Faculty Present: Cindy Dorroh, Karima Esmail, Marilyn Getz, , Kohar Kesian, Debbie Klein, Kathy McNeese, Chris Rodemich, Fiona Virani, Ellen Rosen, Danny Ranchez, Linde Balcer, Ben Salazar, Yeranui Barsegyan (Nursing Counselor)

Faculty Absent: Emelyn Judge (excused), Michelle Ramirez (excused), Karen Whalen (excused), Rick Hayne (excused), Tim Vale (excused)

Date Approved: March 4, 2008

I. Announcements: / Pls. see agenda.
Additional Announcements:
1. Kohar expressed her appreciation for all the condolences and the flowers sent by the division for her father’s passing.
2. Marilyn shared that she coordinated with Bebe Tamberg, personal appearance consultant at St. Joe’s re Sally. She was informed the there is no fee for this service and Sally is more than welcome to come in for a consultation.
3. Sally will be going to Cambria later this Chris would like to know if she can use some of the “Sally fund” to purchase an Amex gift card.
4. Cindy shared that Sally called earlier to say thank you for the stuffed giraffe she received from the Division. She and her grandson Brendan will name them together. / 1.- 2 . FYI
3. All in favor.
4. FYI /
II. Reflection: Cindy /
III. Old Business: /
1. Minutes of 9/13/07
11/13/07 / Approved as written.
Approved as written.
Approved as written. / N/A /
2. SLOs / 1. Kathy’s presentation that she was supposed to be shown at the campus faculty
meeting is now posted in the SLO website.
2. SLO update:
Nursing – done with SLOAC
ADST – finishing up their SLOs and need to do a SLOAC
EMT – almost finished with their SLO need to do a SLOAC / 1.-2. FYI /
3. Prerequisite Validation / 1. Cindy already submitted validations for all 3 departments and awaiting
response. / 1. FYI /
IV. New Business: /
1. Academic Senate Report
(C. Rodemich) / 1. Course SLOs must be in all syllabuses but the particular location was not pinpointed. Kathy mentioned that she placed the SLO right after the Course Description. As we are standardizing all course syllabi, it is advised that faculty place their course SLOs in the same location.
2. The Disability statement must also be included in all course syllabi. It was agreed to have it printed before the grading criteria.
3. Dr. Levy was present at the last meeting and thanked the Senate for the survey. The results are not yet known but this will be made public knowledge when it is presented to the Board.
4. A couple of college academic policies where discussed:
a. Students must have 18 units for certificates to be on transcripts.
b. Courses can only be taken 3 times
c. GCC is looking at extending the amount of time students are able to makeup for an Incomplete. We currently have 6 wks into the next semester but it is being considered to be extended to one year.
d. Current policy states that if a student does not drop and grade becomes an F, it cannot be changed into a W. They are looking at possibly changing this into an Incomplete. / 1. Kathy will provide copy to all as
a sample guide. Faculty must
include their SLOs in the course
2. Chris will send copy to all. This
will be included in all syllabi.
3. FYI
a.- b. FYI
c. Nursing will have a separate
department policy re this matter.
d. FYI. /
2. Academic Affairs/Div. Chairs (C. Dorroh) / 1. The Disability statement was discussed.
2. The new adjunct hiring policy is in the final stages. The challenge for Nursing remains that they are seeking that hiring comes from a pool of applicants and we usually just have one candidate for a position. As the committee is aware of the shortage in Nursing faculty, there is a clause that will allow us to hire even if we only have one qualified applicant.
3. The tenure track process is being re-evaluated as there may be a need to change the timeline to include a January meeting in case a follow-up needs to be done in Spring.
4. There are proposed changes to the College Mission statement. This will be forwarded to Administration and then to the Board. A copy of this attached to the agenda. / 1.-3. FYI
4. Send feedback to Chris or Cindy. /
3. Nursing (C. Dorroh) / 1. The selection process is going quite well with the implementation of the TEAS as an additional step to measure readiness to enter the program. 7 students did not make the cut score of 67% and those who passed but scored poorly in Math will be given the appropriate remediation.
2. It is anticipated that by December, there will be an easy rollover of grants for the succeeding years.
3. Danny is concerned that even with the TEAS, this may not be the additional component needed to help us minimize attrition. Per Cindy, we’ll just have to observe on how much impact this will have on our program.
4. Our other option is Senate Bill 1559 which is a merit-based admissions process. The challenge is that points have to be given to things which are actually risk factors to our program (disability, difficult life circumstances, etc.). This bill is on hold at the moment.
5. Chris reported on the issue about the 2nd semester groups which is contradictory to what we previously heard about the 2 groups sharing answers to exams. As Darlene provides a study guide for her group that focuses on the exam that Chris created, the standard group is under the impression that this gives the other group an advantage. Darlene is proposing that perhaps she has to create her own exams to address this problem. As all reports are third-hand, Cindy believes that this is not a student issue at this point. Direct student feedback has been requested so this can be assessed and resolved. / 1.- 2. FYI
3. Faculty must update list in workroom with date of student withdrawal.
4. FYI
5. Direct feedback from students is requested to address this issue. /
4. Guild (faculty) / 1. There was an update on Proposition 92 campaign. They are also requesting for more financial support.
2. Negotiations are ongoing on increasing release time for the executive committee. The plan is to increase it by 10% or maybe have the option of monetary cash out.
3. Benefits for adjunct faculty were also discussed. / 1.-3. FYI /
5. Counseling (D. Capka) / 1. Students have been coming in for their worksheets. The deadline for students to show Ellen or Debbie that they have an appointment with Counseling is 12/17.
2. Some students who did not pass the TEAS are arguing that they must be allowed to just retake the test instead of following the remediation plan. Counseling reiterates to them that this is the admission process of the department and that they will have to abide by it.
3. It was suggested that there be some kind of documentation for students who refuse to follow the prescribed remediation plan. This can be included in the student’s records and will be considered as an inactive file.
4. 188 Nursing workshops are scheduled for 2008.
5. Yeranui reported that the new remediation plan is working very well. / 1.-2. FYI
3. A copy will be provided to the department and will be included in student’s file.
4.-5. FYI /
6. EMT (R. Hayne) / 1. No update. / 1. FYI /
7. A/D Studies (B. Salazar) / 1. ADST will be offering a Saturday class in the Spring semester.
2. The department will meet on Saturday to work on their SLOs.
3. Ben is continuously marketing the program at different recovery centers and treatment facilities in the Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena area.
4. Ben encouraged the nursing faculty to recommend ADST classes to nursing students who are seeking optional courses. Kathy suggested a flier made to be distributed to the 1st semester students.
5. Glendale Adventist has an Alcohol and Drug Services treatment center where Kerissa Reid’s (3rd semester) mom currently works. She had mentioned to Chris about GCC possibly sending some students to their facility for their Psych clinical rotation. / 1.-3. FYI
4. Ben will prepare fliers for distribution.
5. FYI. Chris will coordinate with Nadine re this. /
V. Next Meeting: / Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at noon /