships to be held at Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair on Thursday 24th August 2006.

Class 6 Not before 1400 BSPS OPEN WHP mare of gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cm. Riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1 Jan 06. Height of fences approx 90cms.

Incorporating BlairCastle Tullibardine Contractors Open WHP

Class 7 1445 BSPS OPEN WHP mare of gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 143cm. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1 Jan 06. Height of fences approx 1m

Incorporating BlairCastle Tullibardine Contractors Open WHP

Class 81500BSPSOPEN WHP mare of gelding, 4 years old and over, over 143cms and not exceeding 153cm. Riders not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1 Jan 06. Fences approx 1.05m

Incorporating BlairCastle Tullibardine Contractors Open WHP

Ring 1

Judge: Miss Claire Proctor

Class 91530 UNAFFILIATED WHP Jumps approx 0.60 (2’)

Class 10 1600 TINY TOTS JUMPING Jumps approx 0.45 (1’9)

Class 11 1630 CLEAR ROUND JUMPING Entry on day only £2 per round

TURN-OUTRing 2 0900 All classes to follow on but approx times shown

Judge : Miss Heather Young

Class 12 0900 TURN-OUT CLASS Open to all

BSPS SHOW HUNTER PONIES Ring 2 0930 All classes to follow on but approx times shown

Judge : Mrs Rosemary Young

Class 13 0930 BSPS OPEN SHOW HUNTER PONY Mare or gelding 4 years old and over, exceeding 143cms but not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 14 1015 BSPS OPEN SHOW HUNTER PONY Mare or gelding 4 years old and over, exceeding 133cms but not exceeding 143cms. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 15 1100 BSPS OPEN SHOW HUNTER PONY Mare or gelding 4 years old and over, exceeding 122cms but not exceeding 133cms. Riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 16 11.40 BSPS OPEN PONYOF SHOW HUNTER TYPE Mare or gelding 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122cmsRiders not to have attained their 11th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 17 1200 BSPS OPEN FIRST PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE Mare or gelding 4 years old and over. Not exceeding 122cms. Riders under 11 before 1st January 06

Class 18 1220 BSPS OPEN LEADING REIN PONY OF HUNTER TYPE Mare or gelding 4 years old and over. Not exceeding 122cms. Riders under 8 before 1st January 06

Class 50 THE BSPS OPEN INTERMEDIATE SHOW HUNTER Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms. and not exceeding 158 cms. Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 51 THE B.S.P.S. MIXED HEIGHT INTERMEDATE SHOW RIDING TYPEMare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 146cms. but not exceeding 158 cms Riders not to have attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

MINI OPEN HUNTER PONY CHAMPIONSHIP Open to ponies that have been placed 1st or 2nd in the Open Lead Rein of Hunter Type and Open First Pony of Show Hunter Type classes only

SHOW HUNTER PONY CHAMPIONSHIP Open to ponies, 4 years old and over, that have been placed 1st or 2nd in the 122cms, 133cms, 143cms and 153cms and Intermediate Open Show Hunter Classes only

OPEN SHOW PONIES Ring 2 1300All classes will follow on but approx times given

Judge : Mrs Rosemary Young

Class 19 1300 BSPS MIXED HEIGHT OPEN SHOW PONYMare or gelding 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cms. Riders must be correct age for height of pony.

Class 20 1315 BSPS LEADING REIN PONY, Mare or gelding 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 7th birthday before 1st January 06

Class 21 1330 BSPS FIRST RIDDEN PONY Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1 January 06

OPEN MINI SHOW PONY CHAMPIONSHIP Open to ponies that have been placed 1st or 2nd in the Open Lead Rein and Open First Ridden classes only

SHOW PONY CHAMPIONSHIP for 1st and 2nd prizewinners in classes 19,20 and 21. Class 19 will be split should entries warrant.

BSPS HERITAGE M&M Ring 4 Not before 1400 All classes will follow on but approx times given


Judge: Mrs Nicola Shuttleworth

Class 22 Not before 1400 BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN FIRST RIDDEN Registered Pure bred mare or gelding not exceeding 128cms. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 23 1445 BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN LEAD REIN Registered Pure bred mare or gelding not exceeding 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 24 1500 BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN RIDDEN MIXED BREEDS. Incorporating NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Pony of the Year 2006. Registered Pure Bred ponies 4 years old and over. Rider any age. The 2 highest placed ponies in Classes 15 and 16 not already qualified will qualify for the NPS Scotland/Baileys Horse Feeds Open Ridden M&M Pony Final at Blair Horse Trials in August 06

Class 25 1545 BSPSHERITAGEMOUNTAIN & MOORLAND NOVICE RIDDEN MIXED BREEDS Registered Pure Bred ponies 4 years old and over. Rider any age. Incorporating NPS Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Ridden M&M Championship. The 2 highest placed ponies not already qualified will qualify for the NPS Scotland/Kilmannan Stud Novice Ridden M&M final at BlairCastle on 25 August 2006

BSPS HERITAGE MINI CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to ponies that have been placed 1st or 2nd in the Heritage Lead Rein and First Ridden classes.

MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND RIDDENCHAMPIONSHIP Open to 1st and 2nd prizewinners of classes 22,23,24,25,

IN-HAND PONIES Ring 2 1600 All classes will follow on but approx times given

Judge: Mrs Nicola Shuttleworth

Class 261600MARE OR GELDING, not exceeding 14.2hh, 3 years old or over. Incorporating NPS Scotland/Dignity Caring Funeral Services UK Open In-hand Riding Pony/Hunter pony Championship. The 2 highest placed ponies will qualify for qualify for the NPS Scotland/Dignity Caring Funeral Services UK Open In-hand Riding Pony/Hunter pony Final at BlairCastle on 25 Aug 06

MOUNTAIN AND MOORLANDIncorporating NPS Scotland/Ballinton Stud Open In-hand M&M Championship.

Class 271620MARE OR GELDING, Large Breeds 3 years old or over.

Class 281640MARE OR GELDING, Small Breeds 3 years old or over.

MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP for 1st and 2nd prizewinners in classes 27 and 28

The Champion and Reserve Champion in classes 27 and 28 will qualify for the NPS Scotland/Ballinton Stud Open In-hand M&M Final at Blair Castle on 25 Aug 06

The Champion & Reserve Champion in all M&M or Breed Classes will qualify for the NPS Scotland/Ballinton Stud Open M&M Final. The final will take place at BlairCastle on Fri 25 Aug 06

  1. NPS Rules: Ponies may only qualify once for each NPS Scotland Competition Final. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in disqualification from the Final.
  2. Qualification can go as far down the line as necessary. Except the in-hand M. & M.
  3. For Novice classes. Ponies must wear a snaffle bridle & must not have won a 1st in an open mixed M. & M. or breed class prior to Jan 1st 2006.
  4. Entry for the Finals can only be made by sending the official card duly signed by the Judge at the time of qualifying with your entry form.
  5. The exhibitor must be or become a member of NPS Scotland before entering the Final.

1700 SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP OF SHOW open to all 1st and 2nd prizewinners Judges: Miss Young and Mr Green



Judge: Mrs Fiona Ross

Class 29 0900IN HAND

Class 300915RIDDEN

IN HAND0930 Ring 2 All classes will follow on but approx times given

Judge: Mrs Fiona Ross


Class 31 0930MARE OR GELDING exceeding 15.2HH, 3 years old or over

Class 321000MARE OR GELDING not exceeding 15.2HH, 3 years old or over

Class 331030VETERAN MARE OR GELDING Over 15 years old

IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP for 1st and 2nd prize winners in Classes 29-31 Trophy to winner

RIDING HORSES Not before 1230 Ring 2 All classes will follow on

Judge: Mrs Fiona Ross

Class 34 RIDING HORSE Over 15hh, mare or gelding 4 years old or over

Class 35 RIDING HORSE 15hh and under, mare or gelding 4 years old or over

Class 36 BEST RIDING CLUB TYPE HORSE For any rider on any horse

WORKING HUNTER HORSES0900 RING 3 All classes will follow on

Judge:Mrs Morag Durno

Class 37 STARTER WORKING HUNTER , 4 years old and over. Jumps 0.60m (1’9-2’)

Class 38 NOVICE WORKING HUNTER, 4 years old and over. Jumps approx 0.75 (2’6)

Class 39 INTERMEDIATE WORKING HUNTER, 4 years old and over. Jumps approx 0.90m (3’)

Class 40 OPEN WORKING HUNTER, 4 years old and over. Jumps approx 1.00m (3’3)

Class 37 only open to horse/pony and rider combinations that have not won 1st or 2nd in any Working Hunter competition


Judges: Mrs Pam Joyce Mrs Shona Weir

Class 41 ANSUR SADDLES/BRC SCOTTISH EQUITATION JUMPINGThis Championship Series is taking place for the first time across Scotland this year the first four riders placed in qualifying rounds are eligible for final which will be held on Sunday August 27 at Blair Caste International Three Day Event and Country Fair. Riders 17 years and over. The maximum height of any obstacle is 85cm with a maximum spread of 90cm.


