Bristol TN City Schools
LEAPs (Lottery for Education Afterschool Program)
Parent Manual
The overall goal of Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) is to provide Tennessee students with academic enrichment opportunities that reinforce and complement the regular academic program.
Program Mission Statement:
The program is a choice program which strives to provide a safe, educationally enriching, fun and rewarding experience for students during the hours where there may be no adult supervision in the home. Children will have the opportunity to engage in activities that will benefit them emotionally, physically, and educationally. The program includes snacks, homework help, specialized tutoring, music, arts and crafts, sports, games, field trips and many other creative and cultural activities. The program is conducted by staff trained to meet the needs of children and to provide positive adult role models.
Grievance Policy Statement (Bristol TN City Schools):
Parent input concerning the program is important. Feel free to share these comments with the Program Director. All questions concerning policies and procedures of the program should be addressed to the Program Director Trey Arrington at (423) 534-6673.
Nondiscrimination Policy:
Nondiscrimination Notice: It is the policy of the district’s Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, age, marital status or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title VI and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Program Hours of Operation:
Elementary School Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 – 8:00 a.m. and 3:10 – 5:30 p.m.
Vance Middle School Hours
2:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Drop Off and Pick Up of Children:
Please check with you Program Coordinator for the specific location. When dropping off a child, please escort them inside the building and sign them in. All children must be personally checked out from the program in the afternoon by means of a sign-out sheet. Children will not be allowed to wait for parents in the parking lot. They will not be released to commercial transportation personnel (i.e. taxi drivers), nor will they be released to anyone whose behavior may place the child(ren) in immediate risk. During the summer program or full-day sessions, each child should be signed in as soon as he/she arrives at the center. They should not be dropped off before the program begins. Parents must escort all children into the building and sign them in personally.
Children will not be released to any person other than the parent or other persons authorized to call for the child as indicated on the registration form. Identification will be required for pick up. Notify the Program Coordinator in writing if a person other than those authorized will be picking up a child.
After all emergency numbers are contacted and no communication from the parent has been received by 6:00 p.m., the local authority and/or Department of Children’s Services may be called for assistance with the child(ren). Excessive violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the program.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is crucial for your child to succeed in our program. It has been found that intensity and duration are necessary for students to have improvements in report card grades, behavior, and state assessment scores. If your child(ren) miss more than 5 consecutive days of the program, they will be withdrawn from the program.
Parent InvolvementNotice:
Families are a part of the program. Family nights, newsletters about program activities, bulletin boards with announcements, and individual feedback to parents on each child’s participation in the program will help in creating the best experiences for the children in the program. Parent suggestions on enrichment offerings are always appreciated. The Program Coordinator will keep parents informed about special events in the program through postings and newsletters.
It would be helpful to keep our program informed of any changes which may occur in a child’s environment such as illness in the family, a change in living location or any other stressful situation that may be important to the child. The staff will be able to better meet the needs of the child if they are aware of these situations.
Sick Child Policy:
The program will not provide for sick children. Please do not send a child to the program if they are ill. Policy requires that a child be picked up as soon as possible in the event of illness while in the program. The Department of Human Services may be contacted if a child continues to be dropped off with an illness or symptoms of an illness without medical attention (including lice). The “No Nit Policy” on lice for our district also applies to the program. If a child has been found to have bugs or nits, they will have to be picked up from the program. Students will not be allowed to return to the program until the Program Coordinator has proof the child has been treated and the hair is totally clear of all nits.
Medication Policy:
If a child has to be given daily medication (such as Ritalin or seizure medicine), a medication form must be on file with the Program Director. This form must have clearly stated instructions such as the name of the medication, dosage, and time of day to be administered. The instructions should include the physician’s signature. The medication must be given to the Program Coordinator in a prescription bottle. Antibiotics and over the counter medications such as cough syrup, aspirin, and cold medicines cannot be administered in the program.
Broken/Lost/Stolen Items Policy:
The program strongly discourages children from bringing toys/personal items from home. The program will not be responsible for broken, lost or stolen items (including toys, clothing, backpacks, books, food items, eyewear, money, electronic items, cell phones, jewelry, and any other personal item brought into the building).
Withdrawal Policy:
The program reserves the right to withdraw a child for any of the following reasons:
- Repeated failure of parents to pick the child up from the program on time.
- Failure to provide the Program Coordinator with current emergency/medical information as stipulated by state licensing.
- Continuous disciplinary problems.
- Inappropriate conduct of parent or guardian.
If a child is dismissed from the program; he/she is not eligible for re-enrollment for the duration of the school year.
Discipline Policy:
Children enrolled in the program are expected to exhibit behavior which does not disrupt or interfere with the school climate or the learning process and social interaction of other children. The program staff will enforce school rules throughout the program hours. Parents will be notified in writing when a major discipline problem occurs. After three (3) write-ups a child may be suspended from the program for a period of 3-5 days. After three (3) suspensions, the parent may be asked to withdraw the child from the program.
An exception to the above is when a major incident (deemed by the Program Coordinator) occurs. This will result in immediate suspension. The Zero Tolerance Policy for the school district applies for the program.
Parents are asked to cooperate with the school staff in stressing the importance of good behavior patterns for all children. It is imperative that parents work with the Program Coordinator to correct any behavior that is interfering with the child’s success in the program. This helps to keep the program fun as well as instructionally sound.
Parents who demonstrate abusive language and/or inappropriate scenes or disturbances to children, staff, or other adults during the program hours will be asked to withdraw their children from the program. Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.
Rules of Conduct for Students:
The following behaviors are considered inappropriate and unacceptable in the program. These behaviors may result in immediate suspension:
- Possession of weapons, contraband, and other dangerous objects (Zero Tolerance Policy Applies)
- Fighting, wrestling, spitting (with or on peers or staff)
- Destruction of center/school property
- Destruction of personal property of another person
- Vulgar Language, Cursing
- Improper display of private body parts
- Disrespectful behavior to other children or staff
- Climbing on desks, tables, cabinets, etc.
- Playing in the bathrooms (crawling under stalls, climbing on sinks, splashing water, turning on/off lights etc.)
- Throwing balls, or other outside equipment while inside the building
- Stealing
- Physical attacks on staff or other students (Zero Tolerance Policy Applies)
- Tackle football
- Improper use of program and school equipment
- Throwing objects (rocks, sticks, desks, tables, etc.)
- Leaving group without permission (i.e. running away, hiding, etc.)
- Behavior deemed inappropriate and unacceptable by the Program Coordinator or Program Supervisor).
After School Program
Permissions and Statement of Understanding
Please read and initial:
______1. My child has permission to participate in all after school activities, including field trips and transportation services. I will be notified of all field trips through after school communication.
______2. I grant permission for my child to be used in media releases that benefit the after school program.
______3. I understand the after school program provides liability insurance to all its’ programs. It is my responsibility to provide accident insurance on my child(ren) participating in the program.
______4. In the event of an emergency, I hereby give permission to after school program staff to secure proper medical treatment for my child. If I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to emergency personnel selected by after school program staff to order x-rays, routine tests and treatment for the health of my child. I also give permission to emergency personnel selected by after school program staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for my child.
______5. I understand that all children enrolled in the program are expected to follow the rules established by the after school program for the purpose of safety and smooth operation of the program. If a discipline problem occurs, the Site Coordinator will contact me. The discipline procedures that will be followed are:
- Verbal warning by child’s staff person.
- Five minutes from group.
- Site Coordinator notified and a meeting held between child and Site Coordinator.
- Parents notified.
Suspension from the program for one to five days can occur if inappropriate behavior is used. Refer to the Rules of Conduct in the Parent Manual.
______6. I understand my child or I may be asked to complete survey information regarding the program/classes for evaluation purposes, and I agree to participate and have my child participate in such. I also consent to the release of my child’s academic information including grades, student conduct, attendance records, and standardized test scores for evaluation purposes.
______7. I have received a copy of the Tennessee Department of Education Summary of Child Care Approval Requirements.