Subject: Announcement – ES&H Manual 6122 and Appendix T6

Written on behalf of Christoph Leemann:


ES&H Manual Chapter6122 Welding, Brazing, Cutting and Grinding Safety and a new associated Appendix T6 Welding and Brazing Program have been created to comply with 10CFR851 requirements.

The main chapter is a refinement of the original text while Appendix T6 is completely new. This Appendix outlines a significantly different way of doing business when designing, specifying and conducting welding and brazing operations. All staff who are involved in any facet of welding or brazing must read this section carefully. At least two types of training will be required to fully implement the requirements of this appendix: training for examiners and general welding/brazing program awareness. The training for examiners is being setup by Brian Murphy of the ESH&Q Division and will be available in early January ’08. Additionally, training on the appendix will be developed by the Training Manager and the Welding/Brazing work team. This will be offered before the end of February ’08. Both classes will be offered multiple times, will be generally announced and can be registered for through the lab’s training management system when they become available. Supervisors and work managers must evaluate their workgroup’s training needs after reading the new appendix and make arrangements for the proper training.

The chapter and new appendix were written by a high performance work team whose members included subject matter experts on welding and brazing programs.

Members included:

Tim Whitlatch, Installation Group Leader mechanical engineer w/structural design and fabrication experience

John Hogan, SRF cryomodule mechanical engineer w/pressure system welding design and fabrication experience

Ed Folts, Hall A supervisor of principally structural welding fabrication

Suresh Chandra, Facilities Management structural design and fabrication, contractual experience in civil construction

Bob May, ESH&Q Deputy Associate Director w/ safety and contractual experience

Kelly Dixon, Research Division Cryogenic Group mechanical engineer w/ pressure system, structural design and fabrication experience

These documents can be reviewed at:
ES&H Manual Chapter 6122 Welding, Brazing, Cutting and Grinding Safety

ES&H Manual Chapter 6122 Appendix T6 Welding and Brazing Program

If there are questions please direct them to any member of the Welding Committee or Will Oren at X7344.

Thank you.