  • The Rider jumps a round of show jumps of set height including a simple combination. The horse and rider enter, halt and salute the judge.
  • The rider then proceeds into canter and rides a simple figure of eight with a change of leg through trot or even doing a flying change. This pre-jumping phase which includes the change of rein and transitions is used to assess balance and riding position and marks out of ten are awarded.
  • Each fence is judged out of 10 on presentation, balance and position also how any problems are dealt with.
  • After completion the rider stays in canter until the signal if given to stop and again the rider is assessed
  • Three other sets of marks cover riding the track and effectiveness, the security and effectiveness of the lower leg position, balance and coordination and independence of the rein.
  • Five marks are taken off is a martingale is used.
  • Penalties are taken away for refusals (first disobedience 3 penalties, second 6 and third is elimination) or knock downs (2 penalties) and riders are eliminated if they fall, go the wrong way, fail to salute, or fail to act properly on signals.
  • The final mark is out of 140

SHOWJUMPING 1000 Ring 1 Arena All classes will follow on

Judges: Mrs Pam Joyce and Mrs Shona Weir

Ring 1

Class 42 0.45mClass 43 0.60mClass46 0.90mClass44 0.70m

Class 45 0.80mClass 48 1.10mClass47 1.00mClass 49 1.20m

Any horse/pony and rider combination jumping a double clear will qualify for the Mundole Showjumping Championships on 8 October 06

This show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society (BSPS) (Aff No: 2346/06), and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in BSPS classes, whether or not members of the BSPS are subject to the Constitution and Rules of the BSPS including the disciplinary procedures, and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the BSPS. This show is a qualifier for the ‘BSPS Premier League’, the 1st 2nd and 3rd placed ponies in the Lead Rein and First Ridden, Open Show Pony, Lead Rein Hunter Type, 122cms, 133cm, 143cm, 153cm Show Hunter Pony, 133cm, 143cm & 153cm WHP, Intermediate SH & SRT, Heritage Lead Rein, Heritage First Ridden, Open Heritage Ridden and Open Heritage WHP will qualify.

This show is a qualifier for the 2006 BSPS Championships Show, to be held at the East of England Showground. The 1st and 2nd ponies in the Lead Rein of Hunter Type class, the 122cm, 133cm, 143cm & 153cm SHP, 133cm, 143cm, 153cm WHP, Lead Rein Show Pony and First Ridden Show Pony classes, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed ponies in the Heritage Lead Rein, Heritage First Ridden, the Heritage Novice WHP classes, the Intermediate SRT and SH classes and the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th prize winners in the Mixed Breed Heritage Novice & Open Ridden classes, Mixed Height Open Heritage WHP, Mixed Height Open Show Pony Classes will qualify for the BSPS Championships Show, provided the animal is registered in accordance with Rule 23 and ridden by a BSPS member. (Rule 23: Ponies must be registered before the date of the Show at which they qualify for the BSPS Summer Championships, except in the case of exhibitors who have never been members before who are allowed 7 days in which to become members and register their ponies, providing they have a valid JMB Certificate before the date of the championship they qualify for.)

This show is a qualifier for the “BSPS Best Rider of the Year”. The Best Rider in the Open Lead Rein, First Ridden, Open Lead Rein Hunter Type, First Pony of Hunter Type, the 122cms, 133cm, 143cm & 153cm Open SHP, 133cms, 143cms, 153cms Open WHP, the Mixed Height Open Show Pony, Open Intermediate SH & SRT, the Heritage Lead Rein, Heritage First Ridden and the best rider 25 years and under in the Heritage Open Ridden & Heritage Open WHP (eligible riders to wear an armband), will receive a Card and qualify for the final at the BSPS Championships Show.

This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Challenge, the highest placed pony in the Lead Rein, First Ridden, Open Show Pony, Open Show Hunter Ponies, Open WHP, Open Intermediate SH & SRT, Heritage Lead Rein, Heritage First Ridden, Heritage Open Ridden & Heritage Open WHP that has not qualified for the 2006 Horse of the Year Show in the appropriate class, will qualify. If the highest pony has already qualified for the BSPS Challenge, the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony.

This show is a qualifier for the BSPS Champion of Champions, the Champion Mini Heritage Pony, Champion Mini Show Pony, Champion Show Hunter Pony, Champion Intermediate and Champion Working Hunter Pony will qualify.


1)BSPS classes: In lead rein classes the leader must be 16 years or over and may only lead one pony in a class. The rein MUST go directly from the bit to the rider’s hand, with no extra aid or attachment to or on the saddle. Riders will not be asked to dismount. Cantering is not allowed.

2)The show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society, BSPS and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in the BSPS classes, whether or not members of the BSPS are subject to the Constitution and Rules of the BSPS, including the disciplinary procedures, and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the BSPS.

3)Working Hunter, Showing and Ridden classes take precedence over showjumping classes at this show. While every effort will be made to accommodate entries in the showjumping classes, competitors must not be late for classes. Competitors should declare their intention to the showjumping steward that they intend to compete and every effort will be made to accommodate entries. Competitors are requested to assist in the smooth running of events by being on time for classes.