Art 2 or Intermediate Lesson plans, wks 11-14 D. Edgell

5 blocks Pop Art painting in tempera using tints and shades in the style of Jasper Johns. Student may use numbers, letters, or other simple recognizable images.

Art history link: Pop Art (Johns, Warhol, Rauschenberg)

Criteria for success: I will mix colors, tints and shades to create a painting in the style of Jasper Johns.

Learning targets: I can recognize Pop Art and the art of Jasper Johns. I can use knowledge of the color wheel to mix colors, tints and shades and use them in a pop art painting.

supplies: Pop Art examples, 16”x20” painting paper, tempera paint, egg cartons, font samples

Teacher input: Introduce, show examples or slide show, demonstrate, review.

Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.

Clarifying Objectives:

I.V.1.2 Understand how design influences artistic expression.

I.V.1.3 Understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.

I.V.1.4 Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its meaning).

Essential Standard I.CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.

Clarifying Objectives

I.CX.1.1 Use visual arts to explore concepts of civics and economics, such as systems, functions, structures, democracy, economies, and interdependence.

I.CX.1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style.

I.CX.1.4 Explain the influence of contextual knowledge on aesthetic responses to art.

Essential Standard

I.CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

I.CX.2.4 Analyze how digital design affects communication in art.

Concepts and/or vocabulary: Jasper Johns, Pop Art, tints and shades, symbolism, value, contrast

Assessment: Self assessment and teacher assessment rubric, See above for Essential standards and clarifying objectives.


5 blocks Portrait in pencil- enlarging with a grid, drawing upside down with only 1 square visible

Art history link: Photorealism and Chuck Close

Criteria for success: I will use a grid to enlarge a drawing. I will use value and value scales to draw a realistic portrait.

Learning targets: I can learn about the artist Chuck Close and the photorealism style. I can use a grid to enlarge from a photo. I can use value to do realistic shading with a pencil.

supplies: photo xeroxes with grid, pencils, erasers, stumps, paper

Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, Close slide show, demonstrate, review

Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.

Clarifying Objectives

I.V.2.1 Generate innovative solutions to artistic problems.

**I.V.2.2 Use experiences and observations to create content for art.

Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.

Clarifying Objectives:

I.V.1.3 Understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.

Essential Standard I.CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.

Clarifying Objectives

I.CX.1.1 Use visual arts to explore concepts of civics and economics, such as systems, functions, structures, democracy, economies, and interdependence.

**I.CX.1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style.

Essential Standard

I.CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

I.CX.2.4 Analyze how digital design affects communication in art.

Concepts and/or vocabulary: grid, value, value scale, highlight, Chuck Close, photorealism

Assessment: Critique, self assessment and teacher assessment (competency 6)

6-7 blocks Giant papier mache’ mask- in groups. Made with trash- cardboard and newspaper armature.

Art history link: Masks from various cultures

Criteria for success: Our group will use low and high relief to sculpt a papier mache’ mask.

Learning targets: I can learn about masks from various cultures, and will work in groups to create a unique low and high relief 3-dimensional papier mache mask.

supplies: large and scrap cardboard, craft knives, art paste, newspaper, newsprint paper, string, hot glue, acrylic and metallic paints

Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, demonstrate, review

Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.

Clarifying Objectives:

I.V.1.3 Understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.

Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.

Clarifying Objectives

I.V.2.1 Generate innovative solutions to artistic problems.

I.V.2.3 Understand the role of emotion, imagination, and creativity in producing content for original art.

Essential Standard I.CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.

Clarifying Objectives

I.CX.1.1 Use visual arts to explore concepts of civics and economics, such as systems, functions, structures, democracy, economies, and interdependence.

I.CX.1.4 Explain the influence of contextual knowledge on aesthetic responses to art.

I.CX.1.5 Explain the effect of geographic location and physical environment on design, production, and marketing of art.

Essential Standard

I.CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

**I.CX.2.3 Apply collaborative skills to create art.

Concepts and/or vocabulary: armature, papier mache, organic and geometric forms, low and high relief, relief sculpture.

Assessment: Group assessment and teacher assessment. Quiz on vocabulary. See above for Essential standards and clarifying objectives.

3 blocks Self portrait in conte crayon or charcoal, 3/4 view. Draw large and use different sections (partial view) for other lessons. (May want to be more expressive on this one and try various backgrounds).

Art history link: Various self portraits, various artists

Criteria for success: I will use correct proportion to draw a self portrait. I will use highlights and shading to create a realistic self portrait in charcoal.

Learning targets: I can draw my face in correct proportion. I can use charcoal and chalk to shade my face in a realistic manner.

Supplies: patterns, handout on proportion and shading, conte crayon or charcoal, erasers, mirrors, art examples (Chuck Close and others)

Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, demonstrate most steps, review

Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.

Clarifying Objectives:

I.V.1.2 Understand how design influences artistic expression.

I.V.1.4 Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its meaning).

Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.

Clarifying Objectives

I.V.2.2 Use experiences and observations to create content for art.

I.V.2.3 Understand the role of emotion, imagination, and creativity in producing content for original art.

I.CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.

I.CX.2.1 Apply skills and concepts developed in art to daily life.

Concepts and/or vocabulary: proportion, shading, self portrait, depth, value, value scale, highlight, realism.

Assessment: Self assessment and teacher assessment rubric, See above for Essential standards and clarifying objectives.