Derby Cup 20165 Rules
- U9 – 6v6 Academy format: maximum 12 players on a roster; minimum of 4 players on the field at all times. This will be academy format with no championship round. All teams will be given participation awards.
- U10 – 6v6 format: maximum of 12 players on a roster; minimum of 4 players on the field at all times.
- U11-U12 – 8v8 format: maximum of 16 players on a roster; minimum of 6 players on the field at all times.
- U13-U16 = 11v11 format: maximum of 2218 players on a roster; minimum of 7 players on the field at all times
- U17-U18 – 11v11 format: maximum of 22 players on a roster; minimum of 7 players on the field at all times
Iftheminimumnumberof playersisnotonthefieldwithin5minutesofthepostedstartingtimeofthegame,thegamewillbeforfeited.(Extenuatingcircumstancesmaybeconsideredbythe Tournament Director). Allteamsmayincludeuptothree(3)eligibleguestplayers.
Team Check-in can be mailed in (to be postmarked by April 10thth) or on the evening of Friday April 24th (6:00-8:00). EachteammustprovideALLofthefollowing:NOEXCEPTIONSatTeamCheck-in:
- Current US Youth Soccer stamped, sealed, laminated player passes for all players including guest players and anyone on the players side of the field; managers, coaches, assistants
- Current medical release forms – MUST BE NOTARIZED. If your state does not require notarized medical release forms, utilize the Kentucky State form (located on Kentucky Youth Soccer website)
- Signed and stamped team roster (two copies)
- Permission to travel forms for out of state teams. This form must be stamped by your state official
- A guest player form is required for ALL guest players
U9 & U10 – 25 minute halves
U11 & U12 – 30 minute halves
U13 - U18 – 35 minute halves
Thefirstteam listedisconsideredthehometeam.Thehometeamwillresolveanycolorconflicts.U9agegroupsteamswillbeinaroundrobinAcademyformatwithnochampionshipround.
Inthefinalround,intheeventofadrawattheendofregulationplay,agegroupsU10,U11,U12,U13andU14willplaytwo,5-minuteperiodsofovertime.AgegroupsU15,U16,U17andU18willplaytwo,10-minuteovertimes.Ifthescoreisstilltiedattheendofthesecondovertime,FIFA kicks from the markwilldecidethematch.Allmatcheswillhavea5-minutehalftimeinterval.Thetournamentdirectorreservestherighttoaltermatchtimes,shortenmatches,andeliminatematchesincaseofinclementweather, or other cause deemed to be in the best interest of player safety or the tournament as a whole.Itisstronglyrecommendedthatyourteamwarmupinareasadjacenttoyourupcomingmatch.Limitedtimewillbeavailablebetweenmatches.ThetoptwoteamswiththemostpointsfrompreliminarycompetitionwilladvancetoSunday’schampionshipmatches.Unless agreed upon by the coaches of both teams prior to the match and communicated with the referee.
U9 & U10 – 25 minute halves
U11 & U12 – 30 minute halves
U13 & U14 – 35 minute halves
U15 & U16 – 3540 minute halves
U17 & U18 – 3545 minute halves
- The U9 and U10 bracket will have the blatant offside rule in place and will have a one referee system. Players will only be called offside if is blatantly obvious
- AcoachfromeachteamMUSTsignthegamescorecard.SeetheFieldMarshalorRefereeafterthematchtosignthescorecard.Failuretodosomayresultinforfeit.Playercardswillbereturneduponreceiptofcoach’ssignatureonthescorecard.
- ThedecisionsoftheTournamentDirectorarefinalandnotsubjecttoappeal
- Awayteam isthesecondteamlistedandcallsthetoss.
For each group stage game; the winning team gets 3 points. In the case of a tie, each team will get 1 point. At the end of the group stages, if teams are tied on points the tie breaking rules are as follows:
- Winner of head to head (does not apply if more than 2 teams are tied)
- Goal Difference (maximum of four goal differential per game)
- Fewest goals against
- Team with the fewest accumulated cards.
- FIFA Kicks from the Mark
- (If conducted as a points tie breaker only, each team will choose the following number of players to participate in the kicks including the goalkeeper:
- U10 – 6 players
- U11 & U12 – 8 players
- U13 and older – 11 players
- The reduce to equate clause nor the away goals rule will apply to this tie-breaking process)
Ifmorethantwoteamsaretied,thesequencewillbefolloweduntilateamiseliminated.Ifonlytwoteamsarestilltied,thesequencewillstart againwiththe first criteriauntilthetieisbroken.Thewildcardteamwillbetheteamfromanydivision,which,afterthedivisionwinnershavebeendecided,hasthehighestwin/tietotalpoints per game.Intheeventofatie,the above-listedpriorities willbe utilized.
