June 12, 2012

Greenwood Township – Regular Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Greenwood Township Board of Trustees was called to order by Supervisor Terry Gill at 7:30 p.m. at the Greenwood Township Hall, 9025 Yale Road. Other board members present were Clerk O’Brien, Treasurer Ramsey, and Trustees Vincent and Stewart along with 10 residents. Supervisor Gill approved a request by Trustee Stewart to add Frontier to new business on agenda. Gill made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting on May 8, 2012 with 2 corrections. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

The treasurer’s report was read by Ramsey. Clerk O’Brien made a request to add a payment to Helen Preston for hall rental refund and Supervisor Gill made a request to remove payment for MTA dues until approved on agenda. Ramsey made a motion to approve the monthly bills as presented with Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

The Zoning Administrator was present to inform residents about the upcoming Planning Commission meeting on July 18th and building activity. Current activity includes two Agricultural buildings, a possible house to be built and an attached garage.

In citizen’s public comment questions were asked about possibility of more parking area at the township hall. Citizen commented about the new parking signs at the Fire Hall being effective.

In old business Stewart presented 3 estimates for playground mulch. Gill made a motion to approve Jack Golden Associates to deliver 106 yards of playground mulch and the repair of the Spring Riders in the amount of $4,240.00. Stewart seconding. Motion carried 5-0. Ramsey presented an updated price from BSN Sports in the amount of $1,614.00 for metal dugout benches. They have given a discount of $800.00 to purchase benches. Stewart made a motion to purchase metal benches from BSN Sports. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0. Stewart made a motion for John Engel to install the metal benches for the dugouts at the cost of $1,080.00. Ramsey seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

In new business Gill discussed MTA dues. MTA provides training, legal assistance and updated news for the township. Ramsey made a motion to accept the payment of MTA Dues in the amount of $2,127.35. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0. O’Brien read the Parks and Recreation Request for Local Millage Distribution. 2012 Local Millage Distribution will be $6,679.84. Stewart made a motion to accept. Ramsey seconding. Roll call: Gill – yes, Vincent – yes, Ramsey – yes, O’Brien – yes, Stewart – yes.

Gill made a motion to pay $1,639.32 for an agreement for roadside ditch improvement for a resident on Fischer Road. The agreement states Sanilac County to pay 33%, Greenwood Township to pay 33% and the resident pay 34%. Gill recommends Greenwood Township pay the township and residents share as well as the cost of trucking and 2 culverts for a total amount of $1,639.32. Vincent seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

Gill discussed new tables and chairs for the Township Hall. Stewart to get estimates on tables and chairs. Gill made a motion to accept verbal resignation from Vincent as the Planning Commission Township Board Representative and to appoint Heather Stewart as the new Planning Commission Township Boart Representative. Ramsey seconding. Motion carried 4-0. Stewart abstaining.

Stewart discussed changing the plan for the phone service through Frontier for the Township and the Fire Department. The new plan would include free long distance in the amount of $108.97 plus taxes and surcharges. Currently pay six cents per minute for long distance and on average $230.00 including taxes and surcharges. The savings for changing the plan would be an average of $50.00 per month. Gill recommended changing the plan.

In citizens comments a resident wanted to thank the township for allowing the Scouts to have use of the Hall recently. A resident discussed a power box which is uncovered and what it is for. Stewart to look at old site plans to attempt to decide what it is for. Gill recommended box to be barricaded until it is decided and corrected. Stewart discussed the horseshoe pits in the playground need to be moved to another location. John Engel will put together an estimate and submit to the Township. A resident recommended a check on the compressor on the Fire truck for a heating issue. Vincent to check with Fire Department.

Stewart made a motion to adjourn, Ramsey seconding. Motion carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.

Sonya O’Brien

Greenwood Township Clerk