EIND 499 – Industrial Engineering Capstone – Project Team Evaluation Form


The accurate and fair completion of this form should be considered one of the most important individual assignments you are responsible for during the course of the project. Students are expected to provide, meaningful, fair, andcomprehensive evaluation of the contributions of all team members. How well you complete these evaluations will be reflected in your individual grade.
Individual Team Member Performance
Use the following scale to rate the contributions of each team member, including yourself:
1 = Professional (excellent performance)2 = Adequate (good performance)3 = Inadequate
Attendance – present participatory at all team meetings.
Attendance – On time, stayed for the duration.
Contribution – Gave the project a high priority and willingly accepted responsibilities.
Contribution – Helped to identify and clarify problems.
Contribution – Completed assigned tasks as promised and on time.
Contribution – Displayed technical competence with the tools needed to complete the project.
Contribution – Demonstrates good problem solving skills.
Contribution – Contributed innovative ideas to the project.
Contribution – Communicates well in written form.
Contribution – Communicates well when speaking.
Contribution – Works well with project client.
Contribution – Completed work that was thoughtful and valuable.
Leadership – Identified what had to be done and did it without prompting or pressure.
Leadership – Provided guidance to other members of the group.
Leadership1– Communicated effectively with team members.
Leadership1 – Kept the group organized and moving forward.
Teamwork – Was willing to listen to others.
Teamwork – Willing to discuss disagreements and adapt.
Teamwork – Was easy to work with.
Teamwork – Assists other team members when needed.
Teamwork – I would be happy to work with this person again.

1 – For these leadership elements, please consider a team member’s contribution during their time as team lead.

Individual Team Member Performance – Continued
For each team member, what was their single most valuable contribution to the success of the team:
For each team member, what one thing do you wish they had done differently (done more of) to better position the team for success:
Use the following scale to rate the total contribution of each team member, including yourself:
1 = Too much (50%+)2 = Above Ave. (35 – 50%)3 = Ave. (25 – 35%)4 = Below Ave. (15 – 25%)5 = Unacceptable
Net Project Contribution
Who was the Most Valuable Team Member? ( 0 or more)
Overall Team Performance
Evaluate your team’s performance on the dimensions below. For each dimension, a score of 1 indicates the team was highly effective, and a score of 5 indicates the team was ineffective in this dimension. A definition of the most effective and least effective behavior is provided for each.
Note - The scores in this section will not impact the team’s grade. Instead, this information is being gathered to identify areas where the course instructor has an opportunity to provide improved support to the team function in the future.
Decision Making / Collaborative / Unilateral
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Cooperation / Members Help Others Out / Members Do Only Their Own Work
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Ability to work through conflicts / differences / Explore and Solve Conflicts / Avoid or Ignore
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Balance of Participation / Balanced Workload / A Few Do Most of the Work
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Focus / On Schedule / Focused / On Schedule / Off Topic / Off Schedule
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Communication / All Members Informed at All Times / Members Unaware of Others Work
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Accountability / Team Holds Members Accountable / Shortcomings Are Ignored
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Support / Members Support and Appreciate Others / Only Individual Work Appreciated
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Commitment / Common Values / Group of Individuals
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Common Goal / Committed to Common Purpose / Group of Individuals
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Additional Comments
Please share any additional comments you have regarding the performance of the team or individual team members on the project.

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