Substitutions are unlimited and are made at the discretion of the referee:
- Prior to own team’s throw in, or if a throw in is awarded to other team and they are making a substitution
- Prior to goal kick
- After a goal by either team
- Half time
- The game is stopped to assess or remove and injured player from the field
Players, coaches and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the spirit of good sportsmanship. Fans should stay on the opposite side of the field to the players. Please avoid other team’s spectator area
Ejection from the match/tournament includes all physical locations where the tournament is being conducted. Referee’s, field marshalls and the Tournament Director may order ejections. Displays of temper or dissent are strictly disallowed and could result in a coach’s ejection if uncontrolled. If you have a problem with the referees, please bring it to the Tournament Director’s attention immediately by contacting any tournament official. Coaches are responsible for their players, staff and supporters
NO ONE may enter the field of play regardless of the circumstances, unless that person has been given permission by the referee. Both team’s players and coaches will be on the same sideline. No coaching will be permitted within 10 yards of the half way line or behind the goal line. Spectators of both teams will take the opposite side of the field. No one is allowed behind either goal line when a match is in progress.
Receivingaredcardforanyreason,byplayerorcoach,resultsin thedisallowancefromparticipationinthenextgame.Nosubstitutionwillbemadeforanejectedplayerforwhomaredcardwasissued,duringthatmatch(Law12.)TheTournamentDirectorreservestherighttoextendanydisqualificationpendingthematchreport.
Playersreceivingtheirfirst yellowcardofthematchmayremaininplay(Law12.)Twoyellowcardsissuedtothesameplayerwithinonematchisthesameasaredcardseeabove.Yellowcardsdonotcarryoverfrommatchtomatch.
Lack of all proper papers as described and required in the rules. All paperwork must be current, legible and presented on time as needed
Lack of current player ID cards stamped by a state registrar
Fielding less than the minimum number of players required, more than 5 minutes past the scheduled starting time for the match
Persistent and/or calculated team-wide misconduct, and/or conduct that brings the match into disrepute as judged solely by the Tournament Director
Cautions apply only to the current match
The Tournament Director reserves the right to extend any disqualification pending the match report
Theteamwinningtheforfeitwillbeawardeda 4-0 victory.Thisscorewillbeconsideredtheofficialscoreincasegoaldifferentialisnecessarytodecideagroupwinner.TheTournamentOfficialsreservetherighttodecideallothermattersconcerningaforfeit.
Any team that registers for Derby Cup and forfeits after the registration deadline will be required to pay 20% of the total registration fee (i.e. 80% of the fee will be reimbursed)
Relocate and/or reschedule a match
Reduce the scheduled duration of a match
Change a division structure
Cancel a match
Cancel any or all matches
UndernocircumstanceswhatsoeverwilltheTournamentCommittee,including OldhamSoccerClubandOldhamCountyYouthSoccer,itsaffiliates,sponsorsormembersberesponsibleforexpensesincurred(includingtournamententryfee)byanyteam.This includestheunfortunatesituationwherebythetournamentoranymatchisrescheduled or cancelledinpartorinwhole.Entryfeesarenonrefundable.Intheeventofinclementweatherforcingplayingtimestobealteredorpreventingmatchesfrombeingcompletedduringthescheduledtimes,thescorewillstandifatleastonehalfhasbeenplayed.Inthecaseofmatcheshaltedpriortotheendofthefirsthalf,theTournamentDirectorreservestherighttodeclarethematchfinal,therebycountingthescoreatthetimethematchwashalted.Coachesmustexerciseextremecautionregardingwheretowaitintheeventofinclementweather.Noonemaybeonornearthefieldifthematchiscalledorhaltedduetoweather!
Shouldinclementweatherorfieldconditionspreventthecompletionofmatchesduringthetournament;thefollowingprocedures willbeusedtodeterminethefinalplacesofteamswithinabracket:
If any team within an age division has completed fewer than two matches, all teams within the age division will be evaluated based on the first match. The team with the best record will be deemed the champion. The team with the second best record will be finalist
If any team within an age division has completed fewer than three matches, teams within the group will be evaluated based on the first two matches. The team with the best record in each group will be deemed the winner of that group. The team with the overall best record will be deemed the champion. The team with the second best record will be deemed finalist.
If all teams within an age group have completed three matches, the team with the best record is the champion. In the event of a tie, the rules stated above will come into play
If weather or field conditions do not allow for FIFA kicks from the mark, a coin toss will be used to determine the champion. The home team gets to call the toss
Scoreswillbepostedasquicklyaspossible.HEADCOACHESANDTEAMSMANAGERSONLYmayreportallegeddiscrepanciestopostedscoresin writing (including the age group, game time and location, team names and proposed correct score) within two hours of the alleged score atTournamentHeadquarters.
USSFthree-personrefereecrewswillbeusedforU110-U18.U9 & U10playwillhaveaonerefereesystem.Seebelowforrefereecontactsandotherinformationforreferees.
If medical assistance is needed please inform the field marshal. Medical staff will be present on site. In
the occurrence of a head injury, or if the referee suspects a head injury, the player MUST be cleared to
play by the medical staff prior to reentry onto the field for play.
Tournament DirectorDirectorof Officials