Revised Job Descriptions, April 2014

1 / Job Title: /


2 / Reporting to: / National Working Group
3 / Key Relationships: / ·  Manages Operations Coordinator and National Administrator
·  Works closely with CMDS
·  Works closely with the NWG and National Focus Groups and the National Finance Team
·  Works closely with donors
·  Works closely with strategic partners
Areas of Responsibility: / Key Performance Indicators:
4.1 / Ensure National strategic development/planning / ·  Maintain a knowledge of key environmental trends and developments impacting the R2K by – amongst others - reading emails posted on R2K lists;
·  The NWG and National Focus Groups take positions on strategic issues
·  The NWG meets monthly to consider strategic issues and minutes are produced
·  The NWG adopts an annual strategic framework and budget
·  The National Summit sits, considers reports, and adopts a set of strategic resolutions
·  The NWG conducts an annual mid-term review and a report is produced
4.2 / Ensure national advocacy / ·  The NWG and National Focus Groups are supported to take positions on key advocacy issues and participate in identified policy processes
·  The NWG and National Focus Groups articulate R2K positions in relevant statements, submissions and popular education materials, and other media.
4.3 / Ensure financial planning & management / ·  R2K adheres to all relevant laws and regulations
·  R2K Financial policies and procedures are adhered to
·  Annual and project budgets are prepared and approved
·  Monthly finical reports and annual audited financial statements are prepared and circulated
4.4 / Ensure donor relationships / ·  Maintain a knowledge or the donor environment and current/potential donors, and maintain a donor register
·  Prepare funding proposals
·  Secure necessary financial resources for the campaign
·  Donor Narrative and financial reports are submitted
4.5 / Manage National strategic partnerships / ·  Maintain a knowledge of critical organisations whose work impacts on the Campaign
·  Explore and develop relevant cooperation with relevant National Focus Groups
4.6 / Manage Human Resource Systems / ·  Develop and review R2K Staff policies
·  Ensure all staff have valid job descriptions and employment contracts
·  Ensure legal compliance of the R2K with the LRA and other relevant laws
·  Implement staff policies as appropriate
·  Maintains historical records by designing a filing and retrieval system;
4.7 / Manage National staff / ·  Recruit National Staff
·  Ensure Provincail Operations Coordinator and Administrator have clear and manageable work plans and report on their implementation
·  Conduct performance appraisals as per the Staff Policy Document

Revised Job Descriptions, April 2014

1 / Job Title: /

National Organiser

2 / Reporting to: / National Coordinator
3 / Key Relationships: / ·  Work closely with Provincial Working Groups, Provincial Coordinators/Treaurers and Provincial Organizers to ensure provincial programmes
·  Work with National Coordinator and NWG to ensure strategic and operational coherence across the campaign.
·  Work with National Administrator to provide necessary financial and administrative support
Areas of Responsibility: / Key Performance Indicators:
4.1 / Ensure provincial strategic development/planning / ·  Maintain a knowledge of key environmental trends and developments impacting the R2K by – amongst others - reading emails posted on R2K lists;
·  The PWGs develop strategic interventions based on the dynamics in their provinces and on strategic priorities developed by the National Summit and NWG
·  PWGs meet monthly to consider strategic issues and minutes are produced and circulated
·  Annual Provincial Summit sits, considers reports, and adopts a set of strategic resolutions
4.2 / Ensure provincial financial planning, management, and support / ·  PWGs and Provincial Organizers adhere to R2K Financial policies and procedures
·  Provincial budgets are prepared and approved in line with available resources
4.3 / Support provincial and national advocacy / ·  National Focus Groups (NFG) are supported to take positions on key advocacy issues and participate in identified policy processes
·  Provinces develop and implement advocacy campaigns based on National summit, NWG and National Focus Groups positions on key advocacy issues
·  The PWG and provincial activists articulate R2K positions in relevant statements, submissions and popular education materials, and other media.
4.4 / Ensure popular education and mobilization materials are developed and maintained / ·  popular education and mobilization materials are developed with relevant national focus groups and/or provinces
·  popular education and mobilization materials are used in provincial work
4.5 / Support the PWGs and provincial coordination / ·  The Provincial Coordinator and PWG provide management to the Provincial Organizer
·  Minutes of monthly PWG meetings and monthly provincial plans are developed and circulated
·  Monthly Provincial narrative reports are prepared and circulated
·  Provinces receive appropriate support upon request

Revised Job Descriptions, October 2013

1 / Job Title: /


2 / Reporting to: / National Coordinator
3 / Key Relationships: / ·  Supporting the National Coordinator & Provincail Operations Coordinator and Provincial Organizers & Coordinators/Treasurers
·  Supporting NWG and Focus Groups as required
·  Liaising with CMDS and other service providers
Areas of Responsibility: / Key Performance Indicators:
4.1 / FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION / ·  Maintain list of pending creditors, debtors and advances that must be reconciled monthly.
·  Prepare requisition orders with supporting documentation, pay creditors,and follow up on payments.
·  Send payment requests to debtors
·  Ensure provinces provide supporting documentation to account forand reconcile all advances.
·  Ensure all financial policies are followed and all necessary signatures of approval are secured
·  Maintain up-to-date financial records and prepare for monthly delivery to service provider by second working dayof the month.
·  Assist in securing service providers as required.
·  Manage and reconcile the National Office petty cash monthly.
·  Prepare requisition orders and follow up on payment for travel and function costs.
4.2 / OFFICE ADMINISTRATION / ·  Take all general incoming telephone calls when in the office and clear voice mail daily.
·  General correspondence (forwarding correspondence as appropriate, responding as appropriate, drafting letters, sending emails, completing forms and documents to funders, etc)
·  Plan and arrange meetings of the national working group and ensure meeting minutes & agendas of NWG meetings are distributed.
·  Keep track of and complete supplier and donor contracts and agreements – including maintaining a record of upcoming donor narrative & financial reports in google calendar.
·  Maintain hard and soft copy files of all relevant R2K documentation
4.3 / OFFICE MAINTENANCE / ·  General office maintenance, including managing the office cleaner, and ensuring all workstations are clean at the beginning of the day.
·  Ordering equipment as required.
4.4 / COMMUNICATIONS / ·  Website maintenance and updates – in particular the “in the news” section.
·  Ensure provinces submit event registers and endorsement forms
·  Assist with and maintain data base by updating when requested and producing a monthly quality checked database report.
·  Communicate articles and information to members as appropriate

Revised Job Descriptions, October 2013

1 / Job Title: /


2 / Reporting to: / Provincial Coordinators & Provincial Working Groups
3 / Key Relationships: / Provincial Working Groups
Provincial Coordinator (day-to-day management)
Provincial Treasurer (financial oversight)
Provincial activists, organisations, movements (campaign implementation)
National Operations Coordinator
National Administrator
National Working Group
Areas of Responsibility: / Key Performance Indicators:
4.1 / Support Coordiantor and PWG to ensure provincial strategic development/planning / ·  Maintain a knowledge of key environmental trends and developments impacting the R2K in the province
·  Maintain a knowledge of key developments and decisions from the National Summit, NWG and National Focus Groups that are relevant to the province
·  Maintain a knowledge of critical organisations whose work impacts on the Campaign in the province and develop relevant cooperation
·  The PWG meets monthly to consider strategic issues and minutes are produced
·  The annual Provincial Summit sits, considers reports, and adopts a set of strategic resolutions
4.2 / Support Coordiantor and PWG to ensure provincial advocacy & popular education / ·  The PWG takes positions on key advocacy issues in line with national positions
·  The PWG articulates R2K positions in relevant statement, submissions and popular education materials, and other media.
·  Organise and mobilize organizations and movements to participate in the campaign including:
- responding to requests for visits/solidarity especially in provinces/areas outside of home base;
- actively searching out community organisations and struggles to expand mass base of Campaign;
- taking specific responsibility in arranging and accounting for transport arrangements for all events/struggles;
- responsibility for regular communication with all member organisations
·  Facilitate popular education events and material distribution with R2K provincial working groups, organizations and movements
4.3 / Ensure provincial administration / ·  Produce and circulate monthly narrative report to the PWG and the NWG on activities undertaken and programme of action for the following month.
·  Maintain all documentation and records of the R2K and send endorsement forms to national office
·  Update and maintain relevant email lists (this should be responsibility of Coordinator).
·  Submit reconciliations with supporting documentation to the Coordinator and National Administrator


R2K Job Descriptions (revised May 2014)