(Clear, succinct and representative manuscript title, in capital letters, Times New Roman 14, centered)

(1 single space)

(For submission the manuscript should not contain information about the author or authors of filiation)

Abstract -- brief description of the work in current English language. It is mandatory the presence of objectives, methodology, main results and conclusion. The abstract should not exceed the limit of 250 words.

Keywords-- at least 3 (three) and at most five (5) representative words written in English.

(2 single spaces)


Authors are fully responsible for the information in the manuscript and are aware that any misconduct will be evaluated and decided by the Journal’s Editorial Board. Texts must respect the current language spelling, and the language reviewing is an author’s responsibility.

(1 single space)

2.1 Subtitle
Manuscripts must be typed in two columns of 80 mm x 245 mm with 5 mm spacing between columns. The text must be formatted in Word for Windows version 98 or higher (including tables and figures), A4 page, single-spaced, Times New Roman, size 10, with margins of 2 cm.
2.1.1 Subtitle

When the text is divided into subsections, these being numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract and references are not included in section numbering). Each title should appear on its own separate line.

(1 single space)


The introduction should state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate basis, avoiding a detailed literature review or a summary of the results. In the materials and methods section, authors should provide the methodology used to carry out the work. It should be clear and concise to allow the reproduction of the work elsewhere. Previously published methodology must be indicated by reference: only relevant changes shall be described. The results must be clear and concise. Dicussion must explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. In the conclusion section, the main conclusions of the study must be described succinctly.

When the study is related to experiments carried out with human beings, animals or genetic manipulation, the authors must inform in the methodology section the research ethical aspects with the approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution in consonance with the Declaration Helsinki (<>). Works without approval of the Ethics Committee will not be accepted for publication.

Graphs, figures and tables must be inserted in the text according to what is referred and should be sequentially-numbered in Arabic numerals. The title must be above the table and below the figure. Titles must be short but representative, with complete information contained in the table/Figure/Graph. Images must be inserted in the text with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. (1 single space)

All scientific contributions sent to publication will be submitted to the Chief Editor, Members of the Editorial Board. The evaluation is based on double-blind review and the final decision is an Editor-in-Chief responsibility. Additionally, the Journal reserves the right to decline the article deemed insufficient or is at odds with the principles and magazine standards. After acceptance of the manuscript, publishing rights become the Scientific Electronic Journal of UERGS, including translations, figures and others.
(1 single space)

References in the text must follow the ABNT (NBR6023). Citations must follow the ABNT (NBR10520).

References must be ordered alphabetically by the first author, single-spaced and separated by a single space, in increasing order of publication date. Take into consideration the following events:

Published Articles:

SILVA, L.N. A educação especial nas instituições públicas municipais de Porto Alegre. Educação e Cultura, Porto Alegre, v. 1, n.1, p. 123-140, jan./fev. 2015.


SILVA, L.N. Economia rural: um estudo de caso na região da Campanha (RS). Porto Alegre: LTC, 2008.

Book Chapters:

OLIVEIRA, L.A.R. de. Economia rural em Tapes. In.: SILVA, L.N. da. Economia rural: um estudo de caso na região da Campanha (RS). 3.ed. Porto Alegre: LTC, 2008. p. 25-35.

Theses or Dissertations:

SALAZAR, R.F.S. Aplicação de processo oxidativo avançado (POA) como pré-tratamento de efluente de laticínio para posterior tratamento biológico. 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Novos Materiais e Química Fina) - Escola de Engenharia de Lorena, Universidade de São Paulo, Lorena, 2009.

Works presented in Congress, Symposiums:

TRAINA JÚNIOR, C. GEO: um sistema de gerenciamento de base de dados orientado a objetos; estado atual de desenvolvimento e implementação. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 6., 1991, Manaus. Anais... Manaus: Imprensa Universitária da FUA, 1991. p. 193-207. :

For electronic documents, add at the end of the references, information: Available in : <electronic address>. Acessed at: day, month, year.