“International Sabbatical Program for Young Biomedical Investigator”

Regulations: Dos and Don’ts of Your Overseas Dispatch

1.  Visa

The dispatch recipient is responsible for confirming with the institution receiving him or her regarding what type of visa, if any, is required, and then obtaining it. Depending on the type of visa, it sometimes takes longer than expected to acquire the required documents, and so please get an early start on it. If it is absolutely required for the visa application, air tickets and lodging may be reserved before receiving the visa, but the dispatch recipient is responsible for paying any financial penalties (breach of contract, etc.) incurred due to delays in visa issuance. To avoid such a situation, get started early on checking and applying for any visa.

2.  Air Tickets

The Air Tickets must be issued only after a price quote (見積り) has been submitted to The Steering Committee, and the itinerary and cost have been approved. In addition, after the tickets are issued, the receipt must be submitted, as must the round-trip ticket stubs upon return to Japan.

3.  Dispatch Period

In the event that the actual dispatch period changes from that specified in your application due to delays in acquiring a visa, or your research situation, etc., you must promptly inform The Steering Committee (due to the need to re-examine your application). To avoid major changes in your schedule, your visa application process is to be started early.

4.  Contact to Reassure us of your Safety

During your dispatch, you must contact The Steering Committee (by email) to provide reassurance/information about your safety at the following time-points. At these times, you must report even trivial matters in the event that any troubles have arisen. (1) When you arrive at your destination (2) When you start your research (3) Immediately before returning (4) In the event of any emergency (illness, injury, trouble)

5.  Results Report

Longer term dispatch recipients are to submit a report every 2~3 months (The Steering Committee will establish the schedule according to each recipient’s dispatch period). Shorter term dispatch recipients are to submit a single report following their dispatch. The formatting style of these reports is flexible, but each report should be submitted in English as a word document, and should fill approximately one A4 page. In addition, 2~3 digital photos (with titles in English) are to be attached with the report, helping to explain research activity at the destination institution. (*We will post these reports and photos on our home page.)

Furthermore, in the event that a scientific paper or presentation is published with results obtained during the overseas dispatch, this overseas dispatch program must be acknowledged, and journal acceptance of any paper must be reported.

Acknowledment wording: This work was supported (in part) by the fund from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for the "Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits".

Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo/Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Tokyo

Program Steering Committee