Michael G. Jacobides
Michael is an Assistant Professor of Strategic and International Management at the London Business School and the Sumantra Ghoshal Fellow at the Advanced Institute for Management Research. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Business School. He is also the Chris Ingram Faculty Fellow, and a Leverhulme Trust Principal Investigator at London Business School, and a faculty member at the Columbia Business School Executive MBA Programmes, as well as Senior Fellow at Wharton’s Financial Institutions Center. He was previously an Adjunct Asst Professor of Information, Strategy, Systems and Economics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Michael’s research considers the determinants and the implications of the organization- and industry- level architecture of economic activities. For instance, he has studied the changing architecture of sectors, looking at how and why industries shift from integration to dis-integration. He has considered how new intermediate or re-integrated, “all-in-one” markets emerge, highlighting the co-evolution of capabilities and institutional structure. He has also looked at how Information and Technology transforms firm and industry boundaries, and is currently looking at the strategic implications of value chain evolution, examining how profits migrate along a value chain. At the level of the organization, he has considered how firms set their boundaries, and how their choice of vertical architecture shapes their capabilities. More broadly, he is interested in understanding how organizations, through their design and architecture, shape their knowledge bases and the capability development process.
His work has been published in the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Management Studies and Organization Science. He is an Associate Editor of Industrial and Corporate Change, a member of the Editorial Board of Organization Studies, and is a reviewer for major journals of the field, including SMJ, AMJ, AMR, ASQ, MS, OS, ICC. He is an active member of the Academy of Management, INFORMS and the Strategic Management Society, and has presented his research at Wharton, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Kellogg, Dartmouth, INSEAD, LSE, Bocconi, IESE, Erasmus U., Xighua U.
Michael has been a NATO Science Fellow, and has received several major awards and grants, including grants from the Sloan Foundation, a £225K grant from the ESRC / EPSRC, and a £1.1 Million grant on Digital Transformations for the Leverhulme Trust. His research is cited by Wall Street analysts and used by regulators in the US, and he has published in industry outlets such as the Banker and Mortgage Banking. He has studied economics and organization in the Universities of Athens, Cambridge (Trinity College), and Stanford (Economics Dept and Graduate School of Business), and holds his MA and PhD in Strategic Management from the Wharton School, where he also was a Decision Sciences Inter-Departmental Fellow. Prior to returning to academia, Michael was a strategist for Sanofi-Pharma (Paris) an analyst for Ernst & Young (Paris), a Co-ordinator of Economic & Strategic Research of Titan Cement S.A. (Athens); and an Associate of Guildhall Ltd., a London-based financial consulting firm.
Michael has received the Teacher of the Year award at the Wharton School in 2000, and the Innovation in Teaching Award in LBS in 2001. He is involved in executive programs on strategic management for companies such as IBM, if, HSBC and the Credit Union Executives Association. He consults, designs and teaches executive education programmes for global corporations such as Zurich Financial Services, Pirelli, Barclays Plc., Orange and EADS. He also facilitates and has delivered keynote speeches in senior executive meetings of companies such as Winterthur, Credit Suisse, ZFS and PwC, or industry groups such as the Future Leaders Forum of the British Bankers Association or the MBAA’s President’s Conference.