
School Site Council Minutes


Parents: Lexi Smoots, Suzanne White, Susie Warren; Teachers: Lori Rounds, Vickie Regier, Chris Dunlap; Students: Taylor, Everette, Amanda; Administrator: Jeff Marcus; Other: Becky Safarik

Lexi moved to approve the agenda and Chris seconded it.

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the last meeting by Chris with changes notes. Vickie seconded. The motion carried.

Public Input:



-Becky- LCAP update

We will go over the LCAP more in detail next month. The carry over balances are now up to date. The reason these balances are high is that some of our LCAP items from the end of last year were covered by the district (textbooks, CSR, etc.), and other PHS LCAP items were not able to be put into action (can’t find people to fill positions like an Aide, SRO, etc.)

The LCAP/ EIA expenditures are listed in the packet that was passed out in the School Site Council meeting. The balances from Lottery, EIA, and SUP/Conc are listed below.

Lottery Balance: $20,303.76

EIA Balance: $226,691.93

PHS Sup/Conc: $377,750.16 (This includes carryover and is not the amount of money we will get every year.)


The packet also includes the LCAP goals for Math, English Language Arts, Science/ Social Science, School Climate, CTE, Technology and Facilities, and VAPA. All departments are revisiting their goals to determine if the goals are still what they want them to be.


What about funding the Chemistry classroom renovation? But, we are not looking at LCAP funds for this project.


If the math department would like to meet outside of the school day to use the $6000.00 allocated for their goal, could they be paid the hourly rate rather than getting a sub for a school day. Chris Dunlap will follow up with this question with the Union to determine if this can happen.


We need training for the tools we are purchasing. The maintenance of the tools is built into the tech plan. (The new tech team is down to 60 tickets and they are making great progress.)

Next meeting we will be revisiting our new goals.

We will be getting new templates but Becky said that it will involve cutting and pasting into the new templates. She doesn’t see this as a large problem.

Student Activities:

-Donation Drive: Jeans for Teens through February 6. The coat drive will go through December 19. (One member asked if they would open up the coat drive to our own students first. The students will take it back to their class.) A canned food drive will go through December 19. On December 18 from 1-3:00 a Holiday Movie will be shown in the cafeteria.

-Sportsmanship Posters will continue for Winter Sports.

-Leadership is planning an academic rally: The rally will honor academic improvement and high GPA’s.

-Basketball Homecoming is on January 30

-Leadership is planning to start a Random Acts of Kindness program. They will add some challenges to make it more fun.

-Winter Formal: 8-11 at the Magalia Community Church

-Staff Holiday Breakfast is in the works.

DAC Report:

-They look at the LCAP. One idea is looking at Summer School. They are also looking at the dollar amount for programs and how they are working.

-They are looking at the Pathways Grant and Project Lead the Way.

-Mr. Bylund is pleased with the High School programs and how they reflect positively in our community.

-Ridgeview program called Ridgeview Rangers: Jeff Wroble is working with students and the Fire Department and Recreation Department to get the students out working in the public.

(Summer School Question: Summer School is remediation rather than acceleration. Can we look at the format of Summer School.)

New Business:

Printer for Mr. Rash: He has many IEP students with special needs. He would use the printer to help his IEP students access the information.

Suzanne made a motion to purchase a printer for Mr. Rash and Lexi seconded the motion not to exceed $150.00. The motion was passed.

At the upcoming School Board Meeting:

Our budget will look like we have a lot of money but it is because we haven’t used all of the carry over.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:10 P.M.