University of Illinois Extension

Kendall County Unit Council

Minutes November 17, 2009

Council Members Present:

Jeffrey Heidrich Craig Weber Ted Mathewson Belinda Hill

Charlotte St. John Dick Whitfield Dr. Jeff Wayda Aaron Morris

Aaron Rybski Brian Watkins Wayne Mundsinger

Mark Tronc Shawna Watkins Pat VanRiper

Council Members Absent:

Mary Buettner Christine Rott Janice McCann

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ted Mathewson at 7:00pm. A short Bio was given by each member present.

Secretary Minutes:

The minutes were read and a correction made to the next meeting date from 2010 to 2009.

A motion to accept the corrected minutes was made by Aaron Morris and a second by Aaron Rybski. Passed Unanimous.

Financial Report: Report given by Sandra Davis

Trust Financial report and Revolving Register report reviewed.

Current month $1,792 extension council to move to extension council FY2011.

Edu/Inst Supplies were high because of 4-H premium distribution.

Repair/Maint high because yearly maintenance contract for copier.

Second payment was received from the County Board.

We are being careful with monies because not sure when state match funding will arrive.

Motion to approve: Craig Weber, Second: Mark Tronc, Passed: unanimous.

County Board approved a 2.7% increase in funding. We had asked for 3.8%.

Staff reports received from each area.

Open position to replace Anne Lietz.

Applications being accepted until November 25.

Need to take Civil Service Exam.

The University will score test and send top 3 to Sandra Davis for site interview.

Environmental Partnerships was removed from agenda for November. Will be added again when activity occurs.

Nov 11, 2009 Council minutes (page 2)

Fair Board:

Annual Election brought 5 new members.

Events are being booked over 6 months out for facility.

Friends of Extension:

The Pork Chop dinner fund raiser is scheduled for July 17. Next meeting is Feb. 9 at 5pm. We

will promote this at the Funders Lunch.

Master Gardeners:

All volunteer time is to be logged by end of week so year end reports can be run.

Full cleanup of all sites complete.

12 people have signed up to attend Master Gardener Training.


Jeff Rugg will be attending Living on the Land In-Service in November.

Expansion Committee is working on program (DVD/Power Point, and other) to show what

Extension does. Social networking being considered as means of presenting.

Illinois 4-H shooting Sports

Wayne Mundsinger made a motion to approve this being added to the Kendall 4-H program as per State provided program detail. Second was given by Craig Weber. After discussion the motion was modified to include that after training of instructors, they are to present the program to Council.

Vote was taken by paper ballot: Yes 13, No 3. Passed.

Funders Luncheon:

The luncheon will be January 19 beginning at 12:30. The theme will be Mexico.

Jeff Rugg will give presentation on Master Naturalist program. Jeff Heidrich’s son, Ethan will prepare a public speech presentation.

Mark Tonc will be on the 4-H Foundation.

Ted Mathewson will be on the Expansion and review committee.

The State will be performing a Program Review on Feb 16. This takes place every 5 years.

The Extension office will be closed from December 24 through January 3.

Next meeting is January 12, at 7pm.

Motion to adjourn: Aaron Morris, Second: Belinda Hill, Passed: unanimous

Submitted by Wayne Mundsinger