Dean’s Emergency Fund
Application for Funding

The Honors College Dean's Emergency Fund is intended to help meet the financial needs (tuition, fees, books, housing) of Honors College students who encounter an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program that prevent them from continuing their studies at UIC. Students who find themselves in such situations should are eligible for funds, generally up to $2,000, from the Dean’s Emergency Fund. Please note that funds from the Dean’s Emergency fund do not replace regular scholarship dollars, and students are encouraged to apply for all other possible sources of money. Funds are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors. Students can only receive funding through the Dean’s Emergency Fund for two semesters during their Honors College career. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with no particular deadline.

Name: / UIN:
UIC Email Address: / Expected Date of Graduation:
Current Address:
College: / Major:

1. Situation/Type of Emergency Encountered:

☐Medical, dental, or mental health emergencies

☐Major accidents and events such as fire and natural disasters

☐Home foreclosure or other loss of a domicile

☐Unexpected loss of income


2. Brief statement describing the emergency situation or one-time, unusual or unforeseen expense.

3. Dollar amount of emergency funds requested: $

You should request for the bare minimum necessary, so as to reserve as much as possible for other students

4. Outline a budget detailing the specific expenses to be covered by the award (which can include tuition, fees, books, housing), and your financial situation including sources of income and other available funding.

5. List any other scholarships you have applied for or other sources of funding you are currently seeking. If none, provide rationale for not seeking alternate funding.

6. Have you pursued the option of student loans? If not, explain reason for not seeking this avenue for funding.

7. Please describe your work experience including current position held and hours worked. If not currently employed, explain why not.

In addition to this application sheet, please provide any available documentation in support of your request, including a financial aid award report (if available).

Permission for Release of Records and Certification:

By signing this form, I agree to allow the scholarship committee to review my materials and UIC records. I also certify that all the information I have provided on this application is correct and complete.

Signature: ______Date: ______