Tour date: / 10th of April 2013, between 8:20 and 15:00
Name of area visited: / Oostvaardersplassen, marshland and mainly willow woods between the towns Almere and Lelystad in the Flevopolder in the Netherlands
Guide(s): / Taco
Nederlandse naam / English name / Wetenschappelijke/Scientific name
fuut / great crested grebe / Podiceps cristatus
dodaars / little grebe H / Tachybaptus ruficollis
aalscholver / great cormorant / Phalacrocorax carbo
grote zilverreiger / great egret / Casmerodius albus
blauwe reiger / grey heron / Ardea cinerea
lepelaar / eurasian spoonbill / Platalea leucorodia
knobbelzwaan / mute swan / Cygnus olor
kolgans / white fronted goose / Anser albifrons
grauwe gans / greylag goose / Anser anser
brandgans / barnacle goose / Branta leucopsis
bergeend / common shelduck / Tadorna tadorna
nijlgans / egyptian goose / Alopochen aegyptiacus
smient / eurasian wigeon / Anas penelope
wilde eend / mallard / Anas platyrhynchos
krakeend / gadwall / Anas strepera
pijlstaart / northern pintail / Anas acuta
slobeend / northern shoveler / Anas clypeata
wintertaling / common teal / Anas crecca
tafeleend / common pochard / Aythya ferina
kuifeend / tufted duck / Aythya fuligula
brilduiker / common goldeneye / Bucephala clangula
nonnetje / smew / Mergus albellus
bruine kiekendief / marsh harrier / Circus aeruginosus
buizerd / common buzzard / Buteo buteo
zeearend / white tailed eagle / Haliaeetus albicilla
torenvalk / common kestrel / Falco tinnunculus
meerkoet / common coot / Fulica atra
scholekster / oystercatcher / Haematopus ostralegus
kluut / avocet / Recurvirostra avosetta
kievit / northern lapwing / Vanellus vanellus
grutto / black-tailed godwit / Limosa limosa
tureluur / common redshank / Tringa totanus
zwarte ruiter / spotted redshank / Tringa erythropus
witgat / green sandpiper / Tringa ochropus
watersnip / common snipe / Gallinago gallinago
kokmeeuw / black-headed gull / Croicocephalus ridibundus
zilvermeeuw / herring gull / Larus argentatus
kleine mantelmeeuw / lesser black-backed gull / Larus fuscus
houtduif / wood pigeon / Columba palumbus
holenduif / stock pigeon / Columba oenas
grote bonte specht / greater spotted woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
veldleeuwerik / sky lark H / Alauda arvensis
boerenzwaluw / barn swallow / Hirundo rustica
huiszwaluw / house martin / Delichon urbica
graspieper / meadow pipit / Anthus pratensis
waterpieper / water pipit / Anthus spinoletta
witte kwikstaart / white wagtail / Motacilla alba
gele kwikstaart / yellow wagtail / Motacilla flava
winterkoning / wren / Troglodytes troglodytes
heggemus / hedge accentor / Prunella modularis
roodborst / robin / Erithacus rubecula
blauwborst / bluethroat / Luscinia svecica
merel / blackbird / Turdus merula
kramsvogel / fieldfare / Turdus pilaris
koperwiek / redwing / Turdus iliacus
zanglijster / song trush / Turdus philomelos
grote lijster / mistle trush / Turdus viscivorus
zwartkop / blackcap / Sylvia atricapilla
tjiftjaf / chiffchaff / Phylloscopus collybita
baardman / bearded tit / Panurus biarmicus
matkop / willow tit / Poecile montanus
pimpelmees / blue tit / Cyanistes caeruleus
koolmees / great tit / Parus major
boomkruiper / short-toed treecreeper H / Certhia brachydactyla
spreeuw / common starling / Sturnus vulgaris
gaai / eurasian jay / Garrulus glandarius
ekster / magpie / Pica pica
kauw / eurasian jackdaw / Corvus monedula
raaf / common raven / Corvus corax
zwarte kraai / carrion crow / Corvus corone
huismus / house sparrow / Passer domesticus
vink / chaffinch / Fringilla coelebs
groenling / greenfinch / Chloris chloris
rietgors / reed bunting / Emberiza schoeniclus

Total species seen / heared: 74, H= only heared

Highlights of the day:

·  “Natte Graslanden Lepelaarsplassen”; elevated look-out in the most southern part of the nature reserve the Oostvaardersplassen. Species seen here: We started the birding trip at this place. Lots of birds. At least 5 singing Bluethroats. The first Barn Swallows of the year, the first Blackcap of the year, a female. Lots of Greenfinch and Reed bunting. A short glance of two Bearded Reedlings. A single Spotted redshank was present. At one time all the birds panicked. The reason, two White-tailed Eagles. A very good view of one of them flying over.

·  Visitors center “De Oostvaarder”; very nice building providing panoramic views over a couple of manmade islands in this Southern part of the Oostvaardersplassen. Species seen here: Around 40 Pied Avocets, Nice views! And after seeing already some female Smew, finally a male Smew. A Raven far away in a tree and flying showing his wedge shaped tail.

·  “Trekvogel veldje”; small wet/grassy area with scrubs. Species seen here: This was our second stop. Lots of Songtrush (They were everywhere this day) In the field also a Yellow Wagtail, Meddow Pipit and Water Pipit and in the air a male Marsh Harrier.

·  “Krakeend route”, walk to observation hide overlooking shallow waters and grassland. Species seen here: The field was packed with Fieldfare, Redwing, Songtrush, Blackbird and a single Mistle Trush. Nice views of a singing Chaffinch and a single Spoonbill was showing his breeding plumage. At this place better views of a Yellow Wagtail.

·  “Praamweg”, road through wet grassland area with Konik horses. Species seen here: The first House Martin of this year.

·  “Grote praambult”, elevated look-out in north-eastern part of the nature reserve the Oostvaardersplassen. Overlooking some forest, ponds and a huge area of wet grassland. Species seen here: Very windy over here. Large groups of Barnacle Geese.