Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School Focused Visit Team Report

New England Association of Schools and Colleges

Commission on PUBLIC SCHOOLS

CommiTTEE on Technical and Career Institutions

Fifth-Year Focused Visit

August8-11, 2016

Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School

600 Atlantic Avenue

Starling City, MA 39471

Rev: 04/18/2017

New England Association of Schools and Colleges

Commission on PUBLIC SCHOOLS

COMMITTEE ON Technical and Career Institutions

Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School

Fifth-Year Focused Visit

August 8-11, 2016



Street Address

City, State, Zip



Street Address

City, State, Zip

Team Member


Street Address

City, State, Zip



Part One

Significant Changes ------

Part Two

Status of Visiting Team Recommendations------

Action Item Analysis by Status Category------

Disposition of Committee Recommendations------

Part Three

Alignment with Standards for Accreditation ------

Part Four


Commendations and Recommendations------

Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School Focused Visit Team Report


Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School is located in Starling City Massachusetts, and is centrally situated within the 12 sending cities and towns. The school was opened in 1971. There are sixteen trade offerings at Rydell RVTHS.

The current student enrollment at Rydell RVTHS is 756 students in grades 9-12. The student population is predominately white 82.7% and the minority population is at 17.3%. The female population is 39% down from 43% five years ago. Enrollment since the decennial has remained steady.

The most recent decennial evaluation of the school took place in October of 2010, when a team of educators assembled by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges visited the school to conduct an extensive evaluation of the school and its programs. The team compiled commendations and recommendations for the staff at Rydell RVTHS to review and address, consistent with NEASC policies and procedures. Following review by the Committee on Career and Technical Institutions, a vote was taken by the Committee to continue accreditation with a Two-Year Progress Report due in March 2012, and a Focused Visit to take place in the fall of 2016.

In preparation for the Fifth Year Focused Visit, the staff at Rydell RVTHS prepared a thorough report detailing the status of each recommendation contained in the 2010 evaluation report as well as in the 2012 Two Year Progress Report. The Focused Visit took place in the fall of 2016 and was conducted by a team of three evaluators assembled by the Committee on Technical and Career Institutions. The team conducted its evaluation through the thorough review of documents submitted in the report, interviews with administrators and other key personnel in the school, representatives of the student body, and many faculty members.

The Focused Visiting Team visited all shop areas and briefly observed classes and the general appearance and layout of each teaching area. The team interacted with faculty and students throughout the visitation. The observations throughout the visit were sufficient for the team to gain insight in general maintenance, cleanliness and operation and organization of most instructional programs.

The Focused Visiting Team is grateful for the hospitality extended by students and staff at Rydell RVTHS and for the courtesy and cooperation extended during the visitation. Physical accommodations and workspace were appropriate and students and members of the school staff extended the team every possible courtesy.



Since the decennial there have been significant changes that have occurred at Rydell RVTHS that should be noted. The educational program has been strengthened by the school addressing the lack of a unified curriculum process. The new process has involved curriculum mapping in all areas and all grade levels. The school has incorporated standards, competencies and common core standards into the curriculum. A voluntary interdisciplinary data team has been formed and works on curriculum. The school is offering AP courses to eleventh andtwelfth grade students.


Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School Focused Visit Team Report


Status of Visiting Team Recommendations

Standard/Educational Component:

School/Center Philosophy and Goals

Recommendations / Status / Comments
1. Continue to explore additional ways to implement the school’s philosophy and goals in instruction. / Completed / The school has incorporated our goals within the curriculum mapping and lesson planning initiatives as well as including them in our community service with student organizations.
2. Develop appropriate time annually to review the relevance of the philosophy and goals. / No action / The mission, vision, philosophy and goals have not been reviewed since the decennial visit. The School felt though that the four key components of the Philosophy are followed: Communication, Achievement, Respect and Ethics.

Standard/Educational Component:

School/Center and Community Relations

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Academic Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Academic Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Academic Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Program – Technical Program

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Educational Media Services

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Student Services

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Student Records

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

School/Center Staff

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:


Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

Finance and Business Operations

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

School/Center Facilities

Recommendations / Status / Comments

Standard/Educational Component:

School/Center Atmosphere

Recommendations / Status / Comments


Rydell Regional Vocational Technical High School Focused Visit Team Report


Action Items Analysis by Status Category

Action Items Analysis by Status Category


Standard / 1 – Completed / 2 – In Progress / 3 – Future Plans / 4 – Rejected / 5 – No Action / Total per Component
1. School/Center Philosophy
& Goals
2. School/Center and
Community Relations
3. Educational Program
(list programs)
Academic Program
Academic Program
Academic Program
Technical Program
Technical Program
Technical Program
Technical Program
Technical Program
4. Educational Media
5. Students Services
6. Students Records
7. School/Center Staff
8. Administration
9. Finance and Business
10. School/Center Facilities
11. School/Center
Totals by Category
Percentage of Total

Responses to Committee Recommendations

From Notification Letters (Decennial, Two-Year Progress Report, Special Progress Report)

Construct a timeline and implement a plan to address all health, safety, and infrastructure recommendations contained in the decennial report.

Response:All health, safety and infrastructure recommendations have been completed. New doors and windows have been installed in the south wing of the building, as well as new flooring in the gym.

Establish …


Hire …




Continue …


Reconsider …


PARt three



FA = Full Alignment PA = Partial AlignmentINS = Insufficient Evidence for Alignment

1 School/Center Philosophy and GoalsRating:____FA_____

The school has a separate, clearly stated philosophy which was approved by all stakeholders two years ago. The philosophy and goals are stated in the school’s publications and on the website.

2 School/Centerand Community RelationsRating:____FA_____

The school has positive community and parent relations. The school has developed partnerships with community agencies to assist students and their families. The school has a highly successful co-op program …

3 Educational ProgramRating:____FA_____

Since the decennial visit, the school has taken the recommendations to the educational program seriously. …..

4 Educational Media Services______Rating:______

5 Student Services______Rating:______

6 Student Records______Rating:______

7 School/Center StaffRating:______

8 AdministrationRating:______

9 Finance and Business Operations______Rating:______

10 School/Center FacilitiesRating:______

11 School/Center AtmosphereRating:______



The Focused Visiting Team recognizes the seriousness of purpose and dedication to students of the school which is displayed by all staff members. Recommendations contained in the evaluation report have been addressed with professionalism and to date nearly 85%have been completed with most of the remainder in progress.

The Team was very pleased how serious the school took the recommendations from the decennial visit and addressed them. The process of accreditation is key to the work of those involved in NEASC. Rydell RVTHS is a stronger school today than five years ago due to addressing recommendations related to the standards for career and technical schools accredited through NEASC.


The Focused Visiting Team has agreed on the following commendations:

  • The cooperative work experience program for its high percentage of students that participate.

The Focused Visiting Team has agreed on the following recommendations:

  • Begin the process of alignment with 2015 Standards for Accreditation.
  • Continue to address facilities recommendations.