MONDAY, OCTOBER 21,2013 6:00pm
City Council Administration
Mark Alarcon, Mayor David A. Milliron, City Manager
Richard Steinberg, Mayor Pro Tem Rhonda A. Blackmon, City Clerk
Robin Buschman, Councilwoman Bill Linkous, City Attorney
Harold Cochran, Councilman
Shirley Dabney, Councilwoman
Alphonso Thomas, Councilman
Call to Orderby the Mayor at6:06pm
InvocationbyMr. Fulton
Pledge of Allegiancewas recitedin unison
Adopt Agenda; a motion was made by Richard Steinberg to adopt the agenda minus item #2 and item #5; a second was made by Shirley Dabney; the motion passed 5-0.
Approve Minutes:Council MeetingAugust 12, 2013 (revised)
Work Session September 3, 2013
Council Meeting September 9, 2013
Special Called MeetingSeptember 26, 2013
Mayor asked for a motion to engross the above minutes for adoption; Robin Buschman made the motion; a second was made by Harold Cochran; the motion passed 5-0.
Item # 1 - Presented by Mark Alarcon, Mayor
Proclamation: Retired Educator’s Day; Mayor asked Kathy Hill to come forward for the Retired Educator’s proclamation; Mayor read and presented the proclamation.
Item # 2 - Presented by Mark Alarcon, Mayor
Proclamation: Papi’s Restaurant; this item was removed from the agenda.
Item # 3 – Presented by Mark Alarcon, Mayor
Proclamation:Ruth Rucker of Hands of Hope Clinic; the Mayor called Ruth Rucker to come forward; Mayor read and presented the check; he then surprised Ms. Rucker with a proclamation in honor of her work and in lieu of her retirement.
Item # 4 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Approve: Rock Quarry Road GTIB Grant Application; Richard Steinberg made a motion to approve; a second was made by Shirley Dabney; the motion passed 5-0.
Item # 5 – Presented by Mark Alarcon, Mayor
Appointment: City of Stockbridge Police Chief; this item has been removed from the agenda.
Item # 6 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Resolution: Meeting Rule Three Related to Public Hearings and Public Comments;Robin Buschman made a motion to approve; a second was made by Shirley Dabney; the motion passed 4-1 with Alphonso Thomas as opposed.
Item # 7 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Approve: Contract on ITB #2013-009 for LMIG resurfacing; Shirley Dabney made a motion to approve; a second was made by Robin Buschman; the motion passed 5-0.
Item # 8 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Ordinance: Revised Home Brew Competition Ordinance; Robin Buschman made a motion to approve with changes; a second was made by Harold Cochran; the motion passed 4-1 with Alphonso Thomas abstained.
Item # 9 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit for Iglesia Hispana en Stockbridge;Harold Cochran made a motion to approve; a second was made by Richard Steinberg; the motion passed 5-0.
Item # 10 - Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Public Hearing: MC-13-04 Boos Development Modification Zoning Conditions;
Richard Steinberg made a motion to deny; a second was made by Alphonso Thomas; the motion to deny passed 5-0.
Item # 11 – Presented by David Milliron, City Manager
Public Hearing: VR-13-15 Anchorage Group, LLC Variance Request;the applicant requested that this be removed and the request was withdrawn.
All Meetings Will Be Held At City Hall Unless Otherwise Noted. Meetings dates and times are subject to change so please confirm with City Hall at 770.389.7900 or via
▪October 19 to November 1: Early Voting from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Ted Strickland Community Center, 130 North Berry Street, in Stockbridge. Excluding Sundays. Registered voters in Henry County, including unincorporated Henry County and the cities of Stockbridge, Hampton, McDonough and Locust Grove can also early vote at the county office.
▪November 5: Election Day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Ted Strickland Community Center, 130 North Berry Street, in Stockbridge, and at all county precincts.
▪November 4: Urban Redevelopment Agency (URA) Meeting at 5:00 pm in the City Hall Library
▪November 5: Council Work Session Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
The Public Comment session is an opportunity for citizens to address the Mayor and Council on items specific to the published agenda. This is not a public question and answer session. The Mayor will recognize individuals to speak, whom are requested to confine their comments to no more than three minutes. Please state your name and address for the record prior to speaking on your topic.
Mayor called for anyone to speak on items 1-3; item 4; item 6; item 7; item 8. There were no speakers.
Motion to Adjourn; Richard Steinberg made a motion to adjourn; a second was made by Shirley Dabney; the motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Exemptions to the Georgia Open Meetings Act)
A.Meeting to discuss or vote to authorize the settlement of a matter covered bythe attorney-client
privilege as provided in Georgia Code section 50-14-2(1) and 50-14-3(b) (1) (A). The subject
discussed was [identify the case or claim discussed but not the substance of the attorney-client
B.Meeting to discuss or vote to authorize negotiations to purchase, dispose of or lease property as
provided in Georgia Code section 50-14-3(b) (1) (B).
C.Meeting to discuss or vote to authorize the ordering of an appraisal related to the acquisition or
disposal of real estate as provided in Georgia Code section 50-14-3(b) (1) (C).
D.Meeting to discuss or vote to enter into a contract to purchase, dispose of, or lease property
subject to approval in a subsequent public vote as provided in Georgia Code section
50-14-3(b) (1) (D).
E.Meeting to discuss or vote to enter into an option to purchase, dispose of, or lease real estate
subject to approval in a subsequent public vote as provided in Georgia Code section
50-14-3(b) (1) (E).
F.Meeting to discuss or deliberate upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring,
disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee as
provided in Georgia Code section 50-14-3(b) (2).
G.Meeting to interview one or more applicants for the position of the executive head of an agency as
provided in Georgia Code section 50-14-3(b) (2).
H.Pursuant to the attorney-client privilege and as provided by Georgia Code section 50-14-2(1), a
meeting otherwise required to be open was closed to the public in order to consult and meet with legal counsel pertaining to pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the agency or any officer or employee or in which the agency or any officer or employee may be directly involved and the matter discussed was [identify the matter but not the substance of the discussion].
I.Staff meeting held for investigative purposes under duties or responsibilities imposed by law as
provided by Georgia Code section 50-14-3(a) (1).
October 21, 2013; 6:00